I suspect you still can't tell the two of them apart. "Word of God" by Stan Lee himself was that Thor beats Hulk because he's a god. Let's wait and see what Captain Marvel does in her movie lol. Andrew worked on Marvel movies such as Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man, as well as video games such as God of War III and the extremely popular Uncharted series. And canonically stronger, my foot. - Flash operated at high speeds, he had faster combat speed at that point. less than 12 hours til i see it so i'll judge it after that. WW carries a sword capable of splitting Captain Fodder and Slowdinson in two, and Superman has punches capable of breaking them in two. In the beginning of the endgame Thanos's damaged hand overpowered Carol's leg. SW appeared to be moving in slow mo.. because Superman combat speed means he can't keep up. He combat speed was consistently supersonic at best. and Superman has punches capable of breaking them in two. Other than that he doesn't have much in the way of anything impressive in combat. By trailer feats she is already on his level. show 2 replies . Feats are nothing but the intent of the writer put on screen. Sure, he put on some weight, but he's still a son of Odin and the God of Thunder. And buddy, buildings are made to support tremendous vertical weight. Would see the movie but I'm a white male :(. Fighting Ability Advantage: Thor. This is what combat speed looks like. Captain Marvel: High 7-C to Low 7-B (5.5 km, Sanctuary II) Thor (with Tony's Help): High 8-A to Low 7-C (1.7 km, several Novi Grad city-blocks) DC aside, Thor's multi-city block meteorite destroying lightning isn't going to help him because Carol can absorb his lightning. You have someone who can absorb energy directly from the Gauntlet, a woman with untapped levels of magical power, and aGod with a God killing weapon who’s just received a power boost from a star. Aug 15, 2019 #11 Sheev said: Well, Infinity War Thor did go up against Thanos with all of the Stones. At least as far as this movie is concerned. It ain't exctly a flurry. But Thanos is not the sword. @ipvman: Ha ha ha you're already spent up. His other attacks on SW happen at lower than normal speed for the genre. If his combat speed is mundane, then everyone everyone else must move like a snail. The Flash is, as he visibly proved against Superman. tl;dr - This is a brutal stomp in Marvel… @nucleon: Let me know when Captain Fodder and Slowdinson have any reaction feats. @alavanka: is there a statement about thors star feat ? Just look at the gifs you posted; Supes' sole act of "superspeed" is when he dodged SW - even characters in old cowboy movies can do that, except they're not filmed in slomo. Yes it is. I mean Scarlet Witch, Thor, Dr. So we know Wonder Woman has combat speed equivalent to a machine gun. Still Thor by a long shot, stormbreaker would rip her apart. ... Thanos (MCU) Never specifies IW Thor. That's without mentioning the world engine while weakened, Nam-Ek punch. I didn't notice those. Flash is desperately trying to not get one shotted, tripping and stumbling over himself. It's pretty straight forward. @nucleon: Then you miss understand what is happening in that fight sequence. Thor danced around the Hulk two times, and in each of these times not only did he dodged the Hulk, but also gave a hit of his own - and in slomo, no less. You and I have very different ways of looking at things I guess we will see what the general opinion on her power level in a few days. Combat Speed dear fellow. She was an army officer (navy?) Styles are irrelevant: The Black Widow, or even Batman executes more (successful) moves in the same amount of time. @ipvman: Wow - Supes actually dodged a blow - and in slomo, nothing less. @nucleon: Again not travel speed, you admited yourself that Clark threw 3 punches whilst they were all frozen. After this battle I'm going to rematch Hela Vs. Thanos since The Russos said Thanos wasn't using the Power Stone vs Hulk in IW. Superman has actual combat speed feats that put him well above the rest here. Upper Bound: Power of Stormbreaker/The Bifrost. When all's said and done, a well-winded haymaker ia still the biggest punch these guys can produce. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. By evidence Superman is as fast as the Flash. This gives us a couple of possibilities: notably a space-toss by CM or Thor, something Hela can't come back from but both of them can, or even a noble sacrifice from CM, where she just blitz-flies Hela into the sun or something. I'm here for as long as it takes man. Thor or Carol can solo wonder woman are people weakness. Had both been on the ground, Supes would have knocked him like 30'. Did someone ever told you how ridiculous you sound? She is at disadvantage at both short and long range combat, Thor casually flies through her energy beams with SB and one shots her, I see word of god is valid in all cases. Third - all of them missed. Captain Marvel in the MCU is the most powerful because she was designed to be the most powerful. IW Thor is above cap marvel, at prty much everything except for flight speed and blunt force durability. Scaling from Carol puts top tiers in the millions of c. Flash and Kara cap in the thousands. Rules:Standard Gear, Thor gets Stormbreaker and is in his IW condition.Carol is in Binary Form.In Character.No Prep / Knowledge.Win by Death, Incap, o But she doesn't get a firm placing. Yeah. We have esablished this, which you have already admitted. Her feats in this movie simply do not justify her being anywhere near Thor. @diarrhearegatta: That's a perfectly reasonable stance. Eitri said in IW that Stormbreaker could summon the Bifrost Bridge, or more simply, can use the power of the Bifrost. The MCU has already killed off one Speedster, one whos other stats are no where near Clarks. Third - all of them missed. Also, your idea that Batman with a jet pack would have the same combat speed as Clark, is hilarious. IMO, the Flash appeared to him as a blur, even at the limited speed he had at the time, hence Supes' apparent clumsiness. Another