In his letters to Louvois, Saint-Mars describes Dauger as a quiet man, giving no trouble, "disposed to the will of God and to the king", compared to his other prisoners, who were always complaining, constantly trying to escape, or simply mad.[5]. Saint-Foix's case was based on unsubstantiated rumors and allegations that Monmouth's execution was faked. Synopsis : 1660. In it, the prisoner is forced to wear an iron mask, and is portrayed as Louis XIV's identical twin. By: The Man in the Box. One of them referred to a prisoner and identified him as General Vivien de Bulonde [fr]. However, evidence has emerged that Dauger de Cavoye actually died in the Prison Saint-Lazare, an asylum run by monks which many families used in order to imprison their "black sheep". Created Date: Fouquet was never expected to be released; thus, meeting Dauger was no great matter, but Lauzun was expected to be set free eventually, and it would have been important not to have him spread rumours of Dauger's existence or of secrets he might have known. There is no known evidence that is incompatible with it, even the age of the prisoner, which Cecil had considered a weak point; and it explains every aspect of the mystery.[11]. The best the king would do, however, was to send a letter to the head of Saint-Lazare telling him that "M. de Cavoye should have communication with no one at all, not even with his sister, unless in your presence or in the presence of one of the priests of the mission". Fouquet's cell was above that of Lauzun. He said the idea has no historical basis and is hypothetical. Il n'amène avec lui que deux prisonniers qu'il gardait à Pignerol (« les deux de la tour d'en bas » pour reprendre l'expression du ministre Louvois) : Danger et La Rivière. After three years, Bazeries managed to read some messages in the Great Cipher of Louis XIV. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "l'homme au masque de fer" – Dictionnaire anglais-français et moteur de recherche de traductions anglaises. Cette gravure de 1789 attribue au prisonnier l'identité de Louis de Bourbon, fils illégitime de Louis XIV. L'Homme au masque de fer est l'une des plus grandes énigmes de l'Histoire de France. Louvois instructed Saint-Mars to move Lauzun to Fouquet's cell and to tell him that Dauger and La Rivière had been released. This theory would explain the secrecy surrounding the prisoner, whose true identity would have destroyed the legitimacy of Louis XIV's claim to the throne had it been revealed. Among the leading theories is one proposed by the writer and philosopher Voltaire, who claimed in the second edition of his Questions sur l'Encyclopédie (1771) that the prisoner wore a mask made of iron rather than of cloth, and that he was the older, illegitimate brother of Louis XIV. Evidence has been produced to suggest that the arrest was actually made in Calais and that not even the local governor was informed of the event – Vauroy's absence being explained away by his hunting for Spanish soldiers who had strayed into France via the Spanish Netherlands.[5]. Eustache was restricted in the amount of money to which he had access, having built up considerable debts, and left with barely enough for "food and upkeep". After his master's execution in 1669, the valet was taken to France, possibly by abduction. The National Archives of France has made the original data available online relating to the inventories of the goods and papers of Saint-Mars (one inventory, of 64 pages, was drawn up at the Bastille in 1708; the other, of 68 pages, at the citadel of Sainte-Marguerite in 1691). One of Charles's confirmed illegitimate sons, the Duke of Monmouth, has also been proposed as the man in the mask. Aramis, le vaillant mousquetaire de la bande des quatre, connaît un secret mortel pour la monarchie : Louis XIV a un jumeau, un vrai prétendant au trône. A section of his novel The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later, the final installment of his D'Artagnan saga, features the Man in the Iron Mask. 2 9 8 7 6 10 3 4 5 1. L’ENFANT DU MYSTÈRE. Copyright © 1996-2015 National Geographic Society. It has been suggested that the 330 stood for masque and the 309 for full stop. The first rumours of the prisoner's identity (specifically as a Marshal of France) began to circulate at this point. Dauger was to be told that if he, Dauger, spoke of anything other than his immediate needs he would be killed, but, according to Louvois, the prisoner should not require much since he was "only a valet". Dauger was not always isolated from the other prisoners. After Fouquet's death in 1680, Saint-Mars discovered a secret hole between Fouquet and Lauzun's cells. Alors que leur amitié est en crise, Holmes disparaît soudainement alors qu'il enquête sur un tueur en série, pire encore que tout ceux qu'ils ont put croiser. When François and his two eldest sons were killed in battle, Eustache became the nominal head of the family. They also give a description of a cell occupied by the masked prisoner, which contained only a sleeping mat, but no luxuries, as was previously thought. He would supposedly later conspire with Roux de Marcilly against King Louis XIV, and be arrested in Calais in 1669. Le mystère entourant son existence, ainsi que les différents films et romans dont il a fait l'objet, n'ont cessé d'alimenter les imaginations. Si les détails restent flous, le récit est saisissant : un homme à l'identité inconnue aurait été enfermé sur l'ordre du roi Louis XIV. [3], In his letter to Saint-Mars announcing the imminent arrival of the prisoner who would become the "man in the iron mask," Louvois gave his name as "Eustache Dauger" and historians have found evidence that a "Eustache Dauger" was living in France at the time and was involved in scandalous and embarrassing events involving people in high places known as l'Affaire des Poisons. One of the letters written by Louvois made specific reference to de Bulonde's crime. Louis de Bourbon avait été banni de la cour après que son homosexualité a été dévoilée. La légende de l’homme au masque de fer est l’une des plus célèbre de l’histoire de France. L’Homme au masque de fer Streaming. Pour certains pamphlétaires, le masque aurait été le châtiment infligé par Louis XIV aux amants de sa femme, Marie-Thérèse d'Autriche. In 1675, Louvois gave permission for such an arrangement on condition that he was to serve Fouquet only while La Rivière was unavailable and that he was not to meet anyone else; for instance, if Fouquet and Lauzun were to meet, Dauger was not to be present. Historians have also argued that 17th-century protocol made it unthinkable that a man of royal blood would serve as a manservant, casting some doubt on speculation that Dauger was in some way related to the king.[3]. Il le décrit comme « un prisonnier inconnu, jeune, à la taille majestueuse et à la silhouette élégante et noble Â». Many theories exist and several books have been written about the case. L'homme au masque de fer est l'un des prisonniers les plus fameux de l'histoire française. Saint-Mars was to see Dauger only once a day to provide food and whatever else he needed. Some were presented after the existence of the letters was widely known. Duvivier suggested that Dauger poisoned Fouquet as part of a complex power struggle between Louvois and his rival Colbert. The fate of the mysterious prisoner – and the extent of the apparent precautions his jailers took – created significant interest in his story and gave birth to many legends. Seul d’Artagnan est resté fidèle au roi qui l’a fait capitaine des mousquetaires. Louis XIV instructed Saint-Mars to prepare a cell with multiple doors, one closing upon the other, which were to prevent anyone from the outside listening in. In April 1659, Eustache and Guiche were invited to an Easter weekend party at the castle of Roissy-en-Brie. Voltaire, l'un des plus influents de ces penseurs, émet l'idée selon laquelle le prisonnier serait un frère de Louis XIV. On imagine la stupéfaction des quelques badauds qui, aux étapes, le virent sortir de sa chaise … C'est l'homme au masque de fer qui arrive, dans le plus grand secret, à Cannes, à la forteresse Sainte-Marguerite avec Monsieur de Saint-Mars le 30 Avril 1687? In 2016, the historian Paul Sonnino provided additional circumstantial evidence to support the idea that the valet Eustache d'Auger was the man in the mask.[15][16]. Alors que des sources antérieures décrivaient un masque de tissu ou de velours, Voltaire précise que celui-ci est en fer et donne des détails précis sur l'objet cruel : « Le menton du masque était constitué de ressorts en acier, permettant au prisonnier de manger sans le retirer Â». François was married to Marie de Sérignan and they had 11 children, nine of whom survived into adulthood. 1622. D urin g th e Ironman m y wa tch wa s off by a minute and during the final stage of the run I didn't know if I was un de r or over 12 h ou rs. Même dans les rangs français, on a soupçonné plusieurs membres de la famille royale de se cacher derrière l'identité du prisonnier masqué. 