For Israelis it will be the second such vote in less than six months, one that could see Netanyahu win a record fifth term as prime minister, or end his decade-long dominance of Israeli politics. All readers can browse the comments, and all Forward subscribers can add to the conversation. He could also ask the leaders of the two largest parties to form a unity government. Netanyahu, a dominant force in Israeli politics for a quarter of a century and Israeli leader for a total of 13 years, had painted the election as a referendum on his leadership. Polls say Likud would win the same number of seats today as it did in the last election. While some news outlets maintain that he is getting closer, others maintain that Netanyahu will win again. More conflict seems inevitable if negotiations continue to stall and the construction of settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are not slowed. Leader of the egalitarian Kulanu party, he has refused to back either Benjamin Netanyahu or main rival Isaac Herzog as Prime Minister. The right wing will win the Israeli election Tuesday, and so will Israel. The first possibility is that Likud will be able to put together a right wing-religious coalition of 61 seats. The problem is, he cannot fit more than one of these at a time in his boat. As the elections approach, and on election night, the first question to ask remains as before: Can Netanyahu garner 61 recommendations? Israel's Sephardic community, Jews of Middle Eastern descent, have traditionally been the Likud party's backbone. Vigorous debate and reasoned critique are welcome; name-calling and personal invective are not and will be deleted. He then invites the head of that party, usually but not necessarily Parliament's largest, to undertake that task. The Center in Israel is notorious for “fad” parties that come and go, drawing undecided voters who may choose their list very close to elections day. As noted previously, it appears that we will not know the winner of the elections on election night, but only after the horse-trading has begun. The answer is that Gantz has been a boring but effective candidate. There are 5,881,696 people in Israel eligible to vote at the 10,119 polling stations across the country. We’ll email you whenever we publish another article by J.J Goldberg. There are 25 parties running. Israeli voters are today electing a 120-member parliament, the Knesset, casting ballots for a party list rather than for individual candidates. Benjamin Netanyahu has been criticised for focusing on defence over economy, Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile, “I have not yet seen one young person leave the country because of the Iranian threat or the Islamic State, but I have met many young people abroad who left the country because they lost all hope.”. Israel elections 2019 polls; Who will win and why does it matter? Start your Independent Premium subscription today. Those were the words of Moshe Kahlon, an Israeli opposition politician being hailed as a possible kingmaker after today’s elections. In the interest of maintaining a civil forum, The Forward requires that all commenters be appropriately respectful toward our writers, other commenters and the subjects of the articles. It goes like this: The farmer has a sheep, a head of lettuce, and a wolf, all of which he needs to transfer from one side of a river to the other. Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies. If pre-election polls are correct, Mr Netanyahu and Mr Gantz will win about 30 seats in the Knesset each. You know Israel has had three elections over two years, the most recent in March 2020. If Lapid or … According to Haaretz, the Israel Arab vote could swing the election results. How to make money online with Easy1upRegister 1 account: the video to understand how … Out of tricks, Netanyahu again denied a government — because of his own voters This week saw the PM fail for the fourth time in a row to win an election outright. According to a 2014 law, a party must win 3.25 per cent of the vote to be represented in parliament. All Israeli citizens over the age of 18 can vote, including those living over the Green Line in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Much has been made of Israel’s seemingly cooling relationship with the US and Europe under the current leader and the Prime Minister’s re-election or loss will have a key effect on whether those ties strengthen once more. Want an ad-free experience?Subscribe to Independent Premium. This will only happen if Likud achieves at least a five-seat lead. Turnout at the last election in 2013 was 68 per cent and Election Day is a national holiday, ensuring most workers have the day off. As we saw in April, the winner of Israeli elections is not the person who gets the most votes, but the person capable of building a coalition of 61 or more other Members of Knesset. 23/03/2021. Thus, Abbas faces trouble whatever path he decides. Exit polls will be released immediately after voting ends at 10pm local time, and official results will trickle in throughout the night. Avigdor Lieberman, whose refusal to join the government in April caused the repeat election, built his campaign on insisting on a secular, [unity government]. “Whoever wants to follow Bibi's (Netanyahu's) path of despair and disappointment will vote for him,” he said. Lieberman’s attacks on the ultra-Orthodox and Modern Orthodox communities has fueled such ill will between the parties that, while the religious parties and Lieberman would all sit under Netanyahu, there is little chance either side will now sit with each other. Even if his party loses, Mr Netanyahu could still be invited back as Prime Minister by President Reuven Rivlin to form a coalition government from Israel’s diaspora of numerous political parties. In the election in April, Likud and Blue … Netanyahu’s Miraculous Win in 2015. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party is on track to win the most seats in the country's fourth election in two years, but without any guarantee that it can form a governing majority. Copyright ©2021The Forward Association, Inc.All rights reserved. In order to win seats, a party must get at least 3.25% of the national vote, equivalent to 4 seats. If they do, it may well add a mandate or two to the right wing block. He takes the sheep over the river, leaving the wolf with the lettuce that the wolf has no interest in. Submit Your Questions About Next Week’s Israeli Elections. 27, 2021. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to win re-election after his main rival conceded defeat.. With more than 99 percent of votes counted, … In the interest of maintaining a civil forum, The Forward requires that all commenters be appropriately respectful toward our writers, other commenters and the subjects of the articles. ONE: NETANYAHU WILL LIKELY WIN Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces a number of challenges – including potential bribery, corruption and breach of … Because Netanyahu or not, Israel is a right-wing country, and getting more so by the year. The views and opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Forward. Print article. Who will win? This Is The Least Important Israeli Election Ever. On paper, the PM is clearly a better campaigner and should win easily. Mar. Benjamin Netanyahu Lacks Votes To Win Israeli Election Neither Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu nor his opponents appear to have a secure path … Blue and White have made abundantly clear they will not sit with Netanyahu as Prime Minister. Israel election: Is Netanyahu going to win a fifth term as prime minister? In so doing, he split Netanyahu’s obvious coalition which would have united ultra Orthodox parties with nationalist right wing ones. He also can’t leave the lettuce alone with the sheep, who will eat it, nor can he leave the wolf alone with the sheep, for the same reason. Egregious commenters or repeat offenders will be banned from commenting. Legislative elections are expected to be held in Israel by 11 November 2025 to elect the members of the twenty-fifth Knesset. Q - Who will win the Israeli elections, and why? That person will have up to six weeks to form a coalition. No party has won a majority since Israel’s first election in 1949. But those members will not sit with each other. Benjamin Netanyahuwill win the electionon Tuesday: 1. Israeli Kan TV’s election poll has predicted Likud to win 36 seats, failing against a projected 37 seats for Gantz’s Blue and White party. Three Possible Outcomes For Israel’s Upcoming Election. March 17, 2015, 7:22 AM. So how does our farmer get his wolf, sheep and lettuce across the river? Nevertheless, given the fact that this is a repeat election and everything seems so tight, 61 will feel like winning with 100, and may well open the door to other factions to join in due course. Therefore, a topic as important as the Israeli and international elections can also be found in the Torah. Middle East & Africa Mar 20th 2021 edition. The Israeli election is, yet again, a contest between Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz. Israel’s Knesset is gearing up for the election Tuesday of the country’s tenth president, who will succeed Shimon Peres on July 27. Israel’s five-term prime minister seeks to win decisively in the March 23 elections while he stands trial on corruption charges. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is standing against several candidates the main one contender being Benny Gentz. Israel’s political system is based on delicately formed and unstable coalitions crafted by a majority in the Knesset. So, despite his internal rivals seeking to unseat him, he is a wily, formidable enemy. Business is business after all, and the business here is politics. Netanyahu’s Likud party is set to win 30 seats — a decline of six seats in comparison to the previous elections. Now, that’s nothing to crow about; 61 is a bare minimum. In that scenario, it is conceivable that Blue and White will turn to their constituency and say that for the good of the country, they have to find a way forward. On paper, the PM is clearly a better campaigner and should win easily. What it means: If Abbas delays the election on the grounds that Palestinians within Israel’s areas of jurisdiction can’t vote, those Palestinians who have been seeking elections and those tired of Abbas’ rule will all know the real reason. He may well have more than 61 potential members of Knesset who will support him as Prime Minister. The election process to date has revealed a broken ruling coalition and boosted Hamas’s standing. controversial declaration that there will be no Palestinian state if he emerges victorious for another term. Despite Netanyahu’s possible win, Israel will remain a fiercely divided country split nearly in half. But several former allies threaten to knock him off his perch. Send in e-mail Send in e-mail. The Forward welcomes reader comments in order to promote thoughtful discussion on issues of importance to the Jewish community. Netanyahu must therefore hope that the right wing parties, together with the ultra-Orthodox parties, achieve 61 seats in the elections; otherwise, he stands little chance of putting together a majority government. The 120 seats in the Knesset are elected by closed list proportional representation in a single nationwide constituency. From: Inside Story Will Israel’s fourth election produce a clear winner? Tuesday’s vote in the Israeli election was the