In the event that all or part of our assets or sold or acquired by another party, or in the event of a merger, you grant us the right to assign the personally identifiable and non-personally identifiable information collected via the Site. We may post a notice on our Site if a security breach occurs. Hard-hitting and ambitious to a fault, The Ivory Game serves as a fittingly urgent call to action against a looming threat against vulnerable wildlife and a fragile ecosystem. The Ivory Game is a Netflix Documentary produced by Terra Mater Factual Studios and Vulcan Productions, in collaboration with Leonardo DiCaprio. We also invite you to bring to our attention any material you believe to be factually inaccurate by contacting us at . Raquel has had a longtime crush on her hot neighbor, Ares, whom she secretly watches but has never spoken to. Vulcan reserves the right to reject or terminate any user name or password that, in its judgment, it deems offensive. We will not collect, use or share the information without parental consent. We do not want anyone to be confused as to which materials and services are provided by Vulcan and which are not. If a child is selected as a potential winner of one of our contests or sweepstakes, we will notify the child’s parent via the email address that the child submitted. Finally, we may disclose a child’s personally identifiable information to third parties if we believe we are required to do so in order to comply with law (including court orders and subpoenas); to comply with requests from law enforcement agencies or the government; to enforce our Visitor Agreement; to protect our rights, privacy, safety or property and the rights, privacy, safety or property of our employees or other users of our Site; to protect our operations; and to permit us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain. Clearance of Your Content Submission for the Vulcan Parties’ Use. YOU AGREE THAT THE LIABILITY OF THE SITE, VULCAN AND ITS AFFILIATES, AGENTS AND LICENSORS, IF ANY, ARISING OUT OF ANY KIND OF LEGAL CLAIM IN ANY WAY CONNECTED TO THE SITE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT, IF ANY, YOU PAID TO VULCAN FOR THE USE OF THE SITE. THE IVORY GAME, a feature-length documentary on the illegal ivory trade, depicts the fight against elephant poaching and wildlife trafficking from Africa to China. Non-personally identifiable information does NOT identify you personally. THE SITE, VULCAN INC. AND THEIR AFFILIATES, AGENTS AND LICENSORS CANNOT AND DO NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, CURRENTNESS, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SITE, NOR DO THEY GUARANTEE THAT THE SITE WILL BE ERROR- FREE OR CONTINUOUSLY AVAILABLE, OR THAT THE SITE WILL BE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS. For example, when someone visits a page within the Site, a cookie is placed on the user’s machine (if the user accepts cookies) or is read if the user has visited the Site previously. Vulcan will not store or otherwise use that information. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute through informal negotiation, you and Vulcan agree that exclusive jurisdiction for the dispute shall be binding arbitration before one arbitrator to be mutually agreed upon by both parties. We will process your unsubscribe as soon as possible, but please be aware that in some circumstances you may receive a few more messages until the unsubscribe is processed. You represent and warrant that, to the best of your knowledge, no further permissions or fees are due for the Vulcan Parties’ use and distribution of your Content Submission or any Elements therein. The Ivory Game goes undercover into the dark and sinister underbelly of ivory trafficking. (1) Personally Identifiable Information We may share or disclose your personally identifiable information in the following instances: (i) To fulfill a service to you. Except as provided in this Section, we do not share personally identifiable information collected from children with any unaffiliated third parties. Du cœur de l'Afrique aux rues de Chine, THE IVORY GAME dévoile le monde obscur du trafic d'ivoire. If you disagree with any material you find on the Site, we recommend that you respond by noting your disagreement in an appropriate site forum where there is one. Release and Waiver; Indemnification. A second victim reveals the truth. But we cannot and do not review every posting made on Vulcan’s community and social media sites, or in chat rooms, forums, blogs, and other public posting areas. With the exception of any and all Content Submissions (Vulcan’s permitted use of which is discussed above) and any material posted on Vulcan’s community and social media sites, all other material you submit to any of our chat rooms, forums, blogs and other public posting areas, whether text or images, becomes the property of Vulcan and may be reproduced, modified and distributed as we see fit, in any medium, for any purpose and in perpetuity. Vulcan and its information providers make no warranty as to the reliability, accuracy, timeliness, usefulness or completeness of the information on the Site. Submitting or posting material that is the property of another, without the consent of its Vulcan, is not only a violation of this Visitor Agreement, but may also subject you to legal liability for infringement of copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights. This privacy policy has been made in and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington , without giving effect to any conflict of law