MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Russian military in Syria learned about militants' plans to accuse Syrian government forces and Russian Aerospace Forces of striking settlements in the Idlib de-escalation zone, deputy head of the Russian Defence Ministry's Center for Syrian Reconciliation said at a daily briefing on Monday. Militants Continue Shelling Settlements in Syria's Northern Provinces, Russian Military Says. 21:59 05.11.2020 La Défense russe constate l'intensification des pilonnages depuis Idlib Depuis l’été 2018, la ville d’Idlib et sa région, dans le nord-ouest de la Syrie, sont au cœur de vives négociations pour éviter un massacre. © MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist group* shelled Syria's Idlib de-escalation zone 29 times over the past 24 hours, Rear Adm. Vyacheslav Sytnik, deputy head of the Russian Defense Ministry's Center for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria, said at a briefing. Militants Plotting Drone Strike in Idlib to Accuse Damascus, Moscow - Russian MoD. You can find a detailed description of how we use your data in our Privacy Policy. Militants Shell 8 Towns in Syria's Idlib, Aleppo Provinces, Russian Military Says. Trois militants, deux Tchétchènes et un Français, gardent la cargaison. *Jabhat al-Nusra (also known as Al-Nusra Front, Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, or al-Qaeda in Syria) is a terrorist group outlawed in Russia and many other states. "Thirty-six shelling attacks from the positions of the Jabhat al-Nusra* terrorist group were registered in the Idlib de-escalation zone... in the provinces of Idlib (15 attacks), Latakia (17), Aleppo (3) and Hama (1)," Rear Adm. Karpov said. Les Européens assistent anxieusement en spectateurs à l’affrontement militaire. BEIRUT (Sputnik) – An airstrike conducted by the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib has killed more than 40 terrorists and injured at least 60 others, Syria’s Al Watan newspaper reported on Monday, citing health sources in Idlib. Users are obliged abide by national and international laws. MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Rear Adm. Vyacheslav Sytnik, deputy head of the Russian Defence Ministry's Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria, said at a briefing that the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist group (banned in Russia) had shelled Syria's Idlib de-escalation zone 35 times in the past 24 hours. Terrorists Carry Out 35 Attacks on Syria's Idlib De-escalation Zone – Reconciliation Centre. Militants Shell Settlements in Syria's Idlib, Latakia, Aleppo, Russian Military Says. Des tirs visant un blindé dans la zone de désescalade d'Idlib en Syrie ont fait trois blessés parmi les militaires russes, selon le ministère russe de la Défense. Le groupe Hayat Tahrir Al-Cham veut changer son image et ses méthodes pour ancrer dans la durée sa domination sur la région. MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Russian military police and the Turkish armed forces have conducted their second joint training in the Syrian province of Idlib, the deputy head of the Russian Defence Ministry's Centre for Syrian Reconciliation, Rear Admiral Alexander Grinkevich, said on Tuesday. Russian Military Vehicle Fired On in Idlib From Territory Controlled by Pro-Turkish Gangs. Turkish Military Hit by Explosion During Joint Patrol With Russian Troops in Syria's Idlib. L’armée syrienne a repris l’envoi d’équipements militaires dans le Rif de Hama et le Rif d’Idlib, situés respectivement dans le nord et le nord-ouest de la Syrie. To improve the performance of our website, show the most relevant news products and targeted advertising, we collect technical impersonal information about you, including through the tools of our partners. Are you sure you want to delete your account? Le Monde. En Syrie, les promesses ambiguës des djihadistes d’Idlib. Un chasseur F-16 des forces armées turques a abattu un avion L-39 de l'armée syrienne au-dessus d'Idlib, a fait savoir ce 3 mars le ministère turc de la Défense nationale. Trump exhorte Assad et ses alliés à éviter un “carnage” à Idlib. He said Russian military police units continued to escort civilian vehicles on the M4 highway between the Raqqa and al-Hasakah provinces. To contact the team of moderators, write to, Get push notifications from Sputnik International,,, Syrie ; Syrie : l’Europe défiée à Idlib Éditorial. Users can initiate the recovery of their account / unlock access by contacting the moderators at For a detailed description of the technologies, please