Quels sont les avantages à s'inscrire avec Facebook ? Created in 2011 by three French web-masters (Clément Apap, Guillaume Boutin and Kevin Kuipers who previously worked on the very popular “Gamekult.com“), SensCritique.com is a fascinating hybrid website which plays with classic social networks strategies (mostly inspired and derived from Twitter and Facebook) along with an innovating focus put on culture as a manifold range of products and opinions to consume and share with people. (just like with Twitter or Spotify for example) other people’s own cultural and intellectual activity. Je n'arrive plus à me connecter via Facebook ou Twitter Comment supprimer mon compte ? So I think I can easily visit, almost everyday and even many times a day especially since I have access to the application with my phone… It’s really, and about how often he is using it since then is similar to many other accounts I’ve gathered during the last few weeks: they all indeed have in common the “bouche-à-oreille” effect and the addictive quality of such an enterprise. is indeed considered by its members and by its webmasters as being a different playful and useful tool to manage your, just like Facebook is usually said to be an instrument used for your. Recently used hashtags [#falling, #dexterreturns, #lesseptdechicago, #saintmaud, #adamsandler, #hubiehalloween, #theboys, #wonderwoman, #cleopatra, #madsmikkelsen, #thomyorke, #animalcollective, #thestrokes, #tool] and have tagged [LeGrotounu (@takichan94), good films make … 46 523 en parlent. Comment est calculée la note SensCritique ? Contrastingly to, includes somehow everything and offers the “Facebook quality” of being in touch with both close relatives and far virtual individuals who share the same broad and various interests as you do; the same “. @tomhayes603 ##oceanspray, @420doggface208 had it right. one of Libération’s articles) and so that I was not isolated in my awareness of the growing influence of cultural networks on both Internet and social networks. However, I found it hard to study such a multifaceted community as I had to interview so many different people without really knowing if the questions I was asking them -and asking myself- were the right ones from an anthropological point of view…, I thus spent a lot of time on the website itself and tried to communicate with as many members as I could to collect some pieces of information, some “data”. I think I use it everytime I’ve just watched a film or read a book in order to mark and rank it in one of my lists. Fantastic...pic.twitter.com/VJjG0yXccC, Petit échauffement pour #Mandibules, version #MikePence x #FleetwoodMac — @oizo3000 ❤️️[via Adam.the.creator] pic.twitter.com/1emXIpT8UV, It's a shame it isn't real bleach! a few weeks ago in order to get involved in the often referred-to as the “most important French. Quelles sont les règles de modération ? ), le fil d’actualités de nos éclaireurs... je crois en vous pour nous améliorer ce beau projet ! Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. >>. Mick Fleetwood, batteur du groupe auteur de "Dreams", parodie lui-même Nathan Apodaca. Cependant l’application est malheureusement bugger à mort, je possède un iPhone 6, et je ne suis arrivé à ouvrir l’item du milieu (ajouter des envies) qu’une seul fois le reste du temps ça pop up une fraction de secondes et ça disparaît et après l’application se fige impossible d’utiliser l’application, c’est dommage :/Une autre suggestion je pense que la fonction « ajouter à une liste » quand on click sur un film ça devrais être repensé pour être plus fluide. In parallel to that, I also read what other people thought about the concept of such a website by visiting various forums and journals online in order to add different sources to my personal reflection. So I think I can easily visit SC almost everyday and even many times a day especially since I have access to the application with my phone… It’s really easy and quick. ... Partager sur : Whatsapp Whatsapp Facebook Twitter. The fact that Sophie mentions the “intimate quality” of SC is as interesting as Julien’s comment on its “addictive” quality. Un espace de statistiques des utilisateurs × about films first. Le plaisir de la découverte culturelle par le bouche-à-oreille. It is important to mention that the web-masters of SensCritique always gave a special importance to the community in the elaboration of the project itself by using a lively feedback system and a blog in order to improve the website according to the community’s comments and reactions. Compatible avec l’iPhone, l’iPad et l’iPod touch. Dans cette liste sont en effet regroupés plus de 600 titres - courts, longs, documentaires, fiction, animation, muets - que vous pouvez visionner gratuitement sur internet. Comment changer son pseudo et son identité affichée ? The fact that you can use it directly from Facebook is also very practical and it gives an intimate quality to SC as you can share with your relatives as well as with complete unknown people. - let me know and I'll add it! Indeed, by being part of the community myself, I would learn more about it and I would probably be able to reflect more efficiently upon them, upon the website, and even upon myself, in a somehow new and interesting way. There is a real demand about culture in many different aspects -both as a product and as knowledge- and the fact that, is both a social and a cultural network that is collecting a wide range of data, along with its fun attributes (the tops, the lists, the badges, the forums…) is attracting more and more members and even influent commercial partners such as. The website is a free service that is funded by advertisment and that can be used with Facebook, Twitter, Google, Spotify, Apple and Android accounts or independently from them. Jusqu’à six membres de la famille peuvent utiliser cette app lorsque le partage familial est activé. Indeed, what do this reveals about cultural network and sharing online? It is described as followed by the creators: SensCritique’s main mission is indeed to explore and to “increase the power” of the cultural “bouche-à-oreille“. You learn a lot thanks to the others and you just enjoy sharing what you know together. >>. Julien: – From a friend, on Facebook, who recommended SC to me in order to share our knowledge about films first. The website is a free service that is funded by advertisment and that can be used with Facebook, Twitter, Google, Spotify, Apple and Android accounts or independently from them. Regular SC customers seem to agree that they like to spread the word about their tastes and that they are willing to learn more about the other’s, in order to discover and to complete their own cultural knowledge. So theres a whole challenge going on with the viral #FleetwoodMac skateboarding video, but in each of them we keep seeing that theyre missing the most important safety item...