[209] Beginning in 1958, Nasser had a key role in the discussions among African leaders that led to the establishment of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) in 1963. Following the announcement of Nasser's death, most Arabs were in a state of shock. France-Israël: une passion contrariée. [33] Khairy Pasha agreed and sponsored Nasser's second application,[32] which was accepted in late 1937. [185] Nasser had considered dispatching troops to aid his Iraqi sympathizers, but decided against it. [197], On 8 February 1963, a military coup in Iraq led by a Ba'athist–Nasserist alliance toppled Qasim, who was subsequently shot dead. 138 – Alexandrie 21526 – République Arabe d’Egypte. [195] Most of Nasser's old colleagues had questioned the wisdom of continuing the war, but Amer reassured Nasser of their coming victory. [34] From his readings, Nasser, who frequently spoke of "dignity, glory, and freedom" in his youth,[35] became enchanted with the stories of national liberators and heroic conquerors; a military career became his chief priority. [182], Opposition to the union mounted among some of Syria's key elements,[187] namely the socioeconomic, political, and military elites. [89], Nasser made secret contacts with Israel in 1954–55, but determined that peace with Israel would be impossible, considering it an "expansionist state that viewed the Arabs with disdain". The assassination attempt backfired, quickly playing into Nasser's hands. [250], On 11 July, Nasser replaced Amer with Mohamed Fawzi as general commander,[251][252] over the protestations of Amer's loyalists in the military, 600 of whom marched on army headquarters and demanded Amer's reinstatement. [188] In response to Syria's worsening economy, which Nasser attributed to its control by the bourgeoisie, in July 1961, Nasser decreed socialist measures that nationalized wide-ranging sectors of the Syrian economy. [73] Nasser acquiesced, but delayed Naguib's reinstatement until 4 March, allowing him to promote Amer to Commander of the Armed Forces—a position formerly occupied by Naguib. [10], Nasser exchanged letters with his mother and visited her on holidays. Two days later, British and French planes bombarded Egyptian airfields in the canal zone. [205] Its head was to be Ahmad Shukeiri, Nasser's personal nominee. [234], Nasser told an East German newspaper in 1964 that "no person, not even the most simple one, takes seriously the lie of the six million Jews that were murdered [in the Holocaust]. [75] While visiting the striking officers at Military Headquarters (GHQ) to call for the mutiny's end, Nasser was initially intimidated into accepting their demands. Despite setbacks to his pan-Arabist cause, by 1963 Nasser's supporters gained power in several Arab countries, but he became embroiled in the North Yemen Civil War and eventually the much larger Arab Cold War. [146], By the end of 1957, Nasser nationalized all remaining British and French assets in Egypt, including the tobacco, cement, pharmaceutical, and phosphate industries. [267] In March, Nasser offered Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement arms and funds after their performance against Israeli forces in the Battle of Karameh that month. C’est là qu’il rencontre Anouar el-Sadate, avec qui il forme, à partir de 1945, le Mouvement des Officiers Libres pour lutter contre l’impérialisme, la monarchie et le féodalisme. [56] Accusations of corruption against Wafd politicians began to surface, however, breeding an atmosphere of rumor and suspicion that consequently brought the Free Officers to the forefront of Egyptian politics. [296] Egypt under Nasser dominated the Arab world in these fields,[293][296] producing cultural icons. [27] His own social status was well below the wealthy Egyptian elite, and his discontent with those born into wealth and power grew throughout his lifetime. "[284], Nasser made Egypt fully independent of British influence,[290][291] and the country became a major power in the developing world under his leadership. [347] Nasser and Tahia had two daughters and three sons: Hoda, Mona, Khaled, Abdel Hamid, and Abdel Hakim. 09/11/2020 • 6 min, « Tes yeux me font revivre les jours d’antan, Ils m’ont appris à regretter le passé et ses blessures » . [202], In January 1964, Nasser called for an Arab League summit in Cairo to establish a unified Arab response against Israel's plans to divert the Jordan River's waters for economic purposes, which Syria and Jordan deemed an act of war. [325] Historian Abd al-Azim Ramadan wrote that Nasser was an irrational and irresponsible leader, blaming his inclination to solitary decision-making for Egypt's losses during the Suez War, among other events. Assez réservé, Gamal Abdel Nasser se passionne très tôt pour la lecture. dans Analyses de l’actualité, "[129] Nasser assumed military command. [184], By December, the political situation in Syria was faltering and Nasser responded by appointing Amer as governor-general alongside Sarraj. In 1921, they moved to Asyut and, in 1923, to Khatatba, where Nasser's father ran