see the Cookie and Automatic Logging Policy. The fact of registration and authorization of users on Sputnik websites via users’ account or accounts on social networks indicates acceptance of these rules. Le rapport de Sputnik n'est pas surprenant. Your account has been deleted! Editorial. Le prochain volet de négociations sur la Syrie ainsi que la situation dans le nord-est du pays et à Idlib ont été au cœur d’un entretien entre le Président syrien et une délégation russe. MOSCOW (Sputnik) - An armored personnel carrier of the Russian military police in Idlib was fired on from an anti-tank missile system in an area under the control of pro-Turkish militants. Selon l'agence d'État syrienne Sana, le L-39 a été visé alors qu'il participait à une opération antiterroriste à Idlib. To improve the performance of our website, show the most relevant news products and targeted advertising, we collect technical impersonal information about you, including through the tools of our partners. La ville de Saraqeb a été reprise jeudi par les forces fidèles au président Assad, qui mènent une offensive pour prendre le contrôle de la région d’Idlib, au nord-ouest du pays. MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Militants in Syria are planning to stage a chemical attack on the Kabana locality in the Idlib province, Rear Adm. Alexander Karpov, deputy head of the Russian Defense Ministry's Center for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria, said on Monday. Syrie. MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist group* shelled Syria's Idlib de-escalation zone 40 times over the past 24 hours, Rear Adm. Alexander Karpov, deputy head of the Russian Defense Ministry's Center for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria, said at a briefing. Alors que les forces gouvernementales syriennes tentent de purger le dernier bastion des insurgés d'Idlib dans le nord-ouest de la Syrie, ... de votre espace personnel sur le site de Sputnik. Des spécialistes militaires russes tués à Idlib en Syrie ... acceptez que vos données personnelles soient utilisées pour la création de votre espace personnel sur le site de Sputnik. Militants Are Preparing Provocations With Poisonous Substances in Idlib, Russian Military Says. Terrorists Carry Out 40 Attacks on Syria's Idlib De-escalation Zone - Reconciliation Center. Pro zahájení operace čekáme na rozkaz velení. La tension est croissante entre la Turquie et le régime syrien. Russian, Turkish Military Hold Second Joint Training in Syria. You can withdraw your consent using the method specified in the Privacy Policy. Since you already shared your personal data with us when you created your personal account, to continue using it, please check the box below: If you do not want us to continue processing your data, please click here to delete your account. # SputnikVidéo | Un convoi de matériel militaire turc repéré dans le gouvernorat d’Idlib You can find a detailed description of how we use your data in our Privacy Policy. Please review our Privacy Policy. Idlib. Militants Shell Localities in Syria's Idlib, Aleppo Provinces, Russian Military Says. Previously, the Russian ambassador to the United Nations pointed out that while almost every month Syria provides information about terrorists planning chemical weapons provocations, such data is not reflected in the OPCW documentation. Your account has been deleted! Are you sure you want to delete your account? Vers un affrontement entre la Syrie et la Turquie à Idlib ? Ulas Atesci. In all language versions of the websites any comments posted can be edited. In the case of repeated violations of the rules above resulting in a second block of a user’s account, access cannot be restored. Si la poche Idlib s’est avérée être une épine dans le pied de Damas depuis sa conquête par une alliance hétéroclite de groupes rebelles en mars 2015 (3), elle a fini, au fil des années, par en devenir le point d’attention primaire des forces loyalistes et de leurs alliés russo-iraniens. Joint Russia-Turkey Patrol Comes Under Fire in Idlib. Erdogan menace d’intervenir contre les troupes du régime à Idlib. Post limit reached. Monstrous-Looking Fish Washed Ashore in California Scares Beachgoers - Photo, Cat Nap: Kitty Sleeps Like a Log and Snores Like a Buzzsaw, 'Wardrobe Police': UK Fur Traders Slam Looming Ban Trailed in Queen’s Speech, Venezuela's PDVSA Reportedly Needs $77.6 Billion to Rebuild Decaying Oil & Gas Industry, George Galloway Derides SNP for Wasting Majority Left Them by Ex-Leader — Video, The Black Stone: Photos of Revered Islamic Relic Released for the First Time, Live Updates: Barrage of Missiles Target Israel's Ashkelon Amid Heightened Tensions in Gaza Strip, WWII’s Lessons, Combat Robots and Russia’s Women Warriors: Highlights From the Moscow Victory Parade, French Military Claims 'a Civil War is Brewing' in France, Live Updates: At Least Nine Killed, Over a Dozen Hospitalised After School Shooting in Kazan, Russia, Unrest in the Holy City: Israeli Police and Palestinians Clash Outside Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, US Develops Individual Biological Weapons Plans for Different Countries, Russia Says, Melinda Gates Breaks Silence in First Twitter Post Since Divorce Announcement. 