Le tableau comporte deux parties narratives distinctes. L'usage des couleurs vives (luminisme), les mimiques excessives, annoncent l'école du maniérisme qui dominera bientôt la peinture italienne, après la mort de Raphaël en 1520. This criticism did not diminish the fame of the painting, but provoked counter-criticism by other connoisseurs and scholars. Les témoins de la Transfiguration ne comprirent pas l’événement. Unusually for a depiction of the Transfiguration of Jesus in Christian art, the subject is combined with the next episode from the Gospels (the healing of a possessed boy) in the lower part of the painting. La Transfiguration est un épisode de la vie du Christ où son apparence physique change pendant sa vie sur terre, révélant ainsi sa nature divine. Reproduction à l’huile sur toile de l’oeuvre La Transfiguration (Raphaël). [4], From 11 to 12 December 1516, Michelangelo was in Rome to discuss with Pope Leo X and Cardinal Medici the facade of the Basilica of San Lorenzo in Florence. Commencé en 1518, il sera achevé par l’un de ses disciples en 1520. Annales des arts n°17. 3. 1967. [15], The first descriptions of the painting after Raphael's death in 1520 called The Transfiguration already a masterpiece, but this status evolved until the end of the 16th century. Tableau de la transfiguration. [10] A mosaic copy of the painting was completed by Stefano Pozzi in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City in 1774. In all, Raphael successfully appeased his commissioners, paid homage to his predecessors, and ushered in the subsequent predominance of Baroque painting. Raphael would have been familiar with the final form of The Raising of Lazarus as early as the autumn of 1518, and there is considerable evidence that he worked feverishly to compete, adding a second theme and nineteen figures. (Goncourt, M me Gervaisais, 1869, p. 132). Journal du moniteur . In 1523,[5] he installed it on the high altar in the Blessed Amadeo's church of San Pietro in Montorio, Rome,[9] in a frame which was the work of Giovanni Barile (no longer in existence). Judas Thaddeus is looking at Simon and pointing towards the boy. La transfiguration de Raphaël - Croir . [19], During the short period of time the painting spent in Paris, it became a major attraction to visitors, and this continued after its return to Rome, then placed in the Vatican museums. La femme du premier plan est-elle le sujet principal de l’oeuvre ? This tract was well known to Pope Leo X. Guillaume Briçonnet, Cardinal Giulio de' Medici's predecessor as bishop of Narbonne, and his two sons also consulted the tract as spiritual guide. [1] The painting exemplifies Raphael's development as an artist and the culmination of his career. By agreement with the Congress of Vienna, the works were to be exhibited to the public. En 1797, à la suite du Traité de Tolentino, cette œuvre, comme … To Napoleon, Raphael was simply the greatest of Italian artists and The Transfiguration his greatest work. [3], An early modello for the painting, done in Raphael's studio by Giulio Romano, depicted a 1:10 scale drawing for The Transfiguration. [29], The iconography of the picture has been interpreted as a reference to the delivery of the city of Narbonne from the repeated assaults of the Saracens. Le mont Thabor est représenté par un monticule. La Transfiguration de Raphaël 16/03/2019. [15] The Istituto nazionale per la grafica in Rome possesses twelve of these reproductions. [32], Raphael plays on a tradition equating epilepsy with the aquatic moon (luna, from whence lunatic). The painting was felt to be too crowded, the figures to be too dramatic and the whole setting to be too artificial. [17], Jonathan Richardson Senior and Junior dared to criticise the overwhelming status of The Transfiguration, asking if this painting could really be the most famous painting in the world. Il commanda en même temps une deuxième œuvre intitulée La résurrection de Lazare à Sebastiano del Piombo. Examination of the final Transfiguration revealed more than sixteen incomplete areas and pentimenti (alterations). La transfiguration - RAPHAEL . Il est conservé dans la Pinacothèque de la cité du Vatican. Extrait texte du document: « 1517-1520 Raphaël peint son dernier chefd 'œuvre LA TRANSFIGURATION Le 6 avril 1520, Raphaël meurt à Rome, après une agonie aussi brève qu'impré­ vue. The philosopher Nietzsche interpreted the painting in his book The Birth of Tragedy as an image of the interdependence of Apollonian and Dionysian principles.[36]. ZARTS > La transfiguration - RAPHAEL. La Transfiguration ne fut jamais envoyée en France parce que le cardinal la conserva à la mort de Raphaël (1520) puis il en fit don à l’église Saint-Pierre in Montorio où l’œuvre fut placée sur le maître autel. Baron Antoine-Jean Gros, another member, had been influenced by Raphael. The Transfiguration represents a prefiguration of the Last Judgment, and of the final defeat of the Devil. Raphaël mourut d'un accès de fièvre en avril 1520. un épisode de la vie de Jésus-Christ relaté par le Nouveau Testament.

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