a post office. [178], In the fall of 1958, Nasser formed a tripartite committee consisting of Zakaria Mohieddin, al-Hawrani, and Salah Bitar to oversee developments in Syria. [265] By mid-1970, Nasser pondered replacing Sadat with Boghdadi after reconciling with the latter. Il établit la théorie des cercles d’après laquelle l’Egypte a un rôle à jouer sur trois axes : arabe, africain et musulman. Décryptage de l'actualité au Moyen-Orient, Plus de 2700 articles publiés depuis juin 2010, Accueil / [59] In January 1952, he and Hassan Ibrahim attempted to kill the royalist general Hussein Sirri Amer by firing their submachine guns at his car as he drove through the streets of Cairo. [148] Although Nasser was an opponent of communism in the region, his promotion of pan-Arabism was viewed as a threat by pro-Western states in the region. [259], Israel retaliated against Egyptian shelling with commando raids, artillery shelling and air strikes. [284], Almost immediately after the procession began, mourners engulfed Nasser's coffin chanting, "There is no God but Allah, and Nasser is God's beloved… Each of us is Nasser. [94], At the Bandung Conference in Indonesia in late April 1955, Nasser was treated as the leading representative of the Arab countries and was one of the most popular figures at the summit. [268] He also advised Arafat to think of peace with Israel and the establishment of a Palestinian state comprising the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein, v češtině též Násir (15. ledna 1918 Alexandrie – 28. září 1970 Káhira) byl egyptský prezident (1956–1970).. V roce 1952 byl v čele vojenského převratu. Facebook donne … [13][24] On 12 December, the new king, Farouk, issued a decree restoring the constitution. [266] Nasser had initially rejected the plan, but conceded under pressure from the Soviet Union, which feared that escalating regional conflict could drag it into a war with the US. A failed counter-coup by a Nasserist colonel followed, after which Nasser condemned the Ba'athists as "fascists". [55] Its success and evident popular support among the Syrian people encouraged Nasser's revolutionary pursuits. [61] According to Aburish, after assuming power, Nasser and the Free Officers expected to become the "guardians of the people's interests" against the monarchy and the pasha class while leaving the day-to-day tasks of government to civilians. At the meeting, Khrushchev pressed Nasser to lift the ban on the Communist Party, but Nasser refused, stating it was an internal matter which was not a subject of discussion with outside powers. Alors qu'Emmanuel Macron reçoit Benyamin Netanyahu, l'essayiste Vincent Nouzille dévoile les … [79] The RCC succeeded in provoking the beneficiaries of the revolution, namely the workers, peasants, and petty bourgeois, to oppose the decrees,[81] with one million transport workers launching a strike and thousands of peasants entering Cairo in protest in late March. "[285] As a testament to his unchallenged leadership of the Arab people, following his death, the headline of the Lebanese Le Jour read, "One hundred million human beings—the Arabs—are orphans. Le jour où la guerre commence en Europe, le 3 septembre 1939, les Britanniques reprennent le contrôle militaire de la vallée du Nil, en application du traité anglo-égyptien de 1936. [156] This effort achieved a measure of success, with increased agricultural production and investment in industrialization. [280] Heikal, Sadat, and Nasser's wife Tahia were at his deathbed. [188] Nasser sent Egyptian Special Forces to Latakia to bolster his allies, but withdrew them two days later, citing a refusal to allow inter-Arab fighting. [309] He defined the politics of his generation and communicated directly with the public masses of the Arab world, bypassing the various heads of states of those countries—an accomplishment not repeated by other Arab leaders. He ceased consulting his colleagues and made more and more of the decisions himself. [69], Preceding the reform law, in August 1952, communist-led riots broke out at textile factories in Kafr el-Dawwar, leading to a clash with the army that left nine people dead. [190] In Egypt, the economic situation was more positive, with a GNP growth of 4.5 percent and a rapid growth of industry. [321] According to Heikal, ensuing anti-Nasser developments until the present day led to an Egypt "[half] at war with Abdel-Nasser, half [at war] with Anwar El-Sadat". Others produced plays denigrating his political opponents. The revolution they had long sought was launched on 22 July and was declared a success the next day. [204], After years of foreign policy coordination and developing ties, Nasser, President Sukarno of Indonesia, President Tito of Yugoslavia, and Prime Minister Nehru of India founded the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in 1961. Gamal Abdel NASER (dialekte egipta, arabe جمال عبد الناصر, aŭ Ĝamal, naskiĝis en 1918, mortis en 1970) inter la jaroj 1956 kaj 1970 estis la ŝtata prezidanto de Egiptio.En 1952, li kunlaboris kun Anŭar al-Sadat kaj aliaj