9,70€. Les célèbres mousquetaires se sont séparés. The rebellion failed and Monmouth was executed in 1685. Wealthy and important ones usually had manservants; Fouquet for instance was served by a man called La Rivière. The prison's second-in-command, de Rosarges, was to feed him.'Homme_au_masque_de_fer_(film,_1998) Dès le début, les récits autour de « l'homme masqué » sont bien plus que de simples contes macabres : ils jouent un rôle dans la propagande contre Louis XIV. Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte. The earliest surviving records of the masked prisoner are from late July 1669, when Louis XIV's minister, the Marquis de Louvois, sent a letter to Bénigne Dauvergne de Saint-Mars, governor of the prison of Pignerol (which at the time was part of France). Dauger was arrested by Captain Alexandre de Vauroy, garrison commander of Dunkerque, and taken to Pignerol, where he arrived in late August. Robert Chambers' Book of Days supports the claim and places Matthioli in the Bastille for the last 13 years of his life. Romans d'aventures. He was placed in a solitary cell in the prefurnished third chamber of the Bertaudière tower. 1660. The records show that during the inquiry the investigators were told about a supplier of poisons, a surgeon named Auger, and Duvivier became convinced that Dauger de Cavoye, disinherited and short of money, had become Auger, the supplier of poisons, and subsequently Dauger, the man in the mask. It was also claimed,[by whom?] Noone (1988)[14] pointed out that the minister was concerned Dauger should not communicate, rather than that his face should be concealed. Cousin du roi, François avait été l'un des chefs de file de la Fronde. Some believe that the evidence of the letters means that there is now little need of an alternative explanation for the man in the mask. This book has served as the basis – even if loosely adapted – for many film versions of the story. De nombreux autres historiens lui préfèrent un personnage beaucoup plus modeste : Eustache Dauger, arrêté pour un crime inconnu en 1669 et détenu également dans la forteresse de Pignerol. Later, many people such as Voltaire and Alexandre Dumas[7] suggested other theories about the man in the mask. Records indicate that he was born on 30 August 1637, the son of François Dauger, a captain in Cardinal Richelieu's guards. Il aurait été valet auprès de Nicolas Fouquet et aurait eu connaissance d'informations sensibles. Copyright © 2015-2017 National Geographic Partners, LLC. The two men claimed that they had been provoked by the boy, who was drunk, but the fact that the killing took place near a castle where the king was staying meant that this was not a good enough explanation, and as a result, Dauger was forced to resign his commission. There was Nicolas Fouquet, Marquis of Belle-Île, a former superintendent of finances who had been jailed by Louis XIV on the charge of embezzlement, and the Marquis de Lauzun, who had become engaged to the Duchess of Montpensier, a cousin of the king, without the king's consent. Alors que François meurt plus tard au cours d'une bataille, des colporteurs font courir la rumeur (peu probable) de son enlèvement et de son emprisonnement par le roi. L’énigme du Masque de fer En avril 1687, un singulier prisonnier fut conduit de la forteresse d’Exilles, proche de Briançon, jusqu’à l’île Sainte-Marguerite, au large de Cannes. A year later, he wrote a letter to the king, outlining the same complaints and making a similar request for freedom. Pendant l'Homme de fer, ma montre était en retard d'une minute et, pendant l'étape finale, je ne savais pas si j'étais au-dessus ou au-dessous de 12 heures. The masked prisoner died on 19 November 1703 and was buried the next day under the name of Marchioly. Selon certains, l'homme au masque de fer serait le fils illégitime d'Anne d'Autriche, la mère de Louis, et donc le demi-frère du roi. He went there, taking Dauger and La Rivière with him. His book,[18] published in English in 1826, was translated into French and published in 1830. La fin du livre se concentre sur l'homme mystérieux au masque de fer. The idea of keeping d'Auger in a velvet mask was Saint-Mars' own, to increase his self-importance. Lauzun was freed in 1681. She described him as very devout, and stated that he was well treated and received everything he desired. He died on 19 November 1703 under the name Marchioly, during the reign of King Louis XIV of France (1643–1715). Au 18e siècle, le nombre d'identités présumées ne cesse d'augmenter. Si l’identité de ce dernier n’a toujours pas été révélée, les … Known for remaining