[25] Following his surrender to Israeli forces, Thabet Mardawi, an Islamic Jihad fighter, said that Palestinian fighters had spread "between 1000 and 2000 bombs and booby traps" throughout the camp, some big ones for tanks (weighing as much as 113 kilograms), most others the size of water bottles. not however provide a judgment as much as a venue for Israel and the Mofaz told reporters that the fighting would be complete by the end of the week, April 6. Serious damage was done to the water, sewage and electrical infrastructure of the camp; moreover the occupation soldiers … Hanan Awarekeh Readers Number : 641 . [26], General Dan Harel, Head of the IDF Operations Directorate, said "There were indications it was going to be hard, but we didn't think it was going to be so hard". He says the hospital was almost deserted as doctors played cards in the emergency room and that he spoke to 25 lightly wounded patients who told heartrending stories but when asked for names of the dead and urged to show where the bodies were, became evasive. Israeli forces are commiting a massacre in Jenin refugee camp. Camp residents, however, insisted that the camp be rebuilt almost exactly as it had been, while also establishing a museum of memory in the Old Hijaz Railway building. A Golani paramedic came down and changed his bandages, till he was evacuated. Watch it here . occupied Hebron, Israeli government spokesmen instantly dubbed it “the for this, failing the Israeli authorities, lies with the international I believe that they have a big thing to hide. [47], Tanya Reinhart notes that later Israeli media reports attempted to conceal and reinterpret their intention to transfer the bodies to the special cemetery in the Jordan Valley. [14] By April 3, the city was secured, but the fighting in the camp was just beginning. [1][15][16] By Israel's count, at least 28 suicide bombers were dispatched from the Jenin camp from 2000 to 2003 during the Second Intifada. The United States Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory studied the battle, and a Joint Chiefs of Staff delegation was sent to Israel to make changes to US Marine Corps doctrine based on the battle. [41], After the ambush, all Israeli forces began to advance by Buchris' tactics, utilizing armored bulldozers and Achzarit APCs in their push. Despondently, he asks [30] Stephanie Gutmann also noted that the IDF used bullhorns and announcements in Arabic to inform the residents of the invasion, and that the troops massed outside the camp for a day because of rain. The force of 1,000 troops also included Shayetet 13 and Duvdevan Unit special forces, the Armoured Corps, and Combat Engineers with armored bulldozer for neutralizing the roadside bombs that would line the alleys of the camp according to Military Intelligence. But for its residents, "There is no future left. [45][46] Tanks ringed the perimeter of the camp for a few more days, but by April 24, Israeli troops had withdrawn from the autonomous zone of Jenin. Head of the Operations Directorate, General Dan Harel, said: "Today, I would send a reporter in every APC". hold on to. the West Bank and Gaza since the outbreak of the intifada should be arrived and a foreign engineer condemned the remains. community. We swore on the martyrs that we would place a curfew on the Zionist cities and avenge every drop of blood spilled upon our sacred land. [110] The General Assembly passed a resolution condemning Israel's military action in Jenin by 74 votes to four, with 54 abstentions. Jenin won’t forget Israel’s massacre Women return to the rubble of their homes in Jenin refugee camp, in the occupied West Bank, following the withdrawal of Israeli forces that assaulted the camp almost two weeks earlier, 18 April 2002. This author did not see Jenin while in Israel, but I did see camps in Gaza that are much like it. I just felt sorry for their children, who were not guilty. "I kept thinking of our soldiers. in the depth they deserved,” says Donatella Rovera of HRW. A battle, therefore, is punishment for its inhabitants.” [36] Meanwhile, when asked how long he thought his forces could last given the superiority of the Israeli forces, Abu Jandal said: "No. [101], Official Israeli sources expressed surprise that they were not consulted as to the composition of the team, adding that, "We expected that the operational aspects of the fact-finding mission would be carried out by military experts." [66], On April 12, Brigadier-General Ron Kitri said on Israeli Army Radio that there are apparently hundreds of Palestinians killed in Jenin. Medical teams from Canada, France, and Italy, as well as UN and ICRC officials, with trucks carrying supplies and water waited outside the camp for clearance to enter for days, but were denied entry, with Israel citing ongoing military operations. will stop doing this, they are absolutely wrong.” “I found joy with every house that came down, because I The Jenin Refugee Camp Massacre of 2002: ‘Horrific beyond Belief’ Posted on April 19, 2010 | Leave a comment. The siege that Israel has imposed on Palestinian towns and villages across Subsequent investigations and reports by the United Nations, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Time magazine, and the BBC all concluded there was no massacre of civilians, with estimated death tolls of 46–55 people among reports by the IDF, the Jenin office of the United Nations, and the Jenin Hospital.

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