After what journalist Elizabeth Drew described as “Strangelove Day,” when President Richard Nixon's administration put American forces on the highest alert, the administration persuaded Israel to accept a cease-fire. That’s a good thing, given the mélange of regional rivalries and conflicts and their tendency to spawn wars. A man walks past a mural painted on the outer walls of the former US Embassy in the Iranian capital, Tehran, on Sept. 29, 2020. The ICAO Middle East Regional Office is located in Cairo, Egypt. Kurdish Americans mostly come from Iraq and Iran, with smaller communities from Syria and Turkey. [9](p4), Another wave of immigration from the Middle East began in 1946, peaking after the 1960s. But while Bush talked democracy in regards to Iraq and Afghanistan, he continued to support repressive, undemocratic regimes in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and several countries in North Africa. On the losing side, the Iranian Islamic Revolution culminated in 1978 with demonstrations against the regime of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The accords also called on Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories. In Israel and the Palestinian territories, Bush was largely ineffective and uninvolved as the first Palestinian intifada roiled on for four years. Independent organizations provide improved estimates of the total populations of races and ethnicities in the US using the raw data from the US Census and other surveys. British and Soviet troops were also stationed on Iranian soil. Beijing views the Middle East through three lenses—its direct interests in the region, Xi Jinping’s signature Belt and Road Initiative, and US-China relations—and its policies are the result of the complex interplay of the three. The deployment, lasting just three months, ended a brief civil war in Lebanon. The troops then withdrew, only to return following the assassination of Lebanese President-elect Bashir Gemayel and the retaliatory massacre, by Israeli-backed Christian militias, of up to 3,000 Palestinians in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila, south of Beirut. Desert Shield became Operation Desert Storm when Bush shifted strategy—from defending Saudi Arabia to repelling Iraq from Kuwait, ostensibly because Saddam might, Bush claimed, be developing nuclear weapons. Commodity prices jumped, the dollar slid to a two-month low … [1][2][3][4], Although once considered Asian Americans, the modern definition of "Asian American" now excludes people with West Asian backgrounds. There appear to be several seemingly disconnected episodes in the Middle East that keep drawing the US into its vortex. Meanwhile, a military strongman called Saddam Hussein was rising through the ranks in Iraq. By: American Security Project. Fact Sheet - US Military Bases and Facilities in the Middle East. Operation Restore Hope, involving 25,000 U.S. troops, was designed to help stem the spread of famine caused by the Somali civil war. In their definitions of Middle Eastern Americans, U.S. Census Bureau and the National Health Interview Survey include peoples (diasporic or otherwise) from present-day Iran, Israel, Turkey and Armenia. The Israeli Americans refer to all communities which have come from the. As the Lebanese civil war raged, Israel invaded Lebanon for the second time, in June 1982. Similarly, the Arab-American Institute estimated the population of Arab Americans at 3.7 million in 2012. We don’t know much about what was said when U.S. President Donald Trump sat across from Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the G20 summit on July 7, but we do know they talked a lot about the Middle East. While the U.S. alliance with Israel was solidified during his tenure, Kennedy’s abbreviated administration, while briefly inspiring the Arab public, largely failed to mollify Arab leaders. [13][14], As of 2013, an estimated 1.02 million immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) lived in the United States, making up 2.5 percent of the country's 41.3 million immigrants. Three major events defined Dwight Eisenhower’s Middle East policy. Two years later, as nationalist forces roiled the Middle East and threatened to topple Lebanon’s Christian-led government, Eisenhower ordered the first landing of U.S. troops in Beirut to protect the regime. (accessed May 11, 2021). The Trump administration's maximum pressure campaign did not stop Tehran's ambitions in the region, ODNI report suggests. On November 4, 1979, Iranian students backed by the new regime took 63 Americans at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran hostage. [7] The largest Armenian American communities at that time were located in New York City; Fresno; Worcester, Massachusetts; Boston; Philadelphia; Chicago; Jersey City; Detroit; Los Angeles; Troy, New York; and Cleveland. ThoughtCo, Feb. 16, 2021, The coup severely