principles. The informal negotiation period will begin when the party asserting the dispute sends a written notice to the other party describing the facts and circumstances of the dispute. Did she do it? Information Collected This privacy policy applies only to information collected on the Site and does not apply to information collected by Vulcan through any other means. By using the Site, you agree that the exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute not subject to the arbitration provision discussed above shall be the state and federal courts located in Washington. Vulcan collects and stores the personally identifiable information that you have provided to us. You are free to display and print for your personal, non-commercial use information you receive through the Site. Here are some examples of instances in which Vulcan may immediately delete the child’s information after the completion of the child’s initial request: If the child refers a game to a friend, we may request his or her first name and email address and the friend’s first name and email address; If the child wants to receive a postcard on one occasion; and. Vulcan does not support Do Not Track browser settings and does not currently participate in any “Do Not Track” frameworks that would allow us to respond to signals or other mechanisms from you regarding the collection of your Personally Identifiable Information or Non Personally Identifiable Information. Here are some examples of the non-personally identifiable information that is collected via the Site and a description of how this information is used: Internet Protocol (IP) address – Your IP address is a number that lets computers attached to the Internet know where to send you data – such as the webpages you view. For changes to this privacy policy that may be materially less restrictive on our use or disclosure of personal information you have provided to us, we will attempt to obtain your consent before implementing the change by sending a notice to the primary email address specified in your account or by placing a prominent notice on the Site. You represent and warrant that your Video Submission is your original work and that you have secured any and all rights, releases and permissions necessary for the Vulcan Parties’ use and distribution of your Video Submission hereunder, including without limitation those related to any people, places, music, performances of dance or music, video, photographs and/or graphics in your Content Submission (collectively, the “Elements”). Consequently, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us and you understand that any information that you transfer to Vulcan is done at your own risk. No data transmissions over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. The information that is collected will only be used for the requested purpose and will be deleted immediately. We hope you enjoy using the Site, and we welcome suggestions for improvements. De documentaire werd geproduceerd door Leonardo DiCaprio en doet hetzelfde als The Cove in 2009 deed voor de dolfijnenslachtingen in Japan en … The email will include details on how the parent may (i) provide Vulcan with consent; (ii) prohibit Vulcan from any further contact with the child; or (iii) delete the child’s personally identifiable information. We provide you with an opportunity to access your personally identifiable information to ensure it is correct, accurate and current. (vii) To track and analyze non-identifying and aggregate usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers and provide such information to third parties. Door verder gebruik … Noomi Rapace stars. Directed by Kief Davidson, Richard Ladkani. To be removed from our mailing list or if you would prefer that we do not share your information with third party marketers, please contact us at:. The Ivory Game. (iii) To unaffiliated third-party service providers, agents or independent contractors who help us maintain our Site and provide other administrative services to us (including, but not limited to, order processing and fulfillment, providing customer service, maintaining and analyzing data, sending customer communications on Vulcan’s behalf, and entry collection, winner selection and prize fulfillment for contests, sweepstakes and other promotions). When used in HTML-formatted email messages, web beacons can tell the sender whether and when the email has been opened. Generally, users cannot opt-out of these communications, but they will be primarily informational in nature rather than promotional. ELI published its powerful “Blending Ivory: Old Loopholes, New Hopes” investigative report in January 2016. BY USING THE SITES, YOU ARE HEREBY GIVING UP YOUR RIGHT TO LITIGATE A DISPUTE IN COURT BEFORE A JUDGE OR JURY. Vulcan will not collect more information than is reasonably necessary for the child to participate in the activity at issue. We do not, however, link this information to personally identifiable information when it is collected from children. Judgment on any potential award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. BECAUSE OF THE NUMBER OF POSSIBLE SOURCES OF INFORMATION AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SITE, AND THE INHERENT HAZARDS AND UNCERTAINTIES OF ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION, THERE MAY BE DELAYS, OMISSIONS, INACCURACIES OR OTHER PROBLEMS WITH SUCH INFORMATION. If we become aware that we have inadvertently received personally identifiable information from a user under the age of thirteen other than in a legally permissible