'World is Getting More Violent': Trump Blasts Biden Administration Over Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Pro-Palestinian Activists Protest in London, Russia, Turkey Hold Joint Patrol Training in Syria, Reconciliation Center Says. 20:57 Známý americký admirál prozradil, ... vyjadřujete výslovný souhlas se zpracováním vašich osobních údajů za účelem vytvoření účtu na webu Sputnik, abyste mohl(a) komentovat zprávy. Situation à Idlib après le cessez-le-feu entre la Turquie et la Syrie entré en vigueur à minuit He said the number of attacks according to the Syrian side's data also totaled 29. By clicking on the "Accept & Close" button, you provide your explicit consent to the processing of your data to achieve the above goal. il y a 4 jour Les S-400 russes fermeront le ciel de la Syrie à l'Otan Sputnik. Syrie. If the moderators deem it possible to restore the account / unlock access, it will be done. MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Syrian militants from the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham* terrorist group shelled eight towns in the northwestern Idlib and Aleppo provinces, the head of Russia's Syria reconciliation centre said Saturday. BEYROUTH (Reuters) - L'armée syrienne a pris le contrôle d'une importante ville stratégique à Idlib, dernière enclave des rebelles en Syrie, rapporte Users are obliged to speak respectfully to the other participants in the discussion, readers and individuals referenced in the posts. Since you already shared your personal data with us when you created your personal account, to continue using it, please check the box below: If you do not want us to continue processing your data, please click here to delete your account. To improve the performance of our website, show the most relevant news products and targeted advertising, we collect technical impersonal information about you, including through the tools of our partners. Le correspondant de Sputnik a rapporté depuis Hama que des unités de chars et de véhicules blindés étaient entrées vendredi 15 février dans le nord de la province de Hama. Russia and Turkey have been jointly patrolling the M4 highway in Syria, which connects the provinces of Latakia and Aleppo, since March. It contains details about the types of data we collect, how we use it, and your data protection rights. La guerre à Idlib s’intensifie alors que la Turquie annonce des opérations militaires contre la Syrie. Escalade d’affrontements entre les armées turque et syrienne. Idlib province is presently home to the largest concentration of jihadist militants in Syria; tens of thousands of fighters and members of their families were moved to the area in a deal with Damascus following the Syrian Army's liberation of wide swathes of territory between 2015 and 2018. Ozbrojené síly jsou pevně odhodlány osvobodit Idlib od teroristů a jsme si jisti, že ho co nejdříve obsadíme," řekl Osi. News, Analysis, Multimedia. Les enjeux de la visite de Poutine à Damas. You can restore your account within 30 days by following the link sent to the e-mail address you entered during registration. MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russia and Turkey have conducted a joint training to patrol the M4 highway in Syria's Idlib de-escalation zone, Rear Adm. Alexander Karpov, the deputy head of the Russian Defense Ministry's Center for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria, said on Friday. Je réponds à vos questions. We are committed to protecting your personal information and we have updated our Privacy Policy to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a new EU regulation that went into effect on May 25, 2018. Monstrous-Looking Fish Washed Ashore in California Scares Beachgoers - Photo, Cat Nap: Kitty Sleeps Like a Log and Snores Like a Buzzsaw, 'Wardrobe Police': UK Fur Traders Slam Looming Ban Trailed in Queen’s Speech, Venezuela's PDVSA Reportedly