tarnished America’s reputation among Iranians, who lost trust in American claims of protecting democracy. The U.S. military surged troops into Iraq in 2007, but by then the majority of the American people and many government officials were widely skeptical of the motivations for the invasion. Tristam, Pierre. After a 38-day air campaign and a 100-hour ground war, Kuwait was liberated. It was not until December 1991 that the last hostage, former Associated Press reporter Terry Anderson, was released. The Reagan administration then faced several crises as the Iranian-backed Lebanese Shiite organization that became known as Hezbollah took several Americans hostage in Lebanon. On October 23, 1983, bombings killed 241 American soldiers and 57 French paratroopers in their Beirut barracks. They held on to 52 of them for 444 days, releasing them the day Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as president. The United States, which had been increasing its presence in the Middle East since the end of World War II, was determined to fill the void. Those issues, still unresolved in 2000, led Clinton to convene a summit with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli leader Ehud Barak at Camp David in December of that year. Includes news coverage on Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Iran, Kuwait, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The term's origins are seeped in controversy for having originally been a European imposition of geographic perspective according to European spheres of influence. From the first cannonballs fired by American warships at North African pirates to the conquest of Falluja by the Marines - from the early American explorers who probed the sources of the Nile to the diplomats who strove for Arab-Israeli peace - the United States has been involved in the Middle East. Israel occupied the Gaza Strip, the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, and Syria’s Golan Heights—and threatened to go further. The United States remains the world's biggest exporter of major arms, and countries across the Middle East are importing weapons at record highs, … Americans felt the effects of that war through the 1973 Arab oil embargo, during which oil prices rocketed upward, contributing to a recession a year later. ARTICLE: In 2016, nearly 1.2 million immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region lived in the United States. U.S. Policy in the Middle East: 1945 to 2008. America’s war in Afghanistan was unlikely to have been a … Mittlerer Osten, Region Asiens. Its overseas ambitions were focused south toward Latin America and the Caribbean, and west toward East Asia and the Pacific. [28] Christian Arab Americans include Maronites, Melkites, Chaldeans, Orthodox Christians, and Copts; Muslim Arab Americans primarily adhere to one of the two main Islamic denominations, Sunni and Shia. Großraum Mittlerer Osten ( Greater Middle East ), US-Bezeichnung für alle islamischen Nationen von den mediterranen Anrainerstaaten in Nordafrika bis nach Pakistan einschließlich der Türkei und Israel. America and the Middle East Americans often fret at the never-ending US entanglements in the Middle East. Bush’s expansion of the “war on terror” to Iraq in March 2003, however, had far less international support. The administration provided logistical and intelligence support, believing wrongly that Saddam could destabilize the Iranian regime and defeat the Islamic Revolution. ][citation needed] In 2012 Pew Research estimated the population of Arab Americans to be 3.7 million people[10]) and in 2014 the U.S. Secretary of Commerce stated that there were over 1 million Turkish Americans in the U.S.[11][12], The population of Middle Eastern Americans includes both Arabs and non-Arabs. The Iran-Contra Affair: Ronald Reagan’s Arms Sales Scandal, Timeline of the Lebanese Civil War From 1975 to 1990, Black September: The Jordanian-PLO Civil War of 1970, Leaders of the Middle East: A Photo Gallery, Hezbollah: History, Organization, and Ideology, The Camp David Accords, Jimmy Carter's 1978 Middle East Peace Plan, A Brief History of U.S.-Israeli-Palestinian Relations, Impacts of the Iraq War on the Middle East, Six-Day War in 1967 Reshaped the Middle East, The 1970 Palestinian Hijackings of Three Jets to Jordan, Presidents During Each of the Major American Wars, B.A., Politics and History, New York University. These were not peace agreements, however, and they left the Palestinian situation unresolved. An additional 18 countries supplied economic and humanitarian aid. The accords took place, remarkably, months after Israel invaded Lebanon for the first time, ostensibly to repel chronic attacks from the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in south Lebanon. The Soviet Union threatened an armed attack if it did. Mid-East Region (Irland), NUTS:IE022. On the victorious side, Carter’s mediation