Northwest family Photos of the Gravity Falls (Show) voice actors. Her gift to Dipper is a DVD set of his favorite show, Ghost Harassers. Pacifica wins the party crown contest by cheating. In Journal 3, Dipper mentions that Pacifica "looks kind of okay in an evening dress." Her mother is also seen to be very fussy and picky about Pacifica's manners and attire, scolding her for wearing a "lakefoam green" dress as opposed to "seafoam green", and remaining uncaring when Pacifica insists she likes the first dress (though Pacifica ends up wearing a different dress entirely). During "The Time Traveler's Pig," Pacifica appears at the Mystery Fair and makes a very rude remark about Mabel "[finding] her real twin" with some pigs. Mabel meets Grenda and Candy. In "Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls," Pacifica is slightly less aggressive to Dipper in comparison to her interactions with Mabel, though she still threatens to sue him and the other resistance members if she dies during the rescue. When they reach a sparkling clean white room, Pacifica prevents herself and Dipper from entering, as their shoes were dirty and she didn't want to mess up her parents' most prized carpet pattern. Grenda Grendinator4 is the deep, masculine-voiced best friend of Mabel Pines and Candy Chiu. It's noted that Pacifica's serious and proud demeanor is arranged to be a complete contrast to Mabel's sillier and empathetic nature. In the Gravity Falls: Lost Legends story "Face It", Pacifica is shown to be obsessed with her looks as she was raised by parents to be perfect no matter what and that beauty is everything. Character information It would not be until "Northwest Mansion Mystery," when she enlists Dipper's help to get rid of a ghost in her home, that they began to be amicable: after the two of them work together to capture the ghost, Dipper declares her "not that bad", a sentiment that Pacifica seems to share, as she welcomes him to stay at the party and seems glad when he appears to accept. ", There are hints that Pacifica has feelings for Dipper in ". Pacifica was reluctant to wear Mabel's llama sweater despite the necessity for the Zodiac ritual but relents after Mabel glares at her. As an adventurer, Dipper has trouble sitting still and is always looking for the next riddle to solve, leaving him restless in mundane situations. Soon after, Mabel publicly insults Pacifica and challenges her to a rematch. When Mabel steps up to the challenge and introduces herself, Pacifica refuses her offered handshake and scoffs that "[Mabel] sounds like a fat old lady's name". In the episode "Northwest Mansion Mystery," the Northwest family has a practice dinner for their annual party taking place the following day. "Maybe I should just stick to shopping online. ", Pacifica calls the attention of several of the town folks and gets them to pelt Stan with tomatoes. You were right about me, I am just another link in the world's worst chain. Gravity Falls was a beloved animated show that viewers of every age enjoyed.The show followed Dipper and Mabel Pines living with their Great Uncle Stan during their summer break in the increasingly weird and strange town of Gravity Falls. A boy Pacifica hates is coming to visit and he is completely in love with her. Party Queen[3]Miss Gravity Falls[2]Jackie the Elf-Bandit[4]PLATINUMPAZ[5] [2] She is represented as the llama on the Zodiac. Gravity Falls was a quirky and engaging show that followed twins, Dipper and Mabel Pines, as they stayed in the town of Gravity Falls with their Great Uncle Stan. This is what I found in here. Pacifica then points him to the direction where the paranormal activity has been happening the most. Pacifica demonstrates her high skills in mini-golf. However, when the ritual fails (due to Stan's stubbornness), Pacifica is turned into a banner alongside Robbie Valentino, Gideon Gleeful, Wendy Corduroy, Soos Ramirez, and Old Man McGucket. Signature Later, Pacifica and Dipper enjoy each other's company and gleefully mess up the Northwests' rug with their muddy shoes. Gravity Falls is a beloved show and loyal fans have even come up with countless fan theories about all the mysteries of the town and its characters. However, during Weirdmageddon, when she joined the band of survivors associated with Stan taking shelter inside the Mystery Shack, Pacifica was reduced to wearing a potato sack that was remade into a makeshift dress, as opposed to her usual fine clothing. 