The agreement also commits Ukraine to an agenda of economic, judicial and financial reforms and to gradual approximation of its policies and legislation to those of the European Union. la non-conformité des statuts aux exigences posées par le code du sport (absence de fonctionnement démocratique de l'association, etc.) Nom, adresse, affiliation. [219][220], On 19 September 2013, President Putin stated that Russia would impose "protectionist measures" against Ukraine once the EU Association Agreement was implemented. ), »Annahme an Sohnes oder Kindes Statt«, Adoption; in der Freimaurerei Aufnahme einer bereits konstituierten Loge sowie eines einzelnen Maurers in eine andre Loge; bei religiösen Orden Aufnahme von Laien, die sich dabei nicht auf die… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, Affiliation — (lat. [13][14] After 21 March 2014, matters relating to trade integration were temporarily set aside (awaiting the results of the 25 May 2014 Ukrainian presidential elections) until the European Union and the new Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed the economic part of the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement on 27 June 2014,[2] and described this as Ukraine's "first but most decisive step" towards EU membership. [32][33], The EU Association Agreement (AA) was initialed on 30 March 2012 in Brussels;[34] The treatment and sentencing (considered by EU leaders as a politically motivated trial[35]) of former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko had strained the relations between the EU and Ukraine. du travail de Ressources humaines et Développement social Canada. Map of Europe with the European Union in green and Ukraine in orange. ), »Annahme an Sohnes oder Kindes Statt«, Adoption; in der Freimaurerei Aufnahme einer bereits konstituierten Loge sowie eines einzelnen Maurers in eine andre Loge; bei religiösen Orden Aufnahme von Laien, die sich dabei nicht auf die… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, Affiliation — (lat. In addition, Ukraine will progressively fulfill the other conditions for membership, in line with the requirements applicable to full members of the European Standardisation Organisations. [76] At the end of a summit President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso stated that the EU will not tolerate "a veto of a third country" in their negotiations on closer integration with Ukraine. ad )) + filius son (see FILIAL (Cf …   Etymology dictionary, Affilĭation — (lat. ), Annahme an Kindes Statt; affiliieren, s.v.w. [21] The association agreement has to be ratified by all member states and the European Parliament for the document to take effect. [1913 Webster] 2. Ces dernières peuvent en effet être d'ordre religieux, syndical, professionnel... A titre d'exemple, on peut citer la fédération française handisport, la fédération sportive et gymnique du travail (FSGT), l'union nationale du sport scolaire (UNSS), l'union générale sportive de l'enseignement libre (UGSEL), l'union sportive des cheminots de France ou encore la fédération sportive et culturelle de France (FSCF). The agreement commits both parties to promote a gradual convergence toward the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy and European Defence Agency policies. Tariffs on EU products exported into Ukraine persist. [59][60] The same week Tymoshenko had stated that she was ready to ask the EU to drop the demand for her freedom if it meant President Viktor Yanukovych would sign the association agreement. Une fois agréée, l'association sportive peut : Un établissement d'activités physiques et sportives (EAPS) organise des activités physiques et sportives dans un lieu et pour une période déterminés. organizations have discussed ways to collaborate on future projects. [187], Ukraine will take the necessary measures in order to gradually achieve conformity with EU technical regulations and EU standardisation, metrology, accreditation, conformity assessment procedures and the market surveillance system, and undertakes to follow the principles and practices laid down in relevant EU Decisions and Regulations. affiliation travailleur independant. [72][199], Before the final signing of the agreement on 27 June 2014, Russian officials stated Russia could very likely raise tariffs on Ukrainian imports, Russia is Ukraine's single largest export market, accounting for nearly a quarter of Ukraine's international trade. Adoption; association or reception as a member in or of the same family or society. The list had been requested by Karel de Gucht on 11 July 2014. März",, "Tuesday, 27 January 2015 Dáil Éireann Debate - Unrevised - EU Association Agreement with Ukraine: Motion", "Treaties - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade", "Parlamento Italiano - Disegno di legge C. 3053 - 17ª Legislatura", " - XVII Legislatura - Lavori - Progetti di legge - Scheda del progetto di legge", "Il sito ufficiale della Presidenza della Repubblica", "Latvia ratifies EU-Ukraine Association Agreement", "Par Asociācijas nolīgumu starp Eiropas Savienību un Eiropas Atomenerģijas kopienu un to dalībvalstīm, no vienas puses, un Ukrainu, no otras puses", "Seimas has ratified the EU Association Agreements with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia", "Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas - Svarstymo eiga", "Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas - Document Text", "6732 - Projet de loi portant approbation de l'accord d'association entre l'Union européenne et la communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique et leurs Etats membres, d'une part, et l'Ukraine, d'autre part, signé à Bruxelles, le 27 juin 2014",, "Maltese Ministry for Foreign Affairs memo on the Signature of Association Agreements with the Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine", "Foreign and European Affairs Committee - Twelfth Legislature (2013 - ) Sitting Number: 22 - Monday, 21 July 2014",, "Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal - Goedkeuring Associatieovereenkomst tussen de Europese Unie en de Europese Gemeenschap voor Atoomenergie met Oekraïne (34.116)", "Wet van 8 juli 2015, houdende goedkeuring van de op 27 juni 2014 te Brussel tot stand gekomen Associatieovereenkomst tussen de Europese Unie en de Europese Gemeenschap voor Atoomenergie en haar lidstaten, enerzijds, en Oekraïne, anderzijds (Trb. [79][c] Simultaneously, President Yanukovych stated that he still intends to sign the Association Agreement at a later date "once we get down to work and find solutions for economic problems, when we get the opportunity to sign a strategic partnership agreement with Russia and everything else that we need to do, so that normal relations can be established between the European Union, Russia, and Ukraine… this is our responsibility". [200] But it warned that "in the short term, this will cause a great deal of pain and disruption". Although it wanted stronger wording on enlargement prospects and access to the EU market for its truckers, Ukraine had more than many other candidates at the equivalent stage of the process. [46] However, on 22 February 2013, a resolution was approved by 315 of the 349 registered members of the Verkhovna Rada stating that "within its powers" the parliament would ensure that the 10 December 2012 EU Foreign Affairs Council "recommendations" are implemented. At an EU summit in Brussels on 21 March 2014, the new Ukrainian Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatseniuk, and European Union leaders Herman Van Rompuy and José Manuel Barroso, along with the 28 national political leaders or heads of state on the European Council, signed in Brussels the political provisions of the AA,[11][84] with the DCFTA to be signed after the presidential election in May 2014. Ukraine will also ensure that its relevant national bodies participate fully in the European and international organisations for standardisation, legal and fundamental metrology, and conformity assessment including accreditation in accordance with its area of activity and the membership status available to it. Proche du collectif par son existence la coordination peut simplement coordonner les actions des associations composantes sans organiser elle-même l’action. affiliation — [ afiljasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1762; « adoption » 1560; lat. [71] On 26 November 2013 Prime Minister Azarov stated during a government meeting "I affirm with full authority that the negotiating process over the Association Agreement is continuing, and the work on moving our country closer to European standards is not stopping for a single day". [189] As of May 2011 there remained three outstanding issues to be resolved in the free trade deal: quotas on Ukrainian grain exports, access to the EU's services market and geographical names of Ukrainian commodities. Certain damage may be done to the economic sphere but we will not have any problems in the political field, I am certain". [17] Ukraine then joined the Soviet Union (both the Russian SSR and the Ukrainian SSR united into the Soviet Union from 1922)[17] until Ukraine declared independence from the Soviet Union on 24 August 1991. [187], Ukraine will approximate its sanitary and phytosanitary and animal welfare legislation to that of the EU. (2) The association must adopt rules for the use of collective marks that specify: the. L'affiliation d'une association sportive à une fédération sportive agréée par l'Etat vaut, en effet, désormais agrément, lequel est donc accordé de plein droit. [69][70] On 26 November 2013, the Ukrainian Government admitted that Russia had asked it to delay signing the EU association agreement and that it "wanted better terms for the EU deal". Simultaneously with such transposition, Ukraine will withdraw conflicting national standards, including its application of interstate standards (GOST/ГОСТ), developed before 1992. Existing customs duties or measures having equivalent effect applied by Ukraine will be phased out over a transitional period. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Exploitation d'un établissement d'activités physiques et sportives (, Code du sport associations sportives agrément délivrance retrait, Code du sport : Garanties d'hygiène et de sécurité, consultez notre politique de protection des données. 29 mai 2020; share. ⇒ rattachement. Le terme de fédération est utilisé dans certaines lois, et les fédérations obéissent généralement à des règles. Affiliation: übersetzung. Attention . [200] And the fact that Ukraine has agreed in the treaty to implement EU rules and stipulations should improve Ukraine's business climate as a whole "The country will be required to introduce wide-ranging reforms - increasing transparency, reducing corruption and raising the quality of its output". Votre demande : Submit. Background: Studies in the West have shown lower cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk among people taking a vegetarian diet, but these findings may be confounded and only a minority selects these diets. [193] However, on 21 November 2013, a Ukrainian government decree suspended preparations for signing the agreement that was scheduled to be signed during a 28–29 November 2013 EU summit in Vilnius, and it was not signed. Chaque association peut s’affilier librement à une fédération, et de même, s’en retirer. regie publicitaire nice. ; Gen.:-, Pl. C'est cette même autorité qui décide de délivrer ou non l'agrément. Network affiliate, a relationship between broadcasting… …   Wikipedia, Affiliation — bezeichnet: allgemein Verbrüderung oder Beigesellung in der Psychologie die Suche nach Unterstützung durch andere Personen eine Form der Verbindung mit einer Ordensgemeinschaft, ohne dass Ordensgelübde abgelegt werden in der Wirtschaft den Kauf… …   Deutsch Wikipedia, affiliation — I (amalgamation) noun aggregation, alliance, association, centralization, coalition, combination, confederacy, confederation, consortium, corporation, embodiment, federation, fusion, integration, league, merger, unification, union, unity,… …   Law dictionary, Affiliation — Af*fil i*a tion, n. [F. affiliation, LL. [76] The EU rejected trilateral talks and asked Yanukovich to commit to sign the Association Agreement, which he refused to do. The parties committed to regular summit meetings, and meetings among ministers, other officials, and experts. The agreement entered into force on 1 September 2017, and previously parts had been provisionally applied. we can, for example, influence legislative proposals. L'exploitant d'un EAPS qui ne respecte pas les obligations précédentes s'expose à des sanctions administratives (fermeture de l'EAPS, retrait de l'agrément, etc.). L’affiliation à une fédération s’avère souvent obligatoire pour pratiquer pleinement l’activité (sportive pour participer aux compétitions sportives officielles par exemple). L'exploitation d'un EAPS fait naître plusieurs obligations à la charge de l'exploitant. Schweiz", which in turn networks at a national level. Il se dit aujourd hui en parlant d Une Compagnie ou Communauté qui en a affilié d autres. [215], Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich reaffirmed his commitment to the agreement during his annual Independence Day of Ukraine speech on 24 August, and called it an incentive for Ukraine to become a modern European state. Son activité est d'ailleurs en principe commerciale. 11) portant simplification du régime des associations et des fondations a supprimé les procédures d'agrément des associations sportives lorsqu'elles sont adhérentes à une fédération elle-même agréée. A Russian sanitary official stated that the company had not met quality and safety standards, but critics alleged that the ban was meant as a warning against Ukraine associating more closely with the EU. [71] Putin was responding to statements by the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, and the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, that had stated they "strongly disapproved" of Russia's actions. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "affiliation association". L'affiliation d'une association sportive à une fédération sportive agréée par l'Etat vaut, en effet, désormais agrément, lequel est donc accordé de plein droit. [179][180] In December 2016, a decision of the heads of state or government of the EU member states was approved which made legally binding interpretations of the agreement to address the concerns raised in the referendum. [66] The European Parliament's monitoring mission in Ukraine stated (also on 21 November 2013) that there was still a possibility to sign the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. For this purpose Ukraine will:[187], While work on signing a deep and comprehensive free trade agreement between Ukraine and the EU first began in 1999,[188] formal negotiations between the Ukrainian government and the EU Trade Commissioner were not launched until 18 February 2008. [221] On 8 October 2013, President Putin stated the free trade agreement "may create certain problems for trade and cooperation. Royaume-Uni (supervision de la pratique). [15], Titles III, V, VI and VII, and the related Annexes and Protocols of the Agreement have been provisionally applied since 1 November 2014, while Title IV has been applied from 1 January 2016,[16] as far as the provisions concern EU competences. Sur le site du CNOSF,, retrouvez la liste des fédérations affiliées au Comité olympique avec leurs coordonnées et site internet : de-là vous pourrez prendre connaissance des conditions précises d'affiliation. —José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, at the 28–29 November 2013 EU summit in Vilnius (29 November 2013)[58], On 21 November 2013, the Verkhovna Rada failed to pass any of the six motions on allowing the former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko to receive medical treatment abroad, which was an EU demand for signing the association agreement. Or, cet agrément est très précieux pour les associations sportives ; c'est notamment grâce à lui qu'elles peuvent bénéficier de l'aide de l'État. Following the referendum, Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte said that ratification would be put on hold during negotiations with the other parties to the treaty to find a compromise. stem of L. affiliare to adopt a son, from L. ad to (see AD (Cf. "We have agreed to postpone the application until December 31 next year," said EU - Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht on 12 September 2014 in Brussels at the end of talks with Alexey Ulyukaev, the Russian Minister of Economic Affairs, and Pavlo Klimkin, Foreign Minister of Ukraine. marque blanche grise. [187], The parties will establish an expert-level Dialogue on Trade Remedies as a forum for cooperation in trade remedies matters. [201], According to BBC News Ukrainian free access to the EU internal market (the world's biggest free trade area) "is supposed to bring a boost in the long term" to the economy of Ukraine. [9][10], The political provisions of the treaty were signed on 21 March 2014 after a series of events that had stalled its ratification culminated in a revolution in Ukraine and overthrow of the then incumbent President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych. C’est également une association loi 1901. 1. Le club local a demandé son affiliation à la Fédération. provide the effective and transparent administrative system required for the implementation of these matters. [187], Each party will reduce or eliminate customs duties on originating goods of the other party. tenth year and in multiples of five years thereafter. NOVEMBER 2014 KELL 12:37",, "European Parliament ratifies EU-Ukraine Association Agreement", "Ukraine: Council adopts EU-Ukraine association agreement - Consilium",, "Finland ratifies EU association agreements with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia - Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland: Current affairs", "Accord d'association UE-Ukraine - Sénat", "Bundesrat - Suche - Entwurf eines Gesetzes zu dem Assoziierungsabkommen vom 21. The Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement is a European Union Association Agreement between the European Union (EU), Euratom, Ukraine and the EU's 28 member states at the time (which are separate parties in addition to the EU and Euratom). les médecins du territoire douanier sont représentés, The physicians in the customs territory are, L'Association encourage l'établissement d'associations provinciales de, The Association encourages the formation of provincial underwater games, sociétés locales ou d'associations composées de, (d) the recognition and affiliation with t, 2) L'association doit adopter un règlement d'usage de la marque collective précisant : les personnes ayant. L’affiliation à une fédération s’avère souvent obligatoire pour pratiquer pleinement l’activité (sportive pour participer aux compétitions sportives officielles par exemple). Association en cessation de paiement : que faire . Blog Entry. [200], As of 2016, tariff-free quotas for the export of most agricultural products to the EU were very small. Chevrons shall be purchased through the Official Club Supplies Catalog and presented to qualifying. [77] He also stated "We are embarked on a long journey, helping Ukraine to become, as others, what we call now, 'new member states'. Toute association sportive qui demande l'affiliation à une fédération doit déposer un dossier auprès de la fédération en question. [42][43][44] This includes the application of selective justice, as well as amending electoral laws. However, the next day the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its optimism that they would still be signed in November. En conséquence, les arrêtés d'agrément des associations