led to the 1978 Camp David Accords and the 1979 peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, which included a huge increase in U.S. aid to Israel and Egypt. Besides mediating the 1994 peace treaty between Israel and Jordan, President Bill Clinton’s involvement in the Middle East was bracketed by the short-lived success of the Oslo Accords in August 1993 and the collapse of the Camp David summit in December 2000. The first summit took place in Cairo in March last year, and the second one was held in New York during the regular session of the UN General Assembly in September 2019. US congressman Jamaal Bowman urged President Joe Biden on Tuesday to immediately work to de-escalate tensions in East Jerusalem and broker a cease-fire, Anadolu Agency reported. Iraq was represented by Prime … Russia, the United States, and the Middle East. The third trilateral summit between Egypt, Jordan, and Iran took place at the end of August in Amman, Jordan. Even two decades later, little had changed: in 2001, the United States still imported 29 percent of its oil from the Gulf. Despite these views, Americans still see the Middle East as the region most important to US security interests (61%), even more so than when last asked in 2018 (when 50% named the Middle East). The Soviets proposed a ceasefire, failing which they threatened to act “unilaterally.” For the second time in six years, the United States faced its second major and potential nuclear confrontation with the Soviet Union over the Middle East. Indeed, as political scholar B.M. Tristam, Pierre. Estimated population in (2004): 1.2 million. [9](p11), The population of Middle Eastern Americans totals at least 10 million.[when? Welcome to Middle East Airlines. George H.W. President John F. Kennedy, according to some historians, was not very involved in the Middle East. July 21, 2017. [15] Middle Eastern and North African immigrants have primarily settled in California (20%), Michigan (11%), and New York (10%). New US Plans in the Middle East. The credibility of his democracy campaign was short-lived. Kennedy increased economic aid for the region and worked to reduce the polarization between Soviet and American spheres. A 1993 attempt to catch Mohamed Farah Aidid, the leader of a brutal Somali militia, ended in disaster, with 18 American soldiers and up to 1,500 Somali militia soldiers and civilians killed. Why "Middle"? Retrieved from After the war, Russian leader Joseph Stalin withdrew his troops only after President Harry Truman protested their continued presence and threatened to boot them out. [8], Although U.S. officials referred to them as Turkish, most referred to themselves as Syrian, and it is estimated that 85 percent of these Ottoman immigrants came from modern Lebanon. International Maritime Organization (IMO) The IMO works in the Arab States and Mediterranean Region. American forces withdrew shortly after. Stay on top of Middle East latest developments on the ground with Al Jazeera’s fact-based news, exclusive video footage, photos and updated maps. Whether domestic supply or other suppliers outside the Middle East, there are ample … Bush had the world’s backing when he led an attack on Afghanistan in October 2001 to topple the Taliban regime, which had given sanctuary to al-Qaeda, the terrorist group responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Although accepting large sums of military aid from the United States in 1954, by 1956 Egyptian leader Nasserhad grown tired of the American influence in the country. Middle East; The Middle East is living, breathing proof of an old maxim: you don’t know, until you go. During World War II, American troops were stationed in Iran to help transfer military supplies to the Soviet Union and protect Iranian oil. Throughout the 1980s, the Reagan administration supported Israel’s expansion of Jewish settlements in occupied territories. Elections, American Chronicle | An Interview with James Abourezk, the First Arab American to Serve in the U.S. Senate, "Boustany Calls for Clear U.S. Strategy on Lebanon", "Crowley native, wife of Kennedy at center of national spotlight", "George A. Kasem, 82; First Arab American in House",, "Armenian-American Anthony Brindisi from upstate New York elected to U.S. Congress, several other ANCA-endorsed candidates win in midterms",, American people of Middle Eastern descent, Articles with dead external links from March 2020, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with dead external links from December 2017, Articles using infobox ethnic group with image parameters, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2021, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The operation had limited success. Bush launched Operation Desert Shield, immediately deploying U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia to defend against a possible invasion by Iraq. Whatever progress the