question, do you think Danvers could replicate that scene Superman vs Flash in JL, where everyone else is frozen? If Batman had replaced Superman in that scene against the Flash, he would be a statue to. Bloodlusted Wanda is very impressive, and she requires less hand movements than strange. Second - Supes threw like three punches. Strange, and maybe even Captain Marvel could solo him. Thor's got plenty of reaction feats - what are you talking about? Come on the movies not even out yet.... gonna say Thor though cuz I heard rumors that she’s not as impressive in her movie. This still doesnt change the fact he is a speedster, who has superior combat speed to BW and Thor (probably combined). You'd be surprised at how much they can "lift". hide. @nucleon: Slow mo? First - how fast can the Flash go when de-stabilized and running backwards? And the Black Widow can likely at least equal Superman in the number of actions she executes in any given time in a fight, yes. As said in Thor 1, the Bifrost is capable of destroying an entire planet when Loki almost destroys Jotunheim, before Thor is … Not saying that Thor won't win, I just think we shouldn't act as though Word of God is worthless. These two become evil and the Avengers need to stop them can they do it? Once you gave something in space a little push, it goes on forever. It's no use; Superman's combat speed is still quite relatively mundane. You may prefer Batmans and Black Widows fighting styles, but the do not have these type of Combat Speed feats. I don't know, dude; The Hulk's got better striking feats than Supes and he administered quite a beatdown on Thor in the Arena fight at some point. If Carol gets the feats she wins. That's honestly pretty laughably slow. Loxblin 5 mo 5 d . Nah, it isn't: It's travel speed/straightline speed/a movement power. who ended up in comic book adventures with Mar-Vell, who is a Kree warrior that mentors her. Watch the official "Cap vs Captain America Fight" clip for Avengers 4: Endgame, an action movie starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth. All of the Superman/Flash sequence was, in fact, a race of some kind, a running fight (hence on the line between combat and travel speeds). That is key. Loxblin 4 mo 19 d . If she went faster she could have missed those bullets. As always what matters is consistency. Like I've wrote, Batman does multitasks in the warehouse fight, too. Because obviously, you can't see them by yourself, or read them just a couple of posts above yours. So, sure, she can cut Thor and cover him with scars, but not enough to slow him down. ... Thanos (MCU) Never specifies IW Thor. This is actually a plot point. As for the combat feat, that comes from throwing the missile away after stopping it before the other missiles could catch up. As for the gif to which you now linked your comment, it was pretty much a straight line. By word of creator she wins. One is in the post credit scene. Thor's thrown hammer is just as fast as a bullrushing Superman, and likely has more damage capabilities. Reaction speed isn't combat speed. Nah, Supes did nothing but stay there, The Flash basically pushed himself out of the fight. Thor. @bayman007: Superman has actual combat speed feats that put him well above the rest here. It isn't so un-imagineable. This awesome Lady Sif concept art is an alternate costume design Andrew did for Marvel’s Thor: The Dark World. But admitedly she's good. He has a lot better striking feats than anyone in the MCU. But mainly it is bona fide speedsters domain. His other attacks on SW happen at lower than normal speed for the genre. Thor. Bruh. on August 25th 2019, 4:23 am. Thor's enhanced speed is making the Quicksilver bit look slower because he's still moving at an appreciable rate, but notice how repulsor-flying Iron Man is immobile. Flies through Ronan's ships easily, the same ones that could tank barrages from Milano class ships in Guardians. He has great combat skill, strength, power, durability and intelligence. No, we don't know that; WW went at just the right speed, the one she needed. In the beginning of the endgame Thanos's damaged hand overpowered Carol's leg. The guy was able to fight off Black Panther and War Machine at the same time. However, that might shift depending on her part in Endgame. If she's moving planets like Brie and Fiege were talking, then obviously she's stronger than Thor. Captain Marvel's blasts didn't even effect Thanos, scratch him or injure him. Thor also easily deflected Chitauri blasts. Well, not the one you placed in your last post, but in the one it first appeared in was the Flash and Superman racing - you can't get much more "travel speed" than that. @bayman007: Iron man doesn't have the combat speed to keep up with Superman or the Flash. Like I've wrote, Batman could match Supes' "performence" if he had a jetpack. They're getting subtle. If they had it filmed it in slomo, then they become "bullet timers". Pretty much all of her decent energy projection feats are in the trailers. Here's a trick; If it implies a movement power, like flight or enhanced running, then it's travel speed. @nucleon: You're basically saying "Superman, learn MMA like Batman". That's the point; Supes failed to fight even at those low speedster speeds. Lemme be honest here: Yes, what Superman did vs the Flash can indeed be considered "combat speed", but it ain't an impressive nor a successful attempt, which leads me to believe it was way over Supe's speed level, because he ain't no speedster. That's it. @nucleon: What you are saying is false though, because Superman launched Diana and Aquaman in the air and whilst they were Frozen, jumped and landed to engage the Flash and threw 3 punches (you say) whilst the others were still Frozen. @kgb725: Your point being? I will compare them by three terms confirmed by Marvel - 1)Strength 2)Durability 3)Speed I am comparing Thanos and Thor without Infinity Gauntlet nor Stormbreaker. @nucleon: Oh you mean those street level reaction feats Cap and Bucky have replicated? This thread is archived. I also watched the movie, but spectacle and reