At the hospital, she begins reading to John Doe and near the end of the story, he grabs her hand while still unconscious. Reginę i Hooka, którego Emma uratowała z Nibylandii. Krasnoludki wybudowały dla niej szklaną trumnę, ale została z niej wybudzona przez Davida. August has given up on finding redemption, but she believes everyone deserves a second chance. If not, she promises to tear out their hearts herself. ("Think Lovely Thoughts"), Mary Margaret and David return to the Lost Boy camp and learn from Emma that Henry gave up his heart to Pan and Mr. Gold is trapped inside Pandora's Box. Emma sends her parents to warn the townspeople about what is going on while she and Elsa learn a counter spell, using Anna's hair, can be made. Dziesięć lat po rzuceniu klątwy „John Doe” przebudził się z klątwy. In turn, this caused Cora to unwillingly abandon Zelena after birth. Mary Margaret and David leave them to it and briefly discuss the what-ifs had he been raised by King George rather than his twin, and then the topic turns to returning to the Enchanted Forest. Dwa lata później król zaczął szukać nowej królowej[4], którą znalazł w Reginie. Mary Margaret and her husband, along with Emma, accompany the Arendelle natives there. Zagroził, że zabije ich jeśli coś złego stanie się Belle. With Regina's power, the Shadow becomes the ship sail and flies them homeward. For events occurring before the casting of the second curse, see Snow White. Since Cora is a threat to both of them, he wants Mary Margaret to kill her and save him. As morning approaches, they continue to have it out until the curse, prompted by Ingrid's sacrifice of her own life, is broken. The head nun, however, is utterly confused and has no idea what she is talking about. They free the giant, Anton, who reacts in fury when he sees David. She is currently written by Aubrey. The townspeople work to help David scale down into the hole with a rope and pull Anton to safety. They head to the apartment where the storybook appeared to Mary Margaret during the first curse, and the former schoolteacher "magically" finds it in a chest box. From reading it, Henry is hurt that Regina does not want to see him. Unsure of his own skill, Dr. Whale consults Mr. Gold for help, but he refuses and only warns that they should hope Greg dies so an outsider can't spread their town's magic secret to the whole world. Chwilę po tym jak je skruszyła, Zła Czarownica dorzuciła eliksir zapomnienia. Her parents follow, consoling her about Neal, as Emma expresses everything from anger, grief and pain over losing the man she loved. Mary Margaret and David volunteer Hook to go with Ariel to the pawnshop, look for a belonging of Eric's and track him down using a locator spell. She tries her best to deter him, but David attests that he is going to choose her, not Kathryn. For events occurring before the casting of the first curse, see Snow White. When a raven appears at the window, she takes a note, which is addressed to Henry, from the bird's leg. Mother Superior, on cue, attempts to freeze Regina, but she catches the dust in midair and tosses it aside. At school, David comes to her again, though Mary Margaret is upset that he left his wife. ("New York City Serenade", "Witch Hunt", "A Curious Thing"), Mary Margaret and David recount to Emma the last memories they have of the day Pan's curse was stopped and how everyone was presumably sent back to the Enchanted Forest, but they only remember waking up in Storybrooke like it was another regular day. Nie był ojcem i jej nie wychował. Ojciec dziewczyny zmarł w wyniku ukąszenia jadowitych węży podłożonych przez Dżina z Agrabahu[11]. Archie, recalling Mary Margaret and David once led them to victory in the Enchanted Forest, rallies everyone into agreeing with the plan. Afterwards, she goes back to her apartment where other residents of Storybrooke are also gathered in mourning. Approaching the couple, Hook reveals Neal is alive and Pan kidnapped him from their campsite to a cave. Śnieżka została przeniesiona z Zaczarowanego Lasu do miasteczka i klątwa zmieniła ją w przestraszoną nauczycielkę Mary Margaret Blanchard, czującą respekt przed burmistrz Reginą Mills. Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard (seasons 1-7) portrayed by Ginnifer Goodwin and Bailee Madison, Ginnifer Goodwin. As expected, Regina tries to steal her nemesis' heart as Mr. Gold blocks her, which forces her to leave. Instead of relief, Mary Margaret immediately regrets her actions. Hook, atoning for his thievery, decides against using the last bean for his selfish purposes, and allows Emma and her parents aboard to pursue Henry's captors. When caught, both attempt to hide under the covers, though Henry seems to buy their excuse that they are just resting up. From this, Regina suggests the key to breaking the curse is for Henry to believe in magic as Emma did. W piwnicy jej domu odkryli Excalibur w kamieniu. Again, she goes to Emma for advice, who urges her to meet him. Noticing Elsa and the potion are gone, they and Henry track Emma's car trail. As Anton moves to stomp on him, the three are blown back by the debris as the impact of the pound hits the ground. ("In the Name of the Brother"), In the morning, Emma brings Henry, who she wishes to protect from Cora, along for departure out of town with Mr. Gold. Prepping for travel to the tree house, Mary Margaret gathers up her bow arrows, and when David offers help, she declines his assistance; moving to the other side of camp near Emma. Once the glass invades their eyes, they unlink hands and stare at each other with animosity. However, Emma overrides this decision and departs up the beanstalk with Hook. One night, she is approached by David. Inside the vault, Regina is found unconscious while one critical item is missing and now in Pan's hands, the curse scroll. Then, the two are released to speak with the leader of the survivors, Lancelot, who Mary Margaret has a friendly reunion with. ("The Stranger"), Mary Margaret discovers Emma's belongings missing from the apartment; meaning she has just up and left town. Mary Margaret suggests they use the bean to send the trigger away, but Emma is skeptical since it's a risky plan. ("Enter the Dragon"). Mary Margaret and David agree things might get a bit cramped with all of them living together. David directs all the residents to take cover at town hall while he attempts to clear up the misunderstanding with Anton. They head to the pawnshop where Emma is given a dream catcher to look into the memories of only witness of Archie's death, Pongo. She débuts in the first episode of the first season. Learning that Neal is engaged to someone else, this dampens August's spirits even more as he hoped the couple he purposely separated years ago might have reconciled. Przez niego, uzyskali informację, że Nimue może im pomóc pokonać mroczną. Emma suggests for her to play along with Henry's idea so he will realize on his own that fairytales are not real. 1983)is a Character on Once Upon a Time and is used in the Role-Play Storybrooke, Exodus. Before they go hiking, the two stop by the sheriff station to grab a walkie-talkie so Belle can still get in touch with them. ("A Land Without Magic"), Upon remembering her true identity as Snow White, Mary Margaret is happily reunited with several of her friends from the Enchanted Forest, including Red Riding Hood, Granny, and the Seven Dwarves. As he dies, she is pushed out of the room. They decide to meet at the diner tomorrow for a full report. Regina, garbed in Evil Queen attire, bursts into the sheriff station looking for Emma, but is tempted at the prospect of settling a score with Mary Margaret. Tam spotkali królewnę Aurorę z mężem Filipem. Podsłuchała kiedyś służące rozmawiające o legendzie Meduzy, potwora zamieniającego ludzi w kamień jednym spojrzeniem[5]. Natomiast wspólny plan wydarcia mroku z Emmy spalił na panewce, w wyniku zdrady Zeleny i rany jaką Hook otrzymał podczas odbicia Excalibura. After Elsa recalls her loved ones reacted badly to her magic as they did to Emma's, Mary Margaret shares regrets to David about failing as parents when their daughter needed them the most. They have an awkward conversation, and when Mary Margaret sees him spreading posters of another candidate, Sidney, she hurries off. Once Regina shows up, Mary Margaret gives her the third degree about being allies with Cora. At the diner, David is still confused about what the giant said until realizing he was mistaken for his brother, James. Emma hastily says she is not in the book. He advises that she doesn't have to be with her son for every waking moment, and by letting him go, it'll help her, too. Both sustain blows, but neither give up. She hands the storybook to him; asking that he believe in magic. Śnieżka wpadła na pomysł, że skoro od jej wybudzenia, dzielili jedno serce, Regina powinna je wyrwać i przepołowić. Though it's silly in her eyes, Mary Margaret admits Henry thinks she is Snow White and asks which fairy tale character Emma is. David, Hook and Neal arrive back with the wand, courtesy of a revived Mother Superior, and Mr. Gold uses it to transfer Henry's spirit into his original body. Biographie. Much later in the day, Mary Margaret discovers Henry is listening to Archie's answering machine. They bond as Mary Margaret reassures Emma that she is looking out for her. The mayor storms off, and Mary Margaret talks to Emma about Henry's need for the book so he can have hopes of a happy ending. While on the stroll, David admits that nothing about this world feels right to him except her. She hears him out, but refuses to take David back as there's always something inexplicably keeping them apart. She debuts in the Pilot of the Season 1. Instead, Regina removes Mary Margaret's heart, now harboring a dark spot, as she considers the darkness within it will only continue to grow. She makes off to free it, and ignores David's warning about the upcoming storm. Mary Margaret receives a call from Emma, who insists on getting rid of her powers. Poszła do łóżka nawet z dr Whale. Arriving back, David and Hook report that Pan got the sextant before them. Regrouping in another room after the meeting, Robin Hood brings Regina to help out. Ta wypiła eliksir zapomnienia, wręczony przez Rumplestiltskina w zamian za jej włos. Abruptly, Mr. Gold pays them a visit to ask Emma to fulfill the favor she owes him by helping find his son Baelfire. Mary Margaret i David powitali uchodźców z Krainy Niedopowiedzianych Historii. On uratował ją przed żołnierzami Reginy a ona jego przed trollami po czym oboje rozeszli się w swoje strony. Ruby runs off to track Dr. Whale by scent and brings him back to perform the operation on Greg. Judging from her daughter's reaction, Mary Margaret can tell Emma hasn't told Henry about Hook yet. Regrouping there, Emma and Neal stay behind to secure the rooms while Mary Margaret and David rush ahead, where they catch Greg electrocuting Regina. David reports the findings to Emma, who realizes Regina is in the cannery. Po bitwie z Reginą, przyrodnią siostrą, była macocha Śnieżki podejrzewała, że Zelena planuje rzucić klątwę, skoro miała symbol odwagi Davida i potrzebowała jej własne serce. Mulan attempts to grab the compass, but then agrees to wait and see if they can contact Henry first. Pan mentions the tree is special to him because it's the same place that he abandoned his son, Mr. Gold. They scuffle until Emma jumps down from the base of the beanstalk alone, as she left Hook trapped with the giant so they can have a ten hour head start. Before going on this journey with Hook, David talks to his wife about the unforeseen possibilities in Neverland, though she believes he'll be fine. During the party, Mary Margaret rocks her infant son while Henry rereads the story of how Prince Charming and Snow White met. Though he feigns hunger, she can obviously tell what is going on. ("That Still Small Voice"), On the night of David's discharge from the hospital, a homecoming party is held at his house, but Mary Margaret does not attend. On her way out with the heart in a box, she offers it to Regina, persuading her that Cora can only feel genuine love if she has her heart. ("It's Not Easy Being Green"), To keep Mary Margaret safe, Regina places a protection spell on the apartment. While trapped in the cell, Mary Margaret figures out there is squid ink on the note and uses it to melt away the cage bars. From her, the group learn Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula are seeking the author and want to rewrite their stories so the villains win and the heroes lose. ("Quite a Common Fairy"), At the camp base, Mary Margaret listens to Emma go over the strategy for entering Pan's headquarters from the back after Tinker Bell talks her way in through the front. This article is about the Suit Life character Mary Margaret. In a conversation, Zelena gives David the opportunity to let out any fears about having a second child, but he reassures Mary Margaret that they can deal with whatever comes their way. Meanwhile, the search for the Wicked Witch extends to a farmhouse cellar where David, Emma, Hook, and Regina discover an open cell with a spinning wheel littered with spun gold; evident proof that Mr. Gold is alive. The catch is Emma must "stop denying who she really is", and only then, the map unlock for her. However, Emma's magic is drained after saving Hook's life and causes the room barrier to fade; allowing Zelena to steal the infant. She and David later learn from Emma that Archie is alive, and was kidnapped by Cora, who apparently found a way to Storybrooke. Since Emma's attempts to phone Regina have gone unanswered, Henry tries to call his adoptive mother instead while David stays behind to accompany him. Secretly, Regina overhears their plan, and she decides to retrieve a trigger to destroy Storybrooke as well as its inhabitants before leaving with Henry for another realm. Emma manages to get some of the Lost Boys to open up about Pan's current location at his "thinking tree" in Pixie Woods after promising to bring them off the island. Mary Margaret is one of Maddie's best friends. król Henry (Świat Życzenia) (drugi wnuk) Pierwsze wystąpienie : 1.01 „Pilot”, (jako postać główna), 7.22 „Leaving Storybrooke”, (jako postać gościnna) With a spin from his cane, he mysteriously disappears. You may redistribute it, verbatim or modified, providing that you comply with the terms of the CC-BY-SA. In the aftermath, they find Henry missing, and later witness Greg and Tamara taking him into a portal. They agree that it's too difficult to not be together and dive into a passionate kiss. ("We Are Both"), She awakens, and is unsettled by Cora's presence in the pit with them. Comfortingly, David insists if something did happen, he'd want her to be happy. Wiedziała, że nie będą jej pamiętać, a Śnieżka będzie szukać swego męża w Krainie Pozbawionej Magii i odleciała. To Emma, Mary Margaret