unidentified due to the veil worn over his face throughout his time in prison, he was held in the custody of the same jailer, Bénigne Dauvergne de Saint-Mars, for a period of 34 years. Patrimoine. If Gaston became king, Richelieu would quite likely have lost both his job as minister and his life, and so it was in his best interests to thwart Gaston's ambitions. Chapitre 1 LA SURPRISE DU CARDINAL. L’Homme au masque de fer. L'homme au masque de fer, gravure anonyme datant de 1789. But according to Marcel Pagnol, immediately after the birth of the future Louis XIV, King Louis XIII took his whole court to the Château de Saint-Germain's chapel to celebrate a Te Deum in great pomp, contrary to the common practice of celebrating it several days before childbirth. Il s'agit là de l'une des nombreuses théories pleines d'imagination quant à l'identité de l'homme masqué. AlloCiné However, the prisoner had already been dead for eight years by that point and the Princess had not necessarily seen him for herself; rather, she was quite likely reporting rumours she had heard at court. It is an important point that the man in the mask served as a valet. Nous sommes à l’époque du règne de Louis XIV, (de 1643 à 1715), le Roi-Soleil. Au-delà de son anonymat, il était contraint de porter un masque de fer, soustrayant ainsi son visage de tous les regards. among other things, that a black mass was enacted and that a pig was baptized as carp in order to allow them to eat pork on Good Friday. D'après certains historiens, le masque de fer lui-même serait une exagération : il n'était pas en fer mais en velours noir et était très probablement porté à des moments précis, comme lors de transferts d'une prison à une autre. Le garde et son prisonnier auraient tous deux vécu au sein des forteresses de Pignerol et d'Exilles, situées dans les Alpes. Politique de Confidentialite (Mise à jour). Selon une gazette de 1687, le prisonnier aurait été transféré dans la citadelle de Sainte-Marguerite, une minuscule île méditerranéenne au large de Cannes, sous la garde d'un ancien mousquetaire, Bénigne de Saint-Mars. En ce moment, vous pouvez regarder "L'Homme au masque de fer" en streaming sur Canal+. What little is known about the historical Man in the Iron Mask is based mainly on correspondence between Saint-Mars and his superiors in Paris. Since that time, letters sent by Saint-Mars, which earlier historians missed, indicate that Mattioli was held only at Pignerol and Sainte-Marguerite and was not at Exilles or the Bastille and, therefore, it is argued that he can be discounted. What d'Auger had seen or done is still a mystery. Tous droits réservés. Fouquet y est mort en 1680 et rien n'indique qu'il aurait été transféré à la Bastille. The Man in the Iron Mask (French L'Homme au Masque de Fer; c. 1640 – 19 November 1703) was an unidentified prisoner who was arrested in 1669 or 1670 and subsequently held in a number of French prisons, including the Bastille and the Fortress of Pignerol (modern Pinerolo, Italy). À quand remonte notre amour pour les glaces ? At the Siege of Cuneo in 1691, Bulonde was concerned about enemy troops arriving from Austria and ordered a hasty withdrawal, leaving behind his munitions and wounded men. L'Homme au masque de fer serait un des quatre prisonniers qu'aurait emporté l'officier St Mars au cours de son périple de plusieurs prisons, jusqu'à la Bastille où le prisonnier, on est certain, finira ses jours en 1703 et sera enterré sous le nom emprunté - soit disant - à un domestique comme le voulait la tradition de la Bastille à l'époque - Marchiali. The prison at Pignerol, like the others at which Dauger was later held, was used for men who were considered an embarrassment to the state and usually held only a handful of prisoners at a time. A Protestant, he led a rebellion against his uncle, the Catholic King James II. His death is also recorded as happening in 1709, six years after that of the man in the mask.[5]. Watson mène l'enquête seul pour retrouver son ami avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Selon certains, l'homme au masque de fer serait le fils illégitime d'Anne d'Autriche, la mère de Louis, et donc le demi-frère du roi. Après sa mort, l'histoire du mystérieux prisonnier s'est répandue comme une traînée de poudre, au fil de rumeurs affirmant que son châtiment était un ordre royal. L'homme au masque incarnait le symbole de l'oppression et de la tyrannie aux yeux des penseurs des Lumières, l'incarnation même des pires vices du Roi Soleil.

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