#Dogfacechallenge #Dreams #bikesafety @fleetwoodmac @StevieNicks @MickFleetwood pic.twitter.com/Fy9jhi03WC, Thanks for the new wheels ocean spray! I indeed officially interviewed ten users of, (three that I knew personally, seven unknown, five women and five men, some “active” and “unactive” and all aged between 18 and 42) by mail who are all aware of my project: they read the. life. And also, if you can’t find a book in particular, a series, or a video game in the data you can just add it yourself to the catalogue of the website. La marque de boisson offre une voiture à l'auteur de la vidéo. Je suis bluffer par cette app qui à été très bien travaillée. It’s practical and you can save plenty of time thanks to that concept. Cette liste de 609 films disponibles gratuitement est un peu la caverne d'Ali Baba des cinéphiles. Bonjour, merci pour votre commentaire.Nous avons réglé la majorité des bugs sur l'application avec les dernières versions. one of, by three French web-masters (Clément Apap, Guillaume Boutin and Kevin Kuipers who previously worked on the very popular “, is a fascinating hybrid website which plays with classic social networks strategies (mostly inspired and derived from Twitter and Facebook) along with an innovating focus put on, as a manifold range of products and opinions to consume, The concept, just like the appearance of the website, is designed to be, and easy to be familiar with: it deals with a multiplicity of films, series, music, books, comics, video games and even more recently with current TV programs that members, by giving marks to them, by ranking them and by creating special lists or tops while. These were thorny issues to tackle and I thought that, in order to approach such a complex phenomenon, I first had to belong myself to the, ‘s community and to “play the game” by taking part in the website’s activities just like any other, member would do. I thus only went on that website thanks to that friend in particular initially but then I get familiar with SC and get to know more and more people who had the same affinities as me and I began to recommend that website to other friends on Facebook too, just like my friend did with me. They indeed changed the style and the appearance of the website many times (which is still a “beta version” so which is still likely to change and to be changed…) and added new facilities since the creation of SC in order to establish a form of collaborative work with the audience. ” as the users say themselves when commenting on their peers. "SensCritique.com" : a short inquiry into a multifaceted community, First steps with and within the SC community, A social and cultural “bouche-à-oreille” website. Actually, the website in itself has nothing special: it’s very simple if not simplistic but it’s well-done and fun. — SensCritique (@SensCritique) January 19, 2017. To what extent this cultural bouche-à-oreille, as expressed in. I was surprised to see that the “bouche-à-oreille” effect was working outside the, phenomenon as a whole was even present in a famous national newspaper as well (cf. je suis peut-être un peu exigeante mais ce serait super si : on pouvait trier les œuvres d’un artiste non par date (comme ça l’est) mais par note également. ? It is important to mention that the web-masters of, , felt that they were taken into account and that they could, as you can share with your relatives as well as with complete unknown people. The SC users are thus treated as twofold: on the one hand, they are active actors of the website and of any cultural transmission that is going on in the community. Sophie: -Because it covers everything. SensCritique is indeed considered by its members and by its webmasters as being a different playful and useful tool to manage your cultural life just like Facebook is usually said to be an instrument used for your social life. By following and appreciating their activities, you become an active member yourself and you earn “badges” with different titles (“Critique”, “Humain”, “Curieux”, “Collectionneur”…) according to your behaviour as a “follower” and an “éclaireur”. By following and appreciating their activities, you become an active member yourself and you earn “badges” with different titles (“Critique”, “Humain”, “Curieux”, “Collectionneur”…) according to your behaviour as a “follower” and an “éclaireur”. ” in contrast to traditional “international social networks” such as Facebook and Twitter. and is it really because of such cultural sharing communities on Internet that people don’t have time -nor money- to go to consume films or concerts any more? This popular French expression stands literally for “word-of-mouth” and it means that an information (here: a product, a service) is orally (here: electronically…) transmitted and promoted from one person to another at a collective level. Vous ne savez pas quoi regarder ce soir, quel livre emporter en vacances ou quel album écouter en vous rendant au boulot ?Rejoignez le 1er réseau social culturel français et consultez les avis de nos 900K membres sur les films, les séries, les jeux, les livres, les BD et la musique.Devenez-vous même acteur du réseau en en partageant votre avis avec vos amis ou les autres membres.Faites des découvertes en consultant les tops de nos membres ou leurs sélections persos.Constituez votre cercle d'éclaireurs, en choisissant les membres que vous voulez suivre, et bénéficiez de leurs recommandations. Both are not antagonistic but rather complementary: indeed work together since the beginning, by connecting social bonds to cultural ones. I thus actively took part in “following” the most popular members of the community (called “éclaireurs”) who acquire visibility on the website by ranking and publishing as many reviews and lists as they can about any cultural good they know or that they want to know. and agreed to help me doing my fieldwork by allowing me to use the data, such as what follows. Malgré quelques manques c’est de l’excellent travail d’ux design. SensCritique (@SensCritique) October 8, 2020 D’autres ont édité la vidéo originale pour montrer Donald Trump en train de boire de la javel, en référence à ses précédentes déclarations sur le fait que ce produit injecté dans le corps pouvait détruire le Covid-19 . Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. Tous droits réservés. Quelles sont les règles de modération ? - Correction de bugs et amélioration des performances.- Ajout d'un lien vers les CGU dans la page profil.

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