por renversi la reĝon. [13], Nasser's involvement in political activity increased throughout his school years, such that he only attended 45 days of classes during his last year of secondary school. Land reforms guaranteed the security of tenant farmers,[219] promoted agricultural growth, and reduced rural poverty. Gamal Abdel-Nasser dirigea l’Égypte de 1954 à 1970. par Yara El Khoury, [223] During the '60s, the Egyptian economy went from sluggishness to the verge of collapse, the society became less free, and Nasser's appeal waned considerably. [282] The state of Nasser's health was not known to the public prior to his death. Ce leader charismatique aura marqué son époque, même s’il n’a pas réalisé son rêve d’unité. [183], Relations between Nasser and Qasim grew increasingly bitter on 9 March,[184] after Qasim's forces suppressed a rebellion in Mosul, launched a day earlier by a pro-Nasser Iraqi RCC officer backed by UAR authorities. Articles and topics related to Gamal Abdel Nasser, Modernization efforts and internal dissent, Domestic reforms and governmental changes, War of Attrition and regional diplomatic initiatives, يوميات الرئيس جمال عبد الناصر عن حرب فلسطين, Israeli TV, "Such a Life" 1971, interviewing Rabbi Shlomo Goren along with witnesses to the event (in Hebrew), Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council, were attempting to topple Syria's leftist government, https://es.findagrave.com/memorial/8183644/gamal-abdel-nasser, "A Historical Sketch of Gamal Abdel Nasser", "The Books Gamal Abdel Nasser Used to Read, 1. He suffered two major heart attacks (in 1966 and 1969), and was on bed rest for six weeks after the second episode. [52] Nasser had also felt bitter that his brigade had not been relieved despite the resilience it displayed. I will live for your sake and die for the sake of your freedom and honor. [80], On 5 March, Nasser's security coterie arrested thousands of participants in the uprising. Le jour où la guerre commence en Europe, le 3 septembre 1939, les Britanniques reprennent le contrôle militaire de la vallée du Nil, en application du traité anglo-égyptien de 1936. [213] Nasser retracted the initiative after Amer's allies in the officers corps threatened to mobilize against him. [292] During his presidency, ordinary citizens enjoyed unprecedented access to housing, education, jobs, health services and nourishment, as well as other forms of social welfare, while feudalistic influence waned.[290][293]. dans Portraits historiques, [114], On 26 July 1956, Nasser gave a speech in Alexandria announcing the nationalization of the Suez Canal Company as a means to fund the Aswan Dam project in light of the British–American withdrawal. [50][51], The Egyptian singer Umm Kulthum hosted a public celebration for the officers' return despite reservations from the royal government, which had been pressured by the British to prevent the reception. [214] Amer responded by directly confronting Nasser for the first time and secretly rallying his loyalist officers. [158] However, in January 1958, a second Syrian delegation managed to convince Nasser of an impending communist takeover and a consequent slide to civil strife. Le 18 juin 1956, comme prévu par l’accord de Suez, les soldats britanniques complètent l’évacuation de la zone du canal de Suez. [11][12] Nasser later stated that "losing her this way was a shock so deep that time failed to remedy". [211], Nasser also attempted to maintain oversight of the country's civil service to prevent it from inflating and consequently becoming a burden to the state. [112], Nasser was informed of the British–American withdrawal in a news statement while aboard a plane returning to Cairo from Belgrade, and took great offense. [238] Towards the end of May, Nasser increasingly exchanged his positions of deterrence for deference to the inevitability of war,[238][239] under increased pressure to act by both the general Arab populace and various Arab governments. [129], Despite the commanded withdrawal of Egyptian troops, about 2,000 Egyptian soldiers were killed during engagement with Israeli forces,[131] and some 5,000 Egyptian soldiers were captured by the Israeli Army. Gamal Abdel Nasser shugaban ƙasar Misra ne daga watan Yuni a shekara ta 1956 (bayan Mohamed Naguib) zuwa watan Satumba a shekara ta 1970 (kafin Anwar Sadat [146], In January 1957, the US adopted the Eisenhower Doctrine and pledged to prevent the spread of communism and its perceived agents in the Middle East. [191] In response, pro-union army units in northern Syria revolted and pro-Nasser protests occurred in major Syrian cities. [13] Nasser was arrested and detained for a night[18] before his father bailed him out. This alone may have been enough to balance his flaws and failures. Subsequently, the contract was cancelled by France and agreement on compensation reached with the Russian government. La République est proclamée le 18 juin 1953, mais Nasser n’en est que premier ministre. [70] In March 1953, Nasser led the Egyptian delegation negotiating a British withdrawal from the Suez