country’s second in just five months. This article lists the results of such polls. Vigorous debate and reasoned critique are welcome; name-calling and personal invective are not and will be deleted. Many fear if Benjamin Netanyahu wins, Israel will have its most right-wing, ultra-nationalist government of all time (Photo credit: Miriam Alster/FLASH90) Israel’s Knesset is gearing up for the election Tuesday of the country’s tenth president, who will succeed Shimon Peres on July 27. It is unclear how, but the Likud would then hold a leadership election, perhaps with an interim Prime Minister chosen by the President, and continue to govern. He has served as foreign media advisor to the office of the President of Israel, and former minister Naftali Bennett among others. Jason Pearlman is a political consultant based in Israel. With criticism between candidates left and right and unclear rotation options for prime minister, who is going to win the Israeli elections in 2021? If they don’t, their votes will be distributed across the board, meaning they will benefit the left at the expense of the right. Gants, a former IDF(Israel Defence Force) chief, is currently the best alternative to Netanyahu since his victory in 2011. The polls closed in Israel on Tuesday night, in what is the fourth election in two years -- but early TV exit polls showed it's too close to call. Exit polls are now suggesting a slim win for Netanyahu this year. Israel Elections: Bezalel Smotrich defies expectations, wins 6-7 seats "Let the votes prove that there is a majority for the Right in this country." He is already the longest-serving Prime Minister since state founder David Ben-Gurion and could break is record if he makes another term. More recently, as he predicted that Netanyahu will win Israel’s elections in March reports YWN. Finally, there is a third possibility, that Netanyahu will have to concede he is not able to form a government and step down. The decision to conduct the 2019 Israeli elections before the original date was made by the coalition on December 24th after the minister of Defence Avigdor Liberman resigned following the escalation in Gaza Strip and his disagreement with … And even if they would, thanks to a number of attacks on the religious community in their party’s messaging, the ultra Orthodox parties have ruled out sitting with Lapid in particular, and possibly the list as a whole. Netanyahu, Israel’s longest serving leader, is stumping on the country’s vaccination campaign success and the normalization deals with four Arab states orchestrated by the Trump administration. What is perhaps more likely is that Lieberman finds a way to work with the ultra-Orthodox. By GIL HOFFMAN. The Israeli election is, yet again, a contest between Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz. Then he returns to bring the lettuce, deposits it on the other side, and puts the sheep back in the boat, bringing it back to the first side of the river. But he could be beaten to that position by opposition leader Issac Herzog, head of the Zionist Union, which is an alliance between his Labour Party and the liberal Hatnuah party. Another tight one Binyamin Netanyahu hopes to win yet another election in Israel. As we saw in April, the winner of Israeli elections is not the person who gets the most votes, but the person capable of building a coalition of 61 or more other Members of Knesset. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, center, visits a construction site in Har Homa, east Jerusalem, a day ahead of legislative elections. It is possible (and happened before) that a party will not lead with seats but its leader will still become the PM. It typically takes weeks of negotiations to form a governing coalition and determine who will be Prime Minister. Over the past 60 years, there has been only one consistent winner in Israeli politics. “These elections mostly revolve[d] around one person: Netanyahu. By TOVAH LAZAROFF Making up about 17% of the population, if the group votes in large numbers it could put Grantz’s bloc over the top. Still, Netanyahu failed to win twice in a row. While we generally do not seek to edit or actively moderate comments, our spam filter prevents most links and certain key words from being posted and the Forward reserves the right to remove comments for any reason. Tuesday’s election in Israel may seem like a straightforward choice, with right wing nationalist Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu challenged by the next biggest party, the head of the Center-Left bloc, Blue and White, helmed by Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid. The Israeli PM has failed to surpass the 61-seat threshold needed to maintain power, according to exit polls. Haaretz. After Polarizing Campaign, Exit Polls Show Dead Heat in Israeli Election. Netanyahu claims victory in Israel election, 'intends' to form government before March 17; Israel's Arab powers finally able to thwart Benjamin Netanyahu? Will Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud lose the Israeli 2021 Elections? Further information: Elections in Israel. Mar. Israelis go to the polls again hoping to end the deadlock that has gripped their country for years. Benjamin (Benny) Gantz can be the black swan of Israel’s 2019 elections. Twenty years ago, the number of Israelis who identified as right, left or center was generally equal, with a slight advantage for the right. Assuming “winning” means to form the next government and become Israeli PM, it’s a bit complicated. 27, 2021. Mr Kahlon accused him of ignoring “real life” issues like the economy, housing and the cost of living that sparked a wave of social justice protests across Israel in 2011.

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