Needs $77.6 Billion to Rebuild Decaying Oil & Gas Industry, George Galloway Derides SNP for Wasting Majority Left Them by Ex-Leader — Video, The Black Stone: Photos of Revered Islamic Relic Released for the First Time, Live Updates: Barrage of Missiles Target Israel's Ashkelon Amid Heightened Tensions in Gaza Strip, WWII’s Lessons, Combat Robots and Russia’s Women Warriors: Highlights From the Moscow Victory Parade, French Military Claims 'a Civil War is Brewing' in France, Live Updates: At Least Nine Killed, Over a Dozen Hospitalised After School Shooting in Kazan, Russia, Unrest in the Holy City: Israeli Police and Palestinians Clash Outside Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, US Develops Individual Biological Weapons Plans for Different Countries, Russia Says, Melinda Gates Breaks Silence in First Twitter Post Since Divorce Announcement. You can withdraw your consent using the method specified in the Privacy Policy. La Turquie, nouvelle base arrière des djihadistes de Daech The websites’ administration has the right to delete comments made in languages ​​other than the language of the majority of the websites’ content. MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist group (banned in Russia) shelled Syria's Idlib de-escalation zone 36 times over the past 24 hours, Rear Adm. Alexander Karpov, deputy head of the Russian Defense Ministry's Center for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria, said at a briefing. By clicking on the "Accept & Close" button, you provide your explicit consent to the processing of your data to achieve the above goal. Last week, the Russian centre for Syrian reconciliation stated that Turkish troops were hit by an unidentified explosive device while patrolling a highway in Syria's Idlib. Terrorisme. Aujourd'hui, mercredi, cette source a déclaré dans un entretien spécial à Sputnik : « Lors de la réunion tenue hier, mardi, au siège du ministère turc des Affaires étrangères à Ankara, une proposition a été faite pour réduire le nombre de points d’observation turcs dans la province syrienne d’Idlib, mais aucun accord n’a été conclu à ce sujet. Please review our Privacy Policy. Syria's Idlib De-escalation Zone Shelled 29 Times in Past Day, Reconciliation Center Says. Syrie. Two US MQ-9 Reaper Drones Reportedly Crash After Colliding Over Idlib (Photo, Video). Get push notifications from Sputnik International. MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Hayat Tahrir al-Sham* terrorist group has shelled settlements in the Syrian provinces of Aleppo and Idlib, the head of the Russian Defence Ministry's Centre for Syrian reconciliation said at a daily briefing on Tuesday. does not correspond with the subject of the post; promotes hatred and discrimination on racial, ethnic, sexual, religious or social basis or violates the rights of minorities; violates the rights of minors, causing them harm in any form, including moral damage; contains ideas of extremist nature or calls for other illegal activities; contains insults, threats to other users, individuals or specific organizations, denigrates dignity or undermines business reputations; contains insults or messages expressing disrespect to Sputnik; violates privacy, distributes personal data of third parties without their consent or violates privacy of correspondence; describes or references scenes of violence, cruelty to animals; contains information about methods of suicide, incites to commit suicide; pursues commercial objectives, contains improper advertising, unlawful political advertisement or links to other online resources containing such information; promotes products or services of third parties without proper authorization; contains offensive language or profanity and its derivatives, as well as hints of the use of lexical items falling within this definition; contains spam, advertises spamming, mass mailing services and promotes get-rich-quick schemes; promotes the use of narcotic / psychotropic substances, provides information on their production and use; contains links to viruses and malicious software; is part of an organized action involving large volumes of comments with identical or similar content ("flash mob"); “floods” the discussion thread with a large number of incoherent or irrelevant messages; violates etiquette, exhibiting any form of aggressive, humiliating or abusive behavior ("trolling"); doesn’t follow standard rules of the English language, for example, is typed fully or mostly in capital letters or isn’t broken down into sentences.

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