[60], What ultimately led to the abolition of the slave trade and the emancipation of slaves in Iran were internal pressures for reform. Cambridge University Press. A. Perikhanian (1983). African Muslims were however never captured as slaves due to the Islamic legal views. BARDA and BARDA-DĀRI iv. [48] The British consul reported that “in Beluchistan there are several hamlets inhabited by slaves, who till the Government’s property around Bampūr”, and in Sīstān “the cultivators of the soil are, for the most part, Slaves both black and white.” [49], The domestic slave pattern was similar in regard to the royal Qajar harem. Slaves were widely employed in irrigation, mining, and animal husbandry, but most commonly as soldiers, guards, domestic workers, and concubines. [2], On the whole, in the Achaemenid empire, there was only small number of slaves in relation to the number of free persons. [47] Slaves owned by the Turkmen tribes were used to herd their flocks and till their land, and in southeast Iran slaves were almost exclusively held for agricultural labor. Slave-owners had the right to the slaves' income. Figueroa, Don Garcia. Slaves from as far as Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia would be availed at the Zanzibar market and shipped through the Indian Ocean to the Persian Gulf or Arabic Peninsula where they worked in Oman, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Once a very large minority in Iran, nowadays due to being heavily assimilated over the course of time and the lack of censuses based on ethnicity, population estimates vary significantly. Sex-Slave Trade Highly Profitable. In 1462, Portuguese slave traders began to operate in Seville, Spain. Every person who purchases or vends a human as slave or treats with a human in another ownership manner or acts as an intermediary in trading or transit of slaves, shall be sentenced to one to three years of correctional imprisonment. Shah Sultan Hossain’s (r. 1694–1722) court has been estimated to include five thousand slaves; male and female, black and white, of which one hundred were black eunuchs. one Babylonian sold “his slave woman, a Bactrian” in Sippar (see for references M. A. Dandamaev, Slavery in Babylonia, DeKalb, 1984, p. 108; cf. Slavery Photograph: Rafael Ben-Ari/Alamy Stock Photo/Alamy Stock Photo. Many female slaves became concubines to their owners and bore their children. Although slavery has been abolished in every country, some forms of it still exist today. Debt slavery was no longer common. China has the second-highest number of slaves at 3.4 million, which is less than a quarter of India's. It is noted that the position of the formerly powerful eunuchs of the royal harem diminished in this period because of their shrinking numbers. The Babylonians were required to supply an annual tribute of 500 boys. Every person who purchases or vends a human as slave or treats with a human in another ownership manner or acts as an intermediary in trading or transit of slaves, shall be sentenced to one to three years of correctional imprisonment. ʿAbd-al-Ḥosayn Navāʾi, Tehran, 1376 Š./1997.p 336, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution, Timeline of abolition of slavery and serfdom, Slavery in the Achaemenid Empire (c. 550–330 BC), Slavery in Hellenistic Iran (c. 330–238 BC), Slavery in Parthian Iran (c. 238 BC–224 AD), Slavery under the Umayyads, Abbasids, and Persianate Muslim dynasties (c. 642–1220 AD), Slavery under Mongol and Turkoman rule (c. 1220–1502 AD), Slavery in Safavid Iran (c. 1502–1736 AD), Slavery under Nader Shah and his successors (c. 1736–1796 AD), "Elamites and Other Peoples from Iran and the Persian Gulf Region in Early Mesopotamian Sources", http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/arsacids-ii, http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/class-system-iii, https://iranicaonline.org/articles/barda-iii, https://iranicaonline.org/articles/barda-iv, https://iranicaonline.org/articles/fath-ali-shah-qajar-2, Sources of slaves were both foreign (e.g., non-. This led to the spread of Moorish, African, and Christian slavery in Spain. [3] He has also mentioned slavery after the rebellion of Egypt in the city of Barce [4] during the time of Cambyses and the assassination of Persian Satrap in Egypt. The bill also empowered the government to take immediate action for the emancipation of all slaves. The head of Iran’s Interpol bureau believes that the sex slave trade is one of the most profitable activities in Iran today, and government officials themselves are involved in buying, selling and sexually abusing women and girls. The wives and slave concubines of shah Fath-Ali Shah Qajar came from the harems of the vanquished houses of Zand and Afšār; from the Georgian and Armenian campaigns; as well as from the slave markets, and presented as gifts to the shah from the provinces. August 2018. Throughout Islamic history, slaves served in various social and economic roles, from powerful emirs to harshly treated manual laborers. 