Canal. He succeeded in lobbying the attendees to pass resolutions on each of these issues, notably securing the strong support of China and India. Fervent nationaliste, Gamal Abdel Nasser instaure la république en Egypte et prend la tête du pays en 1954 avec pour ambition de le moderniser. [73], When Naguib began showing signs of independence from Nasser by distancing himself from the RCC's land reform decrees and drawing closer to Egypt's established political forces, namely the Wafd and the Brotherhood,[74] Nasser resolved to depose him. [211] New laws provided workers with a minimum wage, profit shares, free education, free health care, reduced working hours, and encouragement to participate in management. [13] Two protesters were killed and Nasser received a graze to the head from a policeman's bullet. [87] Eight Brotherhood leaders were sentenced to death,[87] although the sentence of its chief ideologue, Sayyid Qutb, was commuted to a 15-year imprisonment. The Muslim Brotherhood supported the RCC, and after Naguib's assumption of power, demanded four ministerial portfolios in the new cabinet. In 1963, Egyptian director Youssef Chahine produced the film El Nasser Salah El Dine ("Saladin The Victorious"), which intentionally drew parallels between Saladin, considered a hero in the Arab world, and Nasser and his pan-Arabist policies. [211] The charter called for universal health care, affordable housing, vocational schools, greater women's rights and a family planning program, as well as widening the Suez Canal. [140][141], After the fighting ended, Amer accused Nasser of provoking an unnecessary war and then blaming the military for the result. [293], During Mubarak's presidency, Nasserist political parties began to emerge in Egypt, the first being the Arab Democratic Nasserist Party (ADNP). Bibliographie :Jack DAUMAL, Marie LEROY, Gamal Abd-el-Nasser, Paris, Editions Seghers, 1967.Jean LACOUTURE, Nasser, Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1971.Vincent CLOAREC, Henry LAURENS, Le Moyen-Orient au 20è siècle, Paris, Armand Colin, 2005. [234] Moreover, Amer anticipated an impending Israeli attack and advocated a preemptive strike. [247][248] He announced his resignation on television later that day, and ceded all presidential powers to his then-Vice President Zakaria Mohieddin, who had no prior information of this decision and refused to accept the post. [204][205] In practice, Nasser used the PLO to wield control over the Palestinian fedayeen. [55] Abdel Hadi was also hesitant to take drastic measures against the army, especially in front of its chief of staff, who was present during the interrogation, and subsequently released Nasser. dans Portraits historiques, That same year, Nasser had the Muslim Brotherhood chief ideologue Sayyed Qutb imprisoned. According to Sadat, it was only when the Israelis cut off the Egyptian garrison at Sharm el-Sheikh that Nasser became aware of the situation's gravity. [58] The popularity of this move, as well as that of government-sponsored guerrilla attacks against the British, put pressure on Nasser to act. On 12 July, he was lightly wounded in the fighting. [275] Nasser forestalled any movement toward direct negotiations with Israel. [130] Amer strongly disagreed, insisting that Egyptian tanks meet the Israelis in battle. [323] Egyptian political scientist Alaa al-Din Desouki blamed the 1952 revolution's shortcomings on Nasser's concentration of power, and Egypt's lack of democracy on Nasser's political style and his government's limitations on freedom of expression and political participation. [13][23] He took up acting in school plays for a brief period and wrote articles for the school's paper, including a piece on French philosopher Voltaire titled "Voltaire, the Man of Freedom". Politique, Société • [170] While most members of the Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council (RCC) favored Iraqi-UAR unity,[181] Qasim sought to keep Iraq independent and resented Nasser's large popular base in the country. [4] Nasser's father was a postal worker[5] born in Beni Mur in Upper Egypt,[6][7] and raised in Alexandria,[4] and his mother's family came from Mallawi, el-Minya. [55] The interrogation pushed Nasser to speed up his group's activities. He graduated from the Military Academy in 1938 and was appointed as an officer in Infantry in Assiut. [178] The entire Iraqi royal family was killed, and Al-Said's and Iraqi crown prince 'Abd al-Ilah's bodies were mutilated and dragged across Baghdad. Amer committed suicide on 14 September. [180] On 15 July, US marines landed in Lebanon, and British special forces in Jordan, upon the request of those countries' governments to prevent them from falling to pro-Nasser forces. [213][214] Moreover, he instructed that the primary criterion for promotion should be merit and not personal loyalties. Afterwards, Nasser published a simple six-point program in Rose al-Yūsuf to dismantle feudalism and British influence in Egypt. [132] To counterbalance the Egyptian Army's dismal performance, Nasser authorized the distribution