situation, we will delete the information from our records as soon as we discover it. The Ivory Game is a 2016 American documentary film, directed by Kief Davidson and Richard Ladkani. IF YOU RELY ON THE SITE OR ANY MATERIAL AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SITE, YOU DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK. If the child sends a postcard to a friend on one occasion, we may request his or her first name and email address and the friend’s first name and email address. THE IVORY GAME is an undercover feature-documentary, set to expose the dark world of ivory trafficking. You also agree not to (i) select, register, or attempt to register, or use a user name of another person with the intention of impersonating that person; (ii) use a user name of anyone else without authorization; (iii) use a user name in violation of the intellectual property rights of any person; or (iv) use a user name that Vulcan considers to be offensive. To be effective, the counter-notification must be a written communication that includes the following: Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled, and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled; A statement from you, under penalty of perjury, that you have a good-faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled; Your name, physical address and telephone number, and a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of a federal district court for the judicial district in which your physical address is located, or if your physical address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which we may be found, and that you will accept service of process from the person who provided notification of allegedly infringing material or an agent of such person. However, we provide you the opportunity to exercise an opt-out choice if you do not want to receive other types of communication from us, such as emails or updates from us regarding new services and products offered on the Site or if you do not want us to share your personally identifiable information with third parties. The Vulcan staff works hard to ensure that information we post to the Site is both timely and accurate. BY USING THE SITE, YOU CONSENT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY AND TO OUR PROCESSING OF PERSONAL INFORMATION FOR THE PURPOSES STATED BELOW. In the event that any portion of this Visitor Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the enforceability or validity of any other portion of this Visitor Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect and be construed as if the invalid or unenforceable portion were not part of the Visitor Agreement. To edit your personally identifiable information, please contact our customer service representatives at Also, in connection with the exercise of such rights, you grant Vulcan and its distribution partners, and anyone authorized by Vulcan, the right to identify you as the author of any of your postings or submissions by name, email address or screen name, as Vulcan deems appropriate. We use firewalls to protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. You agree that the information you supply during that registration process will be accurate and complete. You may set most browsers to notify you if you receive a cookie, or you may choose to block cookies with your browser, but if you do, you may not be able to take advantage of the personalized features enjoyed by other users to our Site. Documentairemakers Kief Davidson en Richard Ladkani infiltreren in het corrupte en wereldwijde ivoorsmokkelnetwerk en hekelen de meedogenloze stropers. By posting or submitting any material (including, without limitation, photographs and videos) to the Site, you are warranting and representing that you own or have the right to post or make such submission of the material, or are making your submission or posting with the express consent of the Vulcan, and that no other party has any right, claim, or interest in the material that you have submitted or posted. This Agreement has been made in and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, without giving effect to any conflict of law principles. COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL MEDIA SITES, CHAT ROOMS, FORUMS, AND BLOGS. This privacy policy does not pertain to information that is collected offline. Tasked to deliver a package that could end world war, six soldiers must skate across a frozen sea, unaware of what they’re carrying. Be informed and #buyinformed. Kief Davidson and Richard Ladkani also directed the award-winning documentary "The Devil’s Miner.". We collect and store the non-personally identifiable information that is described in Section A(2) of this privacy policy. From time to time, we may request limited personally identifiable information from children in order to offer a service, a promotion or other activity to children. By using the Site, you agree to abide by the terms of this Visitor Agreement. This Visitor Agreement applies to your use of the website (the “Site”). Further, you understand that by posting material on the Site and social media sites, you are granting to Vulcan, and to anyone authorized by Vulcan, a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non- exclusive, unrestricted, worldwide license to display, use, copy, modify, transmit, sell, exploit, create derivative works from, distribute, and/or publicly perform such materials posted on the Site and social media sites, in whole or in part, in any manner or medium, now known or hereafter developed, for any purpose. In the