1983. There’s already a sense of a system of racialized slavery in Iran, and there are some actors trying to dismantle it. Plutarch also mentions that after the Romans were defeated in the Battle of Carrhae all the surviving Roman legionnaires were enslaved by the Parthians. The first large group of African slaves, made up of 235 slaves, came with Lançarote de Freitas three years later. Others were just used for sex before being transferred. Iranian women’s participation and decision-making in public life – Report to CSW65, NCRI Women’s Committee Annual Report 2021 on women in Iran, For rural women of Iran life means suffering and working as slaves, Bill to Protect Children and Adolescents Fails to Protect Girls, April 2021 Monthly Report – The mullahs’ CSW membership is a disgrace, Monthly Report March 2021 – exile of women political prisoners, executions, Monthly Report January 2021 – One million working Iranian women have lost their jobs, Monthly Report December 2020: Ramping up violence against women in prisons, Iranian officials’ wealth and the empty tables of women heads of household, The Greatest Picture in our Lost History of Iranian Women’s Struggle, Iran’s Female Workers Struggle with COVID-19, Poverty, and Oppression, Iran denies women participation and decision-making in public life, Working towards a democratic and peaceful world – Rashida Manjoo, Brave women of Iran stood up to a misogynous regime – Sarvnaz Chitsaz, Süssmuth: Women must stick together in their fight for a better world, Female political prisoners were raped in the 1980s – Rashida Manjoo, Remarks by Dominique Attias, President of European Law Society Federation. Harem properly refers to domestic spaces that are reserved for the women of the house in a Muslim family. [26] Slaves were imported from East Africa as well as from India via the Indian Ocean. After the Islamic conquest of Iran, slavery and slave trade came to be similar to those conducted in other Muslim regions, and were directed toward non-Muslims. a youth) or zar-ḵarīd (lit. The senior woman in rank in the harem was the mother of the Caliph. This history extends to Africa in the west and India in the east, to Russia and Turkmenistan in the north, and to the Arab states in the south. The second chapter, 'Slavery and forging new Iranian frontiers, 1800-1900' (pp. “The Long Fall of the Safavid Dynasty: Moving beyond the Standard Views.” International Journal of Middle East Studies, vol. Thousands of women and children in Iraq are being forced into marriage and sexual slavery by members of ISIS. However, the social, economic, and legal positions of slaves have differed vastly in different systems of slavery in different times and places. [32], One of the biggest slavery institutions in Safavid Iran was the royal Safavid harem and court. He was the author of several books, including a life of Muhammad, and articles in The Persian Encyclopedia, Western peer reviewed Journals as well as Iranica. Medieval Muslim literature and legal documents show that those female slaves whose main use was for sexual purposes were distinguished in markets from those whose primary use was for domestic duties. In the threshold between 7th and 6th century, Media was overflowed with captive slaves. White slaves were often provided through warfare such as the Russo-Iranian wars, tribal incursions, slave raids and punitive expeditions in Caucasus and Northern Iran, which provided for Christian Armenian, Georgian and Circassians, and for Muslim Iranians capture in slave raids by the Turkmens. pp. This private space has been traditionally understood as serving the purposes of maintaining the modesty, privilege, and seclusion of women from other men. The history of slavery spans many cultures, nationalities, and religions from ancient times to the present day. The Abbasid harem acted as a role model for the harems of other Islamic dynasties, as it was during the Abbasid Caliphate that the harem system was fully enforced in the Muslim world. Credit: Council of Europe. In contrast to the Qiyan, however, they normally did not perform for other men than the man in whose harem they were placed. Similar institutions have been common in other Mediterranean and Middle Eastern civilizations, especially among royal and upper-class families, and the term is sometimes used in other contexts. They are particularly known in history from the era of the Ottoman Empire, where they legally existed until the mid-19th century. In recent years, child prostitution has risen 635 percent in the country, and dozens of Iranian girls are brought to Arab countries, Pakistan and Bangladesh to be sold as sex slaves every day. Tehran: Habibi. In the case of nonpayment of a debt by the appointed deadline, the creditor could turn the children of the debtor into slaves. [42] Muslim Iranian slaves were mainly sold to Arabia and Afghanistan, and it was said; “most of the slave girls employed as domestics in the houses of the gentry at Kandahar were brought from the outlying districts of Ghayn.” [43], African slaves were provided from East Africa via the Indian Ocean trade, but also increasingly through the Persian Gulf by Arab and Persian traders, or by land by pilgrims returning from Mecca, which caused Iranian to call the slaves haji. Political and Social History of Iran from Teymur’s Death until the Death of Shah Abbas II. The Travelogue of the Sherley Brothers. African slaves in Iran during the Qajar era were often eunuchs. 