217 images (& sounds) of the Gravity Falls cast of characters. … From the stage, Pacifica encourages people in the crowd to come on and share their "Pioneer Day spirit," though her enthusiasm changes into anger when an excited Mabel climbs up and engages the crowd, leading the crowd in a chant of "USA!" In "The Golf War," he and Priscilla are seen at Ye Royal Discount Putt Hutt with Pacifica, and they stand by as she insults the Pines family. • Dipper Pines (voiced by Jason Ritter) – The 12-year-old twin brother of Mabel Pines, born 5 minutes after Mabel. But Pacifica liked her, for some reason. Background information They encourage her, telling her to do what "nobody in [their] family" has done: "touch the hillbilly". The name as well as the shipping itself was conjured up by yours truly, me, myself and I. Full name However, Pacifica is part of the rescue team sent in to save Ford Pines. Pacifica nearly dropped the pot upon hearing that dipper was coming back to gravity falls, no had seen him in person for years. They proceed to face off with the Pines family and Soos, with Pacifica giving a different insulting nickname to each one. Her gift to Mabel is a set of mini-golf clubs. Not that she really minded, since Tiffany was the only person, close enough to her social class, that her parents approved of, and saying she was close in social class, was a major over statement. At the end of the episode, Pacifica is seen being attacked by the chicken she won instead. Home Double Dipper She is then told by her father to enlist Dipper Pines to get rid of the "problem". | Voice It's also shown that while Pacifica was younger, Priscilla only read her the first part of "The Ugly Duckling", then ripped out the remaining pages of the book, so that Pacifica wouldn't learn about the real ending of the story, instead believing that the duckling never made any friends because of its looks.[4]. This acceptance nearly became strained when Dipper discovered the Northwest family (with Pacifica's active participation) had tricked him into dealing with the ghost to save themselves the "shame" of inviting regular townspeople to the party, with Dipper calling her "another link in the world's worst chain". Later, she wore a yellow llama sweater provided to her by Mabel. Waitress at Greasy's Diner (post series)[5], Preston Northwest (father)Click "expand" for full list, Priscilla Northwest (mother)Auldman Northwest (grandfather)Nathaniel Northwest (great-great grandfather)Dr. Northwest (ancestor)Mr. Northwest (ancestor), Mabel Pines (former) Click "expand" for full list, Dipper Pines (former) Candy Chiu (former)Grenda (former)FranzLilliputtians (former) Preston NorthwestPriscilla NorthwestArchibald Corduroy (former)Bill CipherMr. With Dipper's encouragement, Pacifica, wanting to change the error of her ancestors' ways, does the only thing that will stop the ghost: opening the manor gates and allowing common folk into the party. Suddenly, various objects around the manor start floating and attacking Pacifica and her parents. Welcome to Gravity Falls… Dipper reassures Pacifica that she is more than just a pretty face and shouldn't care what her family thinks. Official Sites In the Gravity Falls: Lost Legends story "Face It", Dipper becomes angry with Pacifica when Mr. What's-His-Face takes Mabel's face after Pacifica uses Journal 1 to summon him. Powers and abilities She dismisses Mabel's (accurate) explanation condescendingly, also telling her to "enjoy walking home" upon seeing Stan's car trapped in the mud. Pacifica's parents would rather attend a party than watch her mini golf tournament. "—Pacifica to Dipper[source], "Hey! It is shown in the episode that Pacifica's life, despite being filled with riches and luxury (she lives in a mansion with fountains and peacocks), isn't as great as it seems; for example, she is unfamiliar with common behavior like eating in the car or even sharing. Pacifica has long blonde hair with bell-shaped bangs and dark blue eyes. During "Irrational Treasure," Pacifica and her parents, Preston and Priscilla Northwest, are the guests of honor for the Pioneer Day event, as they are descendants of town founder, Nathaniel Northwest (and "also very rich"). | "—Pacifica Northwest[source], "Aw, 'it' thinks it's gonna win. Pacifica thinks that if he sees her with a boyfriend, he'll lose interest. Likes Angry at being robbed the spotlight, Pacifica interrupts, informing Mabel that Pioneer Day is for "serious people" and declaring Mabel's nacho earrings and sweater of a puppy playing basketball silly. Pacifica is smiling as she notes this and proudly shows off her hands covered in strips of tape and glue stains, indicating that she is happy to be adjusting to doing actual work now. Dislikes Company Credits In "Mabel's Guide to Color," Pacifica takes part in Mabel's survey of Gravity Falls' favorite colors, declaring hers to be "hot pink". In "Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls", Pacifica is part of the resistance against Bill Cipher. The victory does little to assuage Pacifica's dislike towards This dress also has a green bow around the waist, with matching green gloves, a matching choker with a diamond set in it, and the diamond earrings from her golfing outfit. Pacifica Elise Northwest[2] After Bill is defeated, she is seen in Dipper and Mabel's birthday party, having brought presents for them and regarding