According to the Congressional Research Service, there are five categories of foreign aid: economic assistance, humanitarian aid, multilateral economic contributions, bilateral development aid, and military aid. Biden ends US military aid to Saudi Arabia in Yemen conflict. There is a lot more to American “aid” to Middle East countries, paid for by the taxpayers of the U.S., than at first meets the eye. “Over the last several weeks, a number of attacks have been launched out of Yemen against Saudi Arabia. The war in Yemen began during the Obama administration. Meghann Myers. ... Get the military's most comprehensive news … WASHINGTON (May 20, 2017) – President Trump and Saudi King Salman signed a nearly $110 billion defense capabilities package in a significant expansion of the more than seven-decade long security relationship between the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. “They are spending $110 billion on military equipment and on things that create jobs for this country.” While the $110 billion number Trump touted is “ fake news ” (last year’s deal likely amounted to $4 billion), the arms agreement is the latest in nearly one century of U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia. President Biden announced, ‘The weapons supply to Saudi Arabia for using against the Houthi rebels in Yemen is being stopped. Washington: US President Joe Biden, who is overhauling the US foreign policy, stopped the military aid to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia, which has used American-supplied weapons to visit ruin on Yemen and strengthen Jihadist groups there, is a poster child for this phenomenon. Saudi Arabia has consistently used American weapons to bribe militias for their support. By Staff Writers on February 4, 2021 Joe Biden ordered an end of US support for Saudi Arabia’s offensive in Yemen against the Houthi rebels. The disputes in Yemen will be solved through political negotiations.’ Saudi Arabia welcomed this US decision […] TELL YOUR SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVE TO SUPPORT THE BI-PARTISAN RESOLUTION TO RESTRICT WEAPONS SALES TO SAUDI ARABIA Saudi Arabia is a notorious human rights violator at home, treats woman as property, is a wellspring of religious extremism that acts as an incubator for al Qaeda and ISIS, is a despotic hereditary monarchy that imprisons, tortures and beheads its critics, and … A table of military assistance aid the U.S. has sent to foreign countries from 1946 to 2010. To end the war in Yemen, the United States should end its provision of military aid to Saudi Arabia. September 20, 2019 . Iran and Saudi Arabia are seen as the real combatants in the conflict. The head of US Central Command, Gen. Kenneth “Frank” McKenzie, made the clarification just days after the Biden administration announced an end to US assistance for the Saudi-led military coalition’s role in Yemen’s civil war. Foreign aid is money that is given by the United States government to governments of other nations. Following attacks, Pentagon prepping to send troops to Saudi Arabia’s aid. Conclusion . Searchable by country. An underground market has also arisen wherein indirect transfers occur between Saudi soldiers and terrorist organizations. Of course, this can be said of U.S. aid to a lot of places. So, too, is the UAE, which is an accomplice in Riyadh’s immoral and strategically disastrous campaign in Yemen and used American-supplied weapons in Libya in support of a renegade general. Senate heading for historic vote to pull US military aid to Saudi Arabia.

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