281–304. When the number of white slaves diminished, free Iranian men were employed for the royal guards rather than the previous white ghilmans. ", According to Plutarch, there were many slaves in the army of the Parthian general Surena. It has been reported that the selling price of slaves decreased after large military operations. However, its study in ancient times is problematic and contested because it depends on the translations of terms such as dasa and dasyu. [39], Inside Iran, non-Muslims, often Jewish women, were kidnapped from their homes, and Muslim tribespeople were kidnapped or taken as war prisoners during tribal warfare, often by Turkoman slave traders. A harem may house a man's wife or wives, their pre-pubescent male children, unmarried daughters, female domestic servants, and other unmarried female relatives. Children were sometimes sold into slavery by their poor families, often in Armenia, Southern Iran and Kurdistan. 2001. An overview on Asian slavery which has existed throughout. NOT slavery is prohibited in the Constitution. The Sex Slave Trade is one of the most Profitable activities in Iran today. They were "slaves for pleasure" or “slave-girls for sexual intercourse”, who had received special training in artistic skills. 1. Slaves were mainly obtained either through sale or warfare. [41] In southeast Iran, slave raids were conducted by slavers, often local chieftains, as late as around 1900. The Iranian people are modern day slaves to the Islamic revolutionary system, suffering dearly so that the leadership and the rich and wealthy can enjoy these dire times in their mansions. [62], Original text of Iranian Slavery Abolition Act of 1929 is as follows: [63]. Most Afro-Iranians emerged in Iran through the Indian Ocean slave trade, which included a trade route between East Africa and the Middle East. [5], Under the Achaemenids, Persian nobles in Babylonia and other conquered states became large slave owners. The IUSSP XXIVth General Population Conference in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, August 18–24, 2001. p. 4.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link), BARDA and BARDA-DĀRI iii. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. A creditor could arrest an insolvent debtor and confine him to debtor’s prison. They recruited a substantial number of their domestic slaves from these vanquished peoples. Taheri, Abolghasem. It is important to note that slavery in Iran was not predicated on race. 35-52), provides detailed information regarding the difficulties and challenges, such as insecurity, that Iran confronted during the Qajar period , and which resulted in the displacement of local Iranians in general and the development of the slave trade and slavery in particular. [52] Young slave boys below puperty (ḡolām-bačča) served as servants and playmates in the harem. The main sources of slaves were wars and politically organized enslavement expeditions in North and East Africa, Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and the Caucasus. View Academics in African History, African American History, slavery in Iran on Academia.edu. Accessed 28 Mar. Slaves and slave trading in Shi’i Iran, AD 1500–1900. The idea to investigate African slavery in Iran and the Middle East more generally was born out of the Nigerian Hinterland Project (NHP), a research project funded by the Canadian government that focused on the displacement of people in Nigeria and neighbouring countries through slavery, Lovejoy explained. [44] Black slaves were mainly divided into Zangīs or Bambassee, who were imported from Zanzibar across the Indian Ocean; and Ḥabašīs from Ethiopia, Somalia (also called Souhalis and Nubees) and southern Sudan (also called Nubees). No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Uniquely in comparison to Western slave systems, Sasanian slavery recognized partial manumission (relevant in the case of a jointly owned slave, only some of whose owners were willing to manumit). Iranian filmmaker Kamran Heidari spent over a year in the Afro-Iranian community. In a recent report by the U.S. State Department, Iran was listed among the dozen countries with the poorest record of human trafficking. Thousands of Iranian women and girls have been sold into sexual slavery abroad. In his writing, Darius I uses this word to refer to his satraps and generals. This institution played an important social function within the Abbasid court and was the part of court were the women of the court were confined and secluded. Illegal acts of forced labor and sexual slavery in China continue to occur in the twenty-first century, but those found guilty of such crimes are punished harshly. Spain began to trade slaves in the 15th century and this trade reached its peak in the 16th century. No country is more stricken by COVID-19 than Iran. Their dress suggests that they belonged to the king or high-ranking members of his court. (In Farsi), Solṭān-Aḥmad Mirzā ʿĀżod-al-Dawla, Tāriḵ-e ʿażodi, ed. “Single Article” – In Iran, no one shall be recognized as slave and every slave will be emancipated upon arrival at Iran`s territorial soil or waters. Under this period Roman prisoners of war were used in farming in Babylonia, Shush and Persis. [13] Persian Zoroastrian slaves became common in the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphate, and many of the mothers, concubines, and slave qiyan musicians are identified as originally Persian. The 50,000 Circassians from Russia in Iran are an ethnic minority in Iran. The limited information available on this issue bespeaks of a catastrophe of colossal dimensions. In 2014 in particular, both groups organised mass kidnappings of large numbers of girls and younger women. In Ehsan Yar-Shater; William Bayne Fisher; Ilya Gershevitch (eds.). Slavery in Iran has a long history, with the trade in African slaves in particular spanning several centuries. [24], Slaves were procured through warfare, slave raids, by purchase or as gifts. Many historians have concluded that Renaissance and early-modern Spain had the highest amount of African slaves in Europe. 