event of any controversy, claim or dispute (“dispute”) related to or arising out of your use of the Sites, you and Vulcan mutually agree to the following dispute resolution procedure: The parties will first attempt in good faith to resolve any dispute by informal negotiation. Filmmakers infiltrate the corrupt global network of ivory trafficking, exposing poachers and dealers as African elephants edge closer to extinction. This statement applies solely to information collected on the Site. In such an instance, we will request that the child provide his or her email address, as well as the email address of his or her parent or legal guardian (“parent”). Wildlife activists in take on poachers in an effort to end illegal ivory trade in Africa. Cookie – A “cookie” is a small text file that may be used to collect information about your activity on the Site. In the course of such verification, we may receive personally identifiable information about you from such services. De Afrikaanse olifant wordt met uitsterven bedreigd. Personally Identifiable Information. The Ivory Game is te zien op Netflix en past prima in het rijtje dierenrechten-thrillers van de afgelopen jaren. In contrast to cookies, which are stored on a user’s computer hard drive, web beacons are embedded invisibly on web pages. The above list provides an example of the non-personally identifiable information that is collected via the Site. You can expect these areas to include content, information, and opinions from a variety of individuals and organizations other than Vulcan . You acknowledge and agree that neither Vulcan nor any of its affiliates or distribution partners shall assume or have any liability for any action or inaction by Vulcan with respect to any conduct within the Site or any communication or posting on the Site. (BECAUSE SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF CERTAIN CATEGORIES OF DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Vulcan is not responsible for, and cannot guarantee the performance of, goods and services provided by our advertisers or others to whose sites we link. View All Videos (3) The Ivory Game Quotes. *NOTICE AND PROCEDURE FOR MAKING CLAIMS OF COPYRIGHT *. We use this information to provide you with personalized services and to analyze trends to ensure the information provided by the Site meets your needs. When we collect personally identifiable information from kids, we will only use that information for the express purpose for which it was collected. By continuing to use the Site after we post any such changes, you accept this Visitor Agreement, as modified. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices please click here. In the event of any controversy, claim or dispute (“dispute”) related to or arising out of your use of the Site, other than disputes related to or involving Vulcan’s intellectual property or Vulcan’s licensed intellectual or proprietary rights, you and Vulcan mutually agree to the following dispute resolution procedure: The parties will first attempt in good faith to resolve any dispute by informal negotiation. (ii) To affiliates, strategic partners, agents, third party marketers or other unaffiliated parties who are supporting the programming offered through the Site or are offering products or services that we believe may be of interest to you or who require your personally identifiable information for research, administrative and/or internal business purposes. You grant the Vulcan Parties the non- exclusive right to edit in any manner, and to use and distribute and license others to use and distribute, your Content Submission, or any portions, reproductions or versions thereof, on the websites, products and/or services (in any and all media, now known or hereafter invented, including without limitation television, home video/DVD products, and mobile services) of the Vulcan Parties, an unlimited number of times, in perpetuity, throughout the world, with or without charge or cost to end-users or other third parties. The informal negotiation period will begin when the party asserting the dispute sends a written notice to the other party describing the facts and circumstances of the dispute. If you choose to provide us with personally identifiable information, Vulcan may transfer that information to its affiliates and subsidiaries or to other third parties, across borders, and from your country or jurisdiction to other countries or jurisdictions around the world. Without the prior written permission of Vulcan, you may not frame, or make it appear that a third-party site is presenting or endorsing, any of the content of the Site, or incorporate any intellectual property of the Site, Vulcan or any of their licensors into another website or other service. Notwithstanding the provision in the preceding paragraph with respect to applicable substantive law, any arbitration conducted pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C. If, after sixty (60) days from the date the notice of dispute is sent, the parties have been unable to resolve the dispute, either party may commence binding arbitration. The foregoing grant shall include the right to exploit any proprietary rights in such posting or submission, including, but not limited to, rights under copyright, trademark, service mark or patent laws under any relevant jurisdiction. Please read this Visitor Agreement; by using this website, you accept its terms. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR LOSS OF DATA THAT RESULTS FROM ANY MATERIAL AND/OR DATA DOWNLOADED FROM OR OTHERWISE PROVIDED THROUGH THE SITE. Neither party shall have the right to have a dispute heard as a class action and no arbitration or proceeding can be combined with another without the prior written consent of all parties to the proceeding. (v) To comply with the law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary in order to conform to the requirements of law or comply with legal process served on us, protect and defend our rights or property, including the rights and property of Vulcan and its family of Site or act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of our end users. The opt-out choice may be exercised by ticking or un-ticking the appropriate box if such checkbox is available at the points where personally identifiable information is collected or by contacting us. Please contact Vulcan at any time regarding privacy questions or concerns, or to request to review what personally identifiable information we have collected from a child. Les éléphants disparaissent au rythme infernal d’un massacre toutes les 15 minutes. Use of Information Collected Via the Site. Unfortunately, the story it’s telling is all too true—and relevant. B. You also grant the Vulcan Parties the right to use and distribute, and license others to use and distribute, your Content Submission in the promotion of such websites, products and/or services, to the same extent permitted for use and distribution of your Content Submission hereunder. The email will include details on how the parent may (i) provide Vulcan with consent; (ii) prohibit Vulcan from any further contact with the child; or .paragraph iii) delete the child’s personally identifiable information. ALL DISPUTES SHALL BE RESOLVED ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS. © 2018 Vulcan Productions. By using these Site or providing personally identifiable information to us, you agree that we can communicate with you electronically regarding security, privacy and administrative issues relating to your use of these Site. By using the Site, you agree not to submit, post or transmit through the Site any material or otherwise engage in any conduct that: • Violates or infringes the rights of others including, without limitation, patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, publicity, privacy or other proprietary rights; • Allows you to gain unauthorized access to the Site, or any account, computer system, or network connected to the Site, by means such as hacking, password mining or other illicit means; • Is unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another’s privacy, tortuous, or contains explicit or graphic descriptions or accounts of sexual acts; • Victimizes, harasses, degrades, or intimidates an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability; • Collects for marketing purposes any email addresses or other personal information that has been posted by other users of the Site. Descriptif du documentaire : The Ivory Game. Année de diffusion : 2016. His father’s old reflex camera ignited his interest in photography, which was to take shape definitively in 2010 when he decided to move to New Zealand. The personally identifiable information will not be used for any other purpose, and the personally identifiable information will not be used after the promotion is complete. But you may not otherwise reproduce any of the materials without the prior written consent of the Vulcan. A single mother turns to housekeeping to make ends meet as she battles poverty, homelessness and bureaucracy. The parties acknowledge that this policy evidences a transaction involving interstate commerce. Vulcan will use that email address to send the parent an email letting him or her know about the child’s contact. Some parts of the Site will have an age-screening mechanism to prevent kids from registering. In this prequel to “Army of the Dead,” a mysterious woman recruits bank teller Dieter to assist in a heist of impossible-to-crack safes across Europe. Once we receive your transmission, we make reasonable efforts to ensure security on our systems. Vulcan wants to encourage an open exchange of information and ideas through the Site. Documentairefilms, Documentaires over wetenschap en natuur, Documentaires over natuur en ecologie. You acknowledge that the Vulcan Parties will rely on the foregoing terms and conditions potentially at substantial cost to them, and you hereby waive the right to assert any claim of any nature whatsoever against any party relating to the exercise of the rights and permissions granted hereunder. Without limiting the generality of any of the foregoing provisions of this Visitor Agreement, you specifically acknowledge and agree that (a) Associated Press text, photo, graphic, audio and/or video material shall not be published, broadcast, rewritten for broadcast or publication or redistributed directly or indirectly in any medium; (b) no Associated Press materials nor any portion thereof may be stored in a computer except for personal and non-commercial use; (c) the Associated Press will not be held liable for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions therefrom or in the transmission or delivery of all or any part thereof or for any damages arising from any of the foregoing; (d) the Associated Press is an intended third-party beneficiary of this Visitor Agreement and may exercise all rights and remedies available to it; and (e) the Associated Press reserves the right to audit possible unauthorized commercial use of Associated Press materials or any portion thereof at any time.

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