that, she wrapped both of them herself. As she is driven away in her family's sedan, an angry Dipper Pines catches up to the car, informing her that "Nathaniel Northwest didn't found Gravity Falls, and [her] whole family is a sham", handing her the secret cover-up document. She also wears black leggings underneath her cream boots and has a coonskin cap. Relatives She is shown to be still adjusting to her new lifestyle after the events of "Northwest Mansion Mystery," which is shown when she is not helping build the robot and refusing to touch McGucket's hand (however, these are obviously merely to hide how afraid she is). On the site Shmeb You Unlocked, it is also revealed that Pacifica secretly is very good at puns, as well as the fact that she is secretly a “Level 100 DeathSlayer” on the videogame Bloodcraft: Overdeath, and her favorite food is really anything that is deep-fried.[9]. "Old Man" McGucket's Conspiracy Corner Marathon, Gravity Falls: Legend of the Gnome Gemulets. Diametric opposite of Mabel Pines[1] Kristen Schaal is the voice of Mabel Pines in Gravity Falls, and Kozue Harashima is the Japanese voice. She makes another cameo in "Boyz Crazy," entering the Gravity Falls Civic Center and Buffet with her friends to watch the Sev'ral Timez concert. Though he refuses at first, Dipper ultimately accepts, in return for Pacifica inviting Mabel and her friends to the party. Dipper PinesMabel PinesPacifica's friendsTiffany[7] Mabel suggests that Pacifica has romantic feelings for Dipper, which Pacifica vehemently denies. But when Dipper find a strange journal in the woods, they learn about some strange secrets about the town. [8] Her parents spoiled her and seemed to encourage her behavior[8] which had greatly affected her psyche, to the point of valuing what her parents drive into her: money, winning, and looks. With her parents receiving the news, Pacifica bids Dipper farewell so he could finish off the ghost although she wanted him to stay for the party. With this done, the curse is lifted, the ghost moves on, and everyone reverts to their original state. After winning the party crown contest and the crown, she mistakenly thanks Soos as "Jorge" and invites the partygoers to an after-party on her parents' boat, which makes the majority of them leave and brings the Mystery Shack party to a close. However, one group decides to kill Pacifica instead, requiring Mabel to save her. A cryptogram reveals that Pacifica thinks about the twins daily while working at Greasy's Diner after the end of summer.[5]. She was a diva who looked down badly on "weirdos" such as Mabel and her friends, Candy and Grenda,[3] and lorded her ancestry over the people of Gravity Falls. This interaction implies that Pacifica is closer to her mother than she is to her father, as Priscilla is always the one Pacifica goes to when she is distressed. Pacifica does not associate much with Dipper, dismissing him as "lame." Pacifica walks up to demand the crown, as she believes nobody can beat her at all. There was so much romance in the air that no one could ever feel a bad vibe to it. After discovering the Lilliputtians, Mabel has them sabotage Pacifica's game for her. During one of the alternate timelines created by Mabel and Dipper's time-traveling, Pacifica is shown to have gotten to the weight-guessing game before Mabel and won Mabel's prized pig, Waddles. Pacifica is visibly affected by her parents' being made a part of Bill Cipher's throne: while she recognizes they're "bad", she believes even they don't deserve such a fate. Pacifica's favorite color is hot pink, despite the fact that purple is her signature color. Kristen Schaal. She can't even pronounce the word correctly—when she did try to pronounce it, she pronounced it as "SHAW-ring. Pacifica begins feeling sad that Dipper is upset at her, although she knew the truth but couldn't tell him because of her parents. [8] Once a major rival of Mabel Pines, recent interactions with her former foe and common people have compelled Pacifica to abandon her family's conceited attitude and the long, hidden history of crime, treachery, and cover-ups. Mabel Pines is one of the lead characters of the Disney Channel animated series Gravity Falls.The character is voiced by Kristen Schaal, and designed by the series creator, Alex Hirsch.She is inspired by Hirsch's own twin sister, Ariel Hirsch. The two have an argument, which lands them into a secret room. Pacifica's relationship with her parents is strained., Principal of Glass Shard Beach High School,, Her name is a pun on the "Pacific Northwest" region of North America, a region containing Oregon, the state in which the show is based and where creator, Pacifica Northwest, is the daughter of one of the richest family in Gravity Falls. As the sedan drives away, Pacifica examines the proof and can be heard calling out to her mother in distress.

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