5: Institutions. Translated by Gholamreza Samii. During the 1470s, Spanish merchants began to trade large numbers of slaves. [12]. La guerre de 1828 avec la Russie a mis fin à l'importation d'esclaves blancs des frontières de l' Empire russe car elle a sapé le commerce des Circassiens et des Géorgiens , que l'Iran et la Turquie voisine pratiquaient depuis un certain temps. Circassians in Iran differ somewhat from other Circassians in diaspora in that most in the former stem from the Safavid and Qajar era, although a number migrated as muhajirs in the late 19th century as well. African slaves were imported by the East African slave trade across the Indian Ocean, and white slaves were mainly provided from the Caucasus area or the Caspian Sea through warfare and slave trade. Slaves, be they Muslim or those of any other religion, were equal to their fellow practitioners in religious issues. Misogyny and rampant corruption are inextricably intertwined with the existence of the regime ruling Iran, victimizing women and girl children more than any other sector of Iranian society. In Plautus’ Iran Man (Persa) effects of slavery is explored in certain instances.Being that most characters specifically; Bowman, Einstein, Brain Muffin, Georgia Moon, and Toyboy are slaves, they address the effects of slavery both directly and indirectly. [54] During the Qajar dynasty, slave soldiers, ghilman, were used for the royal guard, and they were mainly white slaves from Caucasus. The UN General Assembly defines human trafficking as, “illegal and confidential relocation of persons within the national borders, usually from developing countries and countries with instable economy in order to take sexual and economical advantage of women and girls for the profit of users, smugglers, criminal syndicates and other smuggling activities including forced housework, fabricate marriage and stepchildren and confidential employment.”. Take, for instance, the history of Africans in Iran. [59] It is noted that poor parents still sold their children in to slavery, and that slave raids by cheftains were still conducted in the early 20th-century. SLAVERY AND ITS EFFECTS IN Iran Man (Persad). Some women and girls are trafficked within Iraq for the purpose of sexual exploitation through the traditional institution of temporary marriages (muta’a).. [35] The slave concubines were sometimes forced to convert to shia islam upon entering the harem, and referred to as kaniz . Medians. [10] Principles that can be inferred from the laws include: To free a slave (irrespective of his or her faith) was considered a good deed. [57] At the same time and under various pressures, the British Empire decided to curb the slave trade through the Indian Ocean. ISBN: 978-1-4773-1186-8. This history extends to Africa in the west and India in the east, to Russia and Turkmenistan in the north, and to the Arab states in the south. From the port of Zanzibar the black slaves would be shipped to the Arabic peninsula or to the Persian Gulf to serve as slaves or soldiers in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iran or Iraq. The majority of modern slavery in Eritrea is said to be at the hands of the government, who force conscription upon their residents. The Byzantine–Ottoman wars (1265–1479) and the Ottoman wars in Europe resulted in the capture of large numbers of Christian slaves. The vast majority of them have assimilated to Persian language, and no sizeable number speaks their native Circassian languages anymore. Slavery in Spain can be traced to the times of the Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans. The Muslim world initially inherited the institution of slavery from pre-Islamic Arabia; and the practice of keeping slaves subsequently developed in radically different ways, depending on social-political factors such as the Arab slave trade. Information on privately owned slaves is scarce, but there are surviving cuniform documents from Babylonia and the Persepolis Administrative Archives which record slave sales and contracts. Prisoners of war (asīr) could be ransomed but were otherwise enslaved, and rebellions and upheavals such as the Afghan occupation (1722-1730) resulted in the enslavement of thousands; in these cases, the usual custom of only enslaving people of a different religion were overlooked. They were called "slaves for pleasure" or "slave-girls for sexual intercourse". As we know that people owned slaves during Arab, Mongol, Turkmen and Turkish occupations of Iran.

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