Carter administration achieved on the Israeli-Palestinian front stalled over the next decade. On April 18, 1983, a truck bomb demolished the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, killing 63 people. Things would undoubtedly be very different in the Middle East today. The number of Armenians who migrated to the US from 1820 to 1898 is estimated to be around 4,000[6] and according to the Bureau of Immigration, 54,057 Armenians entered the US between 1899 and 1917, with the vast majority coming from the Ottoman Empire. Read More The accords ended the first intifada, established Palestinians’ right to self-determination in Gaza and the West Bank, and established the Palestinian Authority. ThoughtCo. The hostage crisis, which included one failed military rescue attempt that cost the lives of eight American servicemen, undid the Carter presidency and set back American policy in the region for years: The rise of Shiite power in the Middle East had begun. (2021, February 16). At the time of Carter’s pronouncement, the United States relied heavily on oil imports to power its economy, and 29 percent of that oil came from the Persian Gulf. "U.S. Policy in the Middle East: 1945 to 2008." According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the term "Middle Eastern American" applies to anyone of West Asian or North African origin. The "Middle East" is not a term Middle Easterners gave themselves, but a British term borne of a colonial, European perspective. From London. [18], Although tabulated, "religious responses" were reported as a single total and not differentiated, despite totaling 1,089,597 in 2000.[19]. In an interview with The New York Times Magazine in 2008—toward the end of his presidency—Bush touched upon what he hoped his Middle East legacy would be, saying: Pierre Tristam is an award-winning writer who covers Middle East, foreign affairs, immigration, and civil liberties. The region is considered “beyond repair”, with little regard to the US role in the dysfunction. [5], One of the first large groups of immigration from the Middle East to the United States came by boat from the Ottoman Empire in the late 1800s. Tristam, Pierre. MEA website complies with the PCI security standards, therefore it requires up-to-date browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari or IE11 to operate properly May 4, 2021 . Jimmy Carter’s presidency was marked by American Mid-East policy’s greatest victory and greatest loss since World War II. The Middle East Studies Association (MESA) is a non-profit association that fosters the study of the Middle East, promotes high standards of scholarship and teaching, and encourages public understanding of the region and its peoples through programs, publications and services that enhance education, further intellectual exchange, recognize professional distinction, and defend academic freedom in accordance … This includes people whose background is from the various Middle Eastern and West Asian ethnic groups, such as the Kurds and Assyrians, as well as immigrants from modern-day countries of the Arab world, Iran, Israel, and sometimes Armenia and Turkey. After benefiting from a decade of support from the United States and receiving conflicting signals immediately before the invasion of Kuwait, Saddam Hussein invaded the small country to his southeast on August 2, 1990. Since 1968, these immigrants have arrived from such countries as Iran, Iraq, Israel, Palestine, Egypt, and Lebanon. White House denies recent report of prisoner exchange deal with Iran . The summit failed, and the second intifada exploded. [10], According to a 2002 Zogby International survey, the majority of Arab Americans are Christian; the survey showed that 24% of Arab Americans were Muslim, 63% were Christian and 13% belonged to another religion or no religion. Bush Administration: 1989–1993. In the ethnic sense, Persians can be referred to as "Persian Americans" or "Iranian Americans"; however, the latter term can also be much broader in its definition and inclusive of Persians, Kurds, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Turkmen and other communities which have left Iran for the United States. But Bush’s efforts focused on the Middle East, were not very successful. By 2006, with Iraq plunging into civil war, Hamas winning elections in the Gaza Strip, and Hezbollah winning immense popularity following its summer war with Israel, Bush’s democracy campaign was dead. Truman Administration: 1945–1952 During World War II, American troops were stationed in Iran to help transfer military supplies to the Soviet Union and protect Iranian oil. [28], sfn error: no target: CITEREFPeroomianAvakian2003 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFMalcom1919 (, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, No God but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam, Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, National