It only showed edited photos of several individuals, whom it claimed carried out the attack. [26] The Yemeni parliament has denounced the Israeli operation, considering it an "aggression against all Arab and Muslim countries" and calling for using oil as a weapon to end the Israeli operation. From the start of the first so-called Arab Spring, there have been similar attacks and bombings. Then, in an about-face, the Government of Yemen invited General Norman Schwarzkopf to visit San'a. Yemen occupies a strategic position at the entrance to the Red Sea and its control of the Bab-el-Mandeb, Israel's outlet to the Indian Ocean and the Far East, which increased its importance in the eyes of Israeli strategists. Eritrea has official diplomatic relations with Israel. Some analysts say Iran used the conflict in Yemen as a bargaining card in the negotiations with US. Israel persuaded Hilmi to condemn Sallal and the Egyptian involvement against the Royalists. According to Iran's Minister of the Interior, Ali Mohammad Besharati, the promotion of his country's relations with Yemen was a pivotal feature of Iranian diplomacy. While the newly united Yemeni State did not join the Western coalition, it refrained from sending forces to Saddam Hussein's aid, and at the same time portrayed itself as a mediator and an honest broker in the conflict. Sunni and Shia are the main two denominations in Islam. Arafat was among the dignitaries invited. [19], Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh condemned the Israeli raids as a “barbaric aggression”. Israel's fight against the shipment of weapons from Iran to organizations under its protection may reach new districts. During the civil war between Royalists and Republicans in Yemen, Egypt supported the Republicans while Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia supported the Royalists with war material and training. The timing of the bombings has led to an escalation of the violence that ruled out any remaining possibility for talks or reconciliation. The demonstrators, which began at Change Square, marched to the local Hamas office in Haseba district. In 1964 Yemen joined twelve Arab states at a summit in Cairo, whose purpose was to plan reprisals against Israel for its diversion of the Jordan River. In January 2000, the Jordanian 'Al Majd' newspaper said, quoting well-informed diplomatic sources in Amman that the Israeli embassy in the Jordanian had tried repeatedly to contact the Yemeni ambassador in Amman, Hassan Al Louzi, by telephone. Zarif slams US policy as ‘Netanyahu firsters,' blames Israel for Yemen war Blaming Israel for the US support of Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen represents a new stretch, even for the Iranian regime. It is noteworthy that starting a war in Yemen is a alarming signal for the Saudis. The fears that Israel was determined to prevent Yemen from controlling Bab alMandab increased partially as a result of an intense Iranian propaganda campaign aimed at keeping the two countries hostile to each other. [13] Yemen's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Abd-al-Karim al-Iryani said in a news conference: In fact, it has been proved beyond any doubt that there was a direct Israeli involvement, we would have been very happy to announce this, for several reasons which I do not care to discuss here. The new Imam called upon all Arabs to unite against the Zionist State. But this was denied strongly by Sana'a. It only showed edited photos of several individuals, whom it claimed carried out the attack. These battlefields have also been a place for ISIL to thrive. That happened as Iran was concluding a deal with the US/EU over its nuclear program. Threats to Israel’s national security emerging from Yemeni civil war Houthi control of Yemen’s Western coast from north of Hodeidah to al-Luhaya provides it … The Houthis, in cooperation with forces loyal to former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, escalated their military operations inside Yemen and planned to capture Aden after they had already seized control of the capital Sanaa. The US-brokered Israel-UAE normalisation deal triggered mixed reactions in the Middle East. Also one of the dramatic and tangible results of the Yemeni war is the formation of a new Arab NATO alliance. She is joined by five others from her group, The Yemeni Liberation Movement. Sources from the Kuwaiti newspaper Al … The ruling party, General People's Congress strongly condemned the actions of which it considered to be aggressions against the Palestinians and the Lebanese and called for the international community to intervene. Keen not to be entirely consumed by the medical profession, Dr. Ezzat invests a lot of his time in research and writing. In