The court ruling also cited the attempts Israel had made to defend its citizens, including "military operations" carried out against "terrorist acts", and stated that these actions... ...did not provide a sufficient answer to the immediate need to stop the severe acts of terrorism. It is 708 kilometers (439 miles) long. While the wall impedes daily life for many Palestinians, it is by no means an impermiable barrier; many Palestinians go to and from work in Israel on a daily basis, though the wait to get through can sometimes be long. The total length of the land boundaries of the region are 404 kilometres (251 miles). The barrier was built in and around the West Bank in the wake of the second Palestinian intifada, or uprising, which began in 2000. Read more about this topic:  Israeli West Bank Barrier, Overview, “When we of the so-called better classes are scared as men were never scared in history at material ugliness and hardship; when we put off marriage until our house can be artistic, and quake at the thought of having a child without a bank-account and doomed to manual labor, it is time for thinking men to protest against so unmanly and irreligious a state of opinion.”—William James (1842–1910), “A stated truth loses its grace, but a repeated error appears insipid and ridiculous.”—Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749–1832), “In using the strong hand, as now compelled to do, the government has a difficult duty to perform. Much like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the story of the security fence between Israel and the West Bank consists of two different narratives, each claiming to be the more accurate, writes Col. One such example is the Israeli West Bank barrier. The first section of the wall (as slabs of concrete contiguous for miles) that stood as a barrier was constructed during the Oslo accords negotiations in 1994. The elevation span between the shoreline of the Dead Sea at −408 m to the highest point at Mount Nabi Yunis, at 1,030 m (3… Nothing about the Israel/West Bank barrier is easy to understand: not its history, not its function, and certainly not its name. Following a Palestinian violence outbreak in 2002, Israel began construction of a barrier that would separate most of the West Bank from areas inside Israel. As an attempt to prevent Palestinian terrorists from entering Israel, the Israeli government began constructing a barrier in 2002. Separation barrier in the West Bank or along the Green Line. Israel-West-Bank barrier is a wall built by the State of Israel to separate Palestinian territories from Israel. While a barrier between Israel and the West Bank had been proposed by Israeli politicians as early as 1992, the Second Intifada of 2000 was the catalyst for the barrier’s construction. The barrier was built in and around the West Bank in the wake of the second Palestinian intifada, or uprising, which began in 2000. Over 80% of the barrier was built in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, which many Palestinians saw as a violation of the 2000 Oslo Accords signed by the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority (PA). The Gaza Strip, with a population of some 2 million people in 365 km2 is one of the most densely populated places on the globe. Between the Second Intifada—a Palestinian uprising that included rioting, the firing of mortar shells into Israel, and multiple suicide bombings—and the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks in America, the Israeli government, headed by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, began building a “separation fence” in 2002 to frustrate potential terrorists from entering Israel. While terrorism did decrease significantly after the barrier was built, scholars argue that the wall changes and reinforces the demographic realities on the ground, and makes it impossible for Palestinians to reclaim the areas beyond the barrier wall in any future peace negotiation. It is built mostly of fences and in some places it is built of high concrete walls. "Israel considers it a security barrier against terrorism, while Palestinians call it a racial segregation or apartheid wall. Dr. Danny Tirza. Land for construction of Barrier sections inside the West Bank has …

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