Security Whistleblowers Coalition, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, International Planned Parenthood Federation, Recovered: Journeys Through the Autism Spectrum and Back, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Berkeley Robotics and Human Engineering Laboratory, INCEIF (International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance), Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, United States National Academy of Sciences, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Center for Wireless Information Network Studies, Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics, Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Funny in Farsi: A Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America, Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Institutions, 2009 Iranian presidential election protests, United States Department of Justice Antitrust Division, National Committee on American Foreign Policy, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, United States District Court for the Central District of California, "Historical census statistics on the foreign-born population of the United - Region and Country or Area of Birth of the Foreign-Born Population: 1960 to 1990", "Middle Eastern and North African Immigrants in the United States", "Israeli, Palestinian Americans could share new 'Middle Eastern' census category", "2010 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Public Use Data Release", "To Capture The Middle East & North Africa's Population Of 400 Million, Look To This Country", Middle Eastern and North African Immigrants in the United States, "Measuring Race And Ethnicity Across The Decades: 1790-2010", "Arab and other Middle Eastern Americans", "Table 1. This must stop. The United States' creeping involvement in the Middle East began later, during the Truman administration, and continued through the 21st century. America no longer needs oil and gas from the Middle East. Bush saw the toppling of Saddam Hussein as the first step in a domino-like birth of democracy in the Middle East. Bleckman argued in 1978, "Nasser had ambivalent feelings toward the United States. [17] As such, these statistics do not include those who did not volunteer this optional information, and so the census underestimates the total populations of each ethnicity actually present. But as Warren Bass points out in “Support Any Friend: Kennedy's Middle East and the Making of the U.S.-Israel Alliance,” Kennedy tried to develop a special relationship with Israel while diffusing the effects of his predecessors’ Cold War policies toward Arab regimes. Middle Eastern Americans are Americans of Middle Eastern background. This must stop. 2 Num.2 | The Color of Leadership: On psychological biography of Ataturk: An Interview With Norman Itzkowitz, Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Studies, "Professor Osman Yasar Named One of "Top 30 Most Successful Turks in the World, "Free Internet Security and Antivirus | Security Solutions from Comodo", "Freedom for Developers, Entrepreneurs and Business", US Dept of State – Arab Americans and the 2004 U.S. Humiliated by the Six-Day War, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan tried to regain lost territory by attacking Israel during the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur in 1973. First, Second, and Total Responses to the Ancestry Question by Detailed Ancestry Code: 2000", "Total ancestry categories tallied for people with one or more ancestry categories reported: 2010 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates", "A country which has the largest number of Iranians after Iran", "The number of Iranians who live outside was announced/ 7 countries which have the largest number of Iraninas", "Revealing of the number of Iranians in the outside Iran", "Iranian National Organization for Civil Registration: More than 2 million Iranians live in the U.S.A and the U.A.E", "Arab Americans: An Integral Part of American Society",,, Sheridan, Mary Beth, "Leader Named at Mosque; Falls Church Site Selects Activist,", "AU Sociology Professor Samih K. Farsoun Dies", "Modern Arab Art: Formation of Arab Aesthetics: Books: NADA M. SHABOUT", "Iraqi Art: Continuity Through Contemporaneity by Nada Shabout at Carleton College Boliou Hall, Room 104 (Thursday, January 12, 2006) - Upcoming", Research Magazine 2006 - The University of North Texas, Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy Biographical Data on Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad, "Ghaffari, Roozbeh | Faculty | Northwestern Engineering", "Homayoon Kazerooni | Mechanical Engineering", Daron Acemoglu: A Turk of Armenian descent, "Robotic Prostate Surgery – NYC – The Mount Sinai Hospital", Chemical Engineering - People - Ilhan A. Aksay, P-ROK| Vol.

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