an interview to Al-Ahram, Saleh said that he conferred with Egyptian President's Hosni Mubarak, and told him that it was beyond his comprehension how the Arabs continuously engaged in negotiations with Israel while they remained at odds with each other. San'a repeatedly called for an end to the Iran-Iraq war. Some analysts say Iran used the conflict in Yemen as a bargaining card in the negotiations with US. During a 2019 conference on fighting Iranian terrorism, a tense situation arose when the President of Yemen, Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, had to sit next to Netanyahu even though the two are enemies. According to Melman, Israel is not involved in the civil war in Yemen nor has any intentions to be part of it. They assigned Saudi Arabia to the task, and the kingdom had to bear the costs and acknowledge full responsibility for its offensives against Yemen,” Houthi added. The most vocal opponent of the government's attempts to reconcile with Israel was the Yemeni Reform Grouping. Other political parties have also condemned the Israelis, and announced their support for the Palestinian and Lebanese people “in their fight for their right of survival and defeating occupier.” They also called for the closing of Israeli embassies in Arab countries. The organ of the Nasserist Unionist People's Organisation, Al-Warawi, was critical of this decision: "The visit proves that the ruling coalition began to march toward normalization of cultural and economic relations with Israel." After those two bombings, all hell broke loose in Yemen. In 1982 San'a not only condemned Israel for its invasion of Lebanon and the U.S. for facilitating that invasion, but also joined a ministerial delegation sent by South Yemen to all Arab capitals to discuss the issue. [25] The unnamed spoken also said that "The Yemeni government calls for the international community to bare their responsibilities towards the Zionist offensive and take swift action to stop this brutal aggression". They all have been carried out by anonymous parties. After hearing about Arab defeat and the establishment of the State of Israel, the new Imam feared that the Israeli government might demand reparations for property left by Jews who immigrated to Israel, and therefore quickly allowed them to leave the country in a massive emigration enterprise known as "Operation Magic Carpet" in which nearly 50,000 Jews were flown safely out of Yemen.[1]. These relations were baptized by blood when the Egyptian people and Army helped Yemen during our revolution against the defunct imams' rule and British colonialism". In addition, it joined South Yemen in informing PLO leader Yasser Arafat of its willingness to absorb Palestinian refugees. [5] In February 1977, Yasser Arafat was cordially received in Aden where he was referred to as "Brother Arafat the President of Palestine," and In March 1977, President Rubiyya Ali met the Somali, Sudanese and YAR chiefs of state in Taiz, in order to consider means of consolidating Arab solidarity "in order to confront Israel's aggressive policy and the Zionist forces supporting it". Israel was mentioned as being the political incarnation of Zionism. Yemeni gov forces retook control of many sites from Iran-backed Houthis in al-Kasarah front northwest Marib today. [citation needed]. The Yemeni Sports minister, Hamud Mohammed Ubad, ordered the dismissal after players ignored instructions to pull out if drawn against Israel. It is clearer than ever. In a few years, the so-called Islamic State/ ISIL — trained and equipped by the US, and infiltrated by Mossad — has helped Israel accomplish goals it has been dreaming of for decades. In the spring of 1958, barely a month after forming a union with Syria, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser established a new union between the United Arab Republic and Yemen. ISIL has not provided any evidence to support its claim, such as images, or “martyr will” videos by the alleged bombers. In the end, only Yemen and the PLO supported the Iraqi cause. In the same month, in a statement to the Kuwaiti daily Al-Seyassah, the then Yemeni foreign minister Abdul Qadir Bajamal said that all attempts made by Israel to use time to serve its interests in making a peace deal are doomed to failure. In the aftermath of the Arab uprisings, a deadly mixture of religious extremism, proxy wars, sectarian tension and tribal rivalries is destabilizing the whole region. It denounced U.S. policy toward Iraq and assisted Saddam Hussein on every occasion. In October 1978, South Yemen's main opposition party, the Yemeni Socialist Party (YSP) demanded that Israel withdraw from all Arab occupied territories and allow the establishment of a Palestinian state. The bombings are