sportives affiliées, désormais inutiles, ont été abrogés. Following the entry into effect of the Wet Raadgevend Referendum on 1 July 2015, an advisory referendum is to be held for any act (after its approval) that is not explicitly exempted if sufficient requests are filed. These include: equal rights for workers, steps towards visa-free movement of people, the exchange of information and staff in the area of justice, the modernisation of Ukraine's energy infrastructure, access to the European Investment Bank, and a variety of others. Il s'agit de l'exploitant de l'établissement, qu'il ne faut pas confondre avec le gestionnaire de l'équipement dans lequel est éventuellement exercée l'activité (gymnase, stade). "[216] Ukrainian pro-European opposition politicians commented that Russian actions were consistent with a leaked document outlining a Russian Government strategy to enlarge the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia to Ukraine and to prevent its further association with Euro-Atlantic structures. affiliatio), noun of action from pp. a Ukrajinou", "PČR, PS 2013-..., 31. schůze, část 176 (17. [45], Kostiantyn Yelisieiev, Ukraine's Ambassador to the EU, responded in February 2013 by rejecting any preconditions by the EU for signing the AA. Il naît de la rencontre d’associations qui n’ont pas nécessairement un objet proche, mais qui ont en commun, ponctuellement ou non, des intérêts convergents, une lutte en commun, un objet précis à défendre. Continuing to use this site, you agree with this. Ukraine has also committed to take steps to gradually conform to technical and consumer standards upheld by the European Union. ; our pratiquer une activité physique et sportive ; pendant une durée déterminée (saison, année, etc. C’est le terme générique utilisé dans le décret d’application de la loi 1901 pour désigner un regroupement d’associations. En effet, une association sportive qui a pour objet la pratique d'une ou plusieurs activités physiques ou sportives, et qui demande un agrément, doit être affiliée à une fédération sportive agréée. This is not a good example for the translation above. des références, Maestro a été ajouté à notre courte liste de vendeurs à étudier. Command structure on the civilian/military strategic and operational levels (, Minesweeping operation in the Strait of Hormuz, (Operation Cleansweep, 1987 – 1988), Police contingent in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Multinational Advisory Police Element in Albania, General security surveillance mission in Kosovo, This page was last edited on 22 October 2020, at 09:27. Members of the Council of the European Union and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine must also meet regularly, as well as members of the European Parliament and the Ukrainian Parliament, and other officials and experts from both parties. :-en〉 Aufnahme, Annahme, Angliederung [Etym. [184] The Dutch House of Representatives approved the bill on 23 February 2017. AFFILIATIONS & LICENCES /// SAISON SPORTIVE 2013-2014 - 2 - 1. He also urged Brussels to help Ukraine soften the terms of a possible loan from the IMF. 10) In order for a wine to be accepted by the Association it must be marketed only within the territory. Il peut s'agir également d'une société commerciale (SARL, par exemple), un entrepreneur individuel, voire même une collectivité locale. Parallèlement, chaque fédération peut admettre des adhérents, en refuser d’autres ou en exclure. ), Annahme an Kindes Statt; affiliieren, s.v.w. [h][i][50][58][59][60][63][64][67][73][79] The decision to put off signing the association agreement led to 2014 Ukrainian revolution. [49], To coordinate preparation of Ukraine for European integration, the Government of Ukraine adopted a Plan on Priority Measures for European Integration of Ukraine for 2013. In the same speech, he also called for the preservation and deepening of ties with "...Russia, countries of the Eurasian community, other world leaders and new centers of economic development. [22][23] Tymoshenko herself stated that her imprisonment should not stop the European Union from establishing closer ties with Ukraine. En poursuivant votre navigation sur notre site internet, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies pour sécuriser votre connexion et faciliter votre navigation, vous proposer des offres adaptées et permettre l'élaboration de statistiques. This triggered the final phase of the referendum request, requiring 300,000 requests between 18 August and 28 September. [37] Several meetings with Yanukovich had been deserted by EU leaders, including the German president Joachim Gauck. [202], On 29 July 2013, Russia banned the import of chocolate products made by the Ukrainian company Roshen and asked Belarus and Kazakhstan to follow suit. We evaluated the association between vegetarian diets (chosen by 35%) and CVD risk factors across four regions of India.

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