remarks how stable Henry seems since losing and regaining his memories as well as both of his mothers now having boyfriends. As Hook recalls, before he split from their group, everyone else was headed to the Queen's old palace. Nonetheless, David is happy she's found a piece of her old self. Just then, Hook arrives since combing the vault, as Emma previously requested, in search of Regina, but she is not there. She opens the box to find the tiara she once received from her mother, Eva, on her coming-of-age birthday, and a card note from an old friend, Johanna. He confesses to texting while driving. Although the water can keep David alive for a short time, Mr. Gold will create an elixir in Storybrooke to cure him for good. Mysteriously, residents begin disappearing from town, such as three of the dwarves. As it turns out, Kathryn is John Doe's long lost wife, and his real name is David Nolan. Dejectedly, she heads back to the festival carrying an unlit candle. He hastily exits after seeing her, though she runs after him. ("Dreamy"), A few nights afterwards, she and Emma walk down the street engaged in a conversation about David when they see Ruby at the bus stop evading the advances of Dr. Whale. However, this revelation leaves Mary Margaret feeling confused. Accosting them, Pan freezes the group in place and steals the scroll. The next morning, Mary Margaret, David and Leroy check up on the bean fields. Regina would rather use magic on the map, a move Mary Margaret highly disagrees with, as does everyone else. They group form a strategy to travel towards Pan's camp and begin assemble for leaving. Suddenly, David finds a white cloth, which is Regina's and they rush off to rescue her. Anton wishes to speak to Emma, but she is not in town, so he continues with the rampage by chasing the three down. Ona też przekazała mu swoje ostatnie złote monety by mógł uratować swoją farmę[9]. They introduce Anton to the diner in an effort to make him feel at home. As a plan, they agree Regina must be trapped with fairy dust. This impresses the townspeople, who then elect Emma as the new sheriff. Even so, Mary Margaret and Emma promise to take Tinker Bell with them to Storybrooke if she helps their cause, which she agrees to. Za to Regina została wygnana do swojego zamku[27]. Decydującą bitwę „Zła Królowa” przegrała, mimo wsparcia wojsk króla George'a. In secret, Mary Margaret carries on an affair with David. Regina i Śnieżka − bo odtąd tak Blanchard kazała do siebie mówić − dowiedziały się, że Daniel znalazł szczęście na Olimpie. Judging from Emma's reaction to the flowers, Mary Margaret can tell she has feelings for Graham. Mary Margaret and David watch Neal free Mr. Gold from the box and have a warm reunion as their past differences and mistakes are reconciled. David pomógł Kopciuskowi wtrącić Mrocznego do starej celi w kopalni, ale ten nie pozostał dłużny dziewczynie[31]. While Zelena excuses herself to the bathroom, Mary Margaret is startled when David and Emma suddenly burst into the apartment on guard. Later on, she accidentally bumps into Regina, and apologizes profusely for her clumsiness. Afterwards, Mary Margaret and David receive Regina at the door. With Belle, Emma, Hook and Regina, Mary Margaret ducks behind a building as the group brainstorm a solution. David expresses skepticism to Mary Margaret about Zelena, but she insists they try her out first and can always change their minds later. Reverting to their former selves, Mary Margaret, Regina and David, who is still locked in his cell, burst into laughter at the ridiculousness of their prior disputes. Henry is upset over the lack of change in town, and believes only he himself stays the same. Blanche-Neige est la fille du roi Leopold et de la reine Eva. ("The Cricket Game"), At Archie's funeral, Mary Margaret eulogizes him. Elated, she reassures him as he thanks her for saving his life. She walks right into the diner to make a brief announcement about Miner's Day and asks for volunteers, but is completely ignored. ("An Apple Red as Blood"), When word gets out that Henry has fallen under a coma, Mary Margaret reads his storybook by his bedside, possibly in hopes that he will wake up like David did. Dowiedzieli się też od Belle, że Baelfire/Neal Cassidy wskrzesił Mrocznego za cenę swego życia. Na miejscu, odkryli, że bariera jaka otacza pałac nie została rzucona przez Reginę. Następnie, pożegnali kapitana Hooka i usłyszeli od dorosłego Baelfire'a, że uda się do pałacu Mrocznego. Po tym jak Mary Margaret dowiedziała się, że to Cora otruła jej matkę i zabiła Johannę, Mary Margaret poprzysięgła jej zemstę. Although Hook once escaped Neverland, it was possible through a one-time deal with Pan, but the pirate recalls Neal managed to flee on his own. Gburek powiedział jej o zerwanych zaręczynach Davida, ale było za późno[21]. Emma hints her desire to leave town, but when challenged by Henry, she bails from the diner.

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