similar in their calculated risk of turning any peaceful protests into outright civil war and chaos. It is obvious that the Sanaa bombings, as in the case of the early bombings in Syria and Iraq, are carried out by covert professional operatives – professional enough to have anticipated the escalating regional response. Any turmoil in Yemen could affect the world maritime economics and shipping, especially oil carriers. Interestingly, the civil wars in Syria and Iraq have been ignited by a series of massive bombings carried out by anonymous parties – most likely covert operatives. Sami Jadallah – Stuart Littlewood The development comes just as world powers are negotiating over Tehran’s tattered nuclear deal. There seems to be a repeated pattern here. [27] On 17 November, Permanent Representative of Yemen to the Arab League, Mohammed al-Haisami called "all Arab states to put an end to the cruel Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip and to stop the crimes committed by Israel on the Palestinian people". The civil war began in September 2014 when Houthi forces took over the capital city Sanaa, which was followed by a rapid … The Yemeni government seemed determined to maintain friendly relations with Egypt, even though the latter concluded a peace agreement with Israel. Given Israel’s support for countries involved in genocidal wars in the past and its own treatment of Palestinians, it is unlikely that Israel’s government would feel constrained by any moral dilemmas if it chose to join the coalition’s war in Yemen despite the humanitarian crisis that war has provoked. Ubad said that "this was an individual action contrary to the policy of Yemen, which refuses any normalisation with Israel". [20] Tens of thousands of people marched, many carrying banners condemning Israel and what they called "Arab silence" over the "extermination of the Palestinian people by the Zionist enemy". ISIL has not provided any evidence to support its claim, such as images, or “martyr will” videos by the alleged bombers. Saudi–Yemeni War (1934) Kingdom of Yemen: Saudi Arabia: Defeat. Then, the country swiftly turned into chaos as the Saudi-led military coalition started bombing the Houthi strongholds. 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[21] Following the war Yemen has prepared 42 tons of aid for the people of Gaza. In Yemen, key political factions in the country’s conflict remain deeply divided over the sensitive issue. “War on Yemen was a joint plot constructed by the US and the Israeli regime. People with an Israeli passport or any passport with an Israeli stamp cannot enter Yemen, and Yemen is defined as an "enemy state" by Israeli law. This pragmatic approach became even more pronounced following the merger of the two countries on May 22, 1990. All the turmoil in Yemen could have been contained and resolved had it not been for the bombings on March 20th. The unification of the two Yemens on May 22, 1990, reduced the vocal campaign against Israel but did not bring normalization. While Aden preached unity within the PLO camp, it maintained close contacts with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). In 1976, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) raided Entebbe Airport in Uganda and the Osiraq nuclear reactor in Iraq. Reacting to Israel's raids in south Lebanon, Abd al-Fattah Ismail, a spokesman for South Yemen, attested to the close link with the Arab liberation movement in its entirety. A Yemeni government official assured the Americans that "North Yemen would do nothing to undermine U.S. peace efforts in the current Egyptian-Israeli talks to implement the Camp David agreements." Covert Israeli interventions in Yemen are not without precedent. Reportedly, the meeting once again focused on visits, refugees and Israeli investments. Within Yemen, there are many conspiracy theories about the attack, including that it was carried out by a party, other than the Islamic State, with a vested interest in providing a pretext for a Saudi invasion. But we know in advance, and we were told by the Eritreans before we had a dispute with them that they received a grant from Israel, in the form of four or six boats. The Houthis see a Jewish conspiracy behind for the campaign against them. Fighting between Marxist South Yemen and the north followed. In an interview with an Egyptian newspaper, Saleh expressed his country's unqualified support for Egypt. Yemenite Jews once formed a sizable Jewish minority in Yemen with a distinct culture from other Jewish communities in the world. Israel media turmoil regarding war in Yemen is while Ansar Allah officials reported before the presence of Israel beside the Saudi coalition.

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