of about 400,000 rifles to civilian volunteers and hundreds of militias were formed throughout Egypt, many led by Nasser's political opponents. [301] Sabahi came in third place during the 2012 presidential election. [169], Gamal Abdel Nasser, 19 July in Damascus[170], In Lebanon, clashes between pro-Nasser factions and supporters of staunch Nasser opponent, then-President Camille Chamoun, culminated in civil strife by May. [180] On 19 July, for the first time, he declared that he was opting for full Arab union, although he had no plan to merge Iraq with the UAR. [53] He started writing his book Philosophy of the Revolution during the siege. While most of the RCC insisted on executing the riot's two ringleaders, Nasser opposed this. [45] Nasser was deputy commander of the Egyptian forces that secured the Faluja pocket (commanded by Said Taha Bey[47] nicknamed the "Sudanese tiger" by the Israelis[48]). [156] Nasser initiated the Helwan steelworks, which subsequently became Egypt's largest enterprise, providing the country with product and tens of thousands of jobs. [76] As Naguib intended, a mutiny immediately followed, demanding Naguib's reinstatement and the RCC's dissolution. [19][20][21] His association with the group and active role in student demonstrations during this period "imbued him with a fierce Egyptian nationalism", according to the historian James Jankowski. [166] On 4 March, Nasser addressed the masses in Damascus and waved before them the Saudi check given to Syrian security chief and, unbeknownst to the Saudis, ardent Nasser supporter Abdel Hamid Sarraj to shoot down Nasser's plane. Dans le contexte des destructions qui ont touché le patrimoine architectural de Beyrouth lors des explosions du 4 (...), Géopolitique du vaccin au Moyen-Orient : point de (...), « Israël n’enregistre aucun mort du COVID-19 pour la première fois en 10 mois » , « Israël serait sur le point d’atteindre l’immunité collective » , « (...), La politique étrangère cairote sous Sadate (3/3) : des (...), La politique étrangère cairote sous Sadate (2/3) : une (...), La politique étrangère cairote sous Sadate (1/3) : (...), A relire, en lien avec l’actualité du canal de Suez (...). Nasser's detractors criticize his authoritarianism, his human rights violations and his dominance of the military over civil institutions, establishing a pattern of military and dictatorial rule in Egypt. 14/08/2020 • 4 min, « Israël n’enregistre aucun mort du COVID-19 pour la première fois en 10 mois » , « Israël serait sur le point d’atteindre l’immunité collective » , « (...) [218] Nasser's tilt toward a Soviet-style system led his aides Boghdadi and Hussein el-Shafei to submit their resignations in protest. [58] According to Sadat, Nasser decided to wage "a large scale assassination campaign". Consequently, Nasser's prestige was greatly boosted, as was his self-confidence and image. [222] Qutb was charged and found guilty by the court of plotting to assassinate Nasser, and was executed in 1966. Forces militaires / coopération régionale, L’Egyptienne Huda Sharawi a œuvré pour les droits des femmes dans son pays et s’est investie dans la libération nationale de l’Égypte. [263], Nasser appointed Sadat and Hussein el-Shafei as his vice presidents in December 1969. [254] Nasser was tipped off about their activities and, after several invitations, he convinced Amer to meet him at his home on 24 August. [167] As a consequence of Saud's plot, he was forced by senior members of the Saudi royal family to informally cede most of his powers to his brother, King Faisal, a major Nasser opponent who advocated pan-Islamic unity over pan-Arabism. [118] The official reason given for the nationalization was that funds from the canal would be used for the construction of the dam in Aswan. (...) [105], After the three-year transition period ended with Nasser's official assumption of power, his domestic and independent foreign policies increasingly collided with the regional interests of the UK and France. Nasser agreed to establish a loose federal union with Yemen—the United Arab States—in place of total integration. Při něm byl svržen dosavadní egyptský král Farúk I. a poté nastolena republika.Od roku … Il naît le 15 janvier 1918 dans une famille modeste. [333], To varying degrees,[37] Nasser's statist system of government was continued in Egypt and emulated by virtually all Arab republics,[334] namely Algeria, Syria, Iraq, Tunisia, Yemen, Sudan, and Libya. In dozens of speeches and statements, Nasser posited the equation that any direct peace talks with Israel were tantamount to surrender. By the end of his presidency, employment and working conditions improved considerably, although poverty was still high in the country and substantial resources allocated for social welfare had been diverted to the war effort. [211][212] In late 1961, Nasser established the Presidential Council and decreed it the authority to approve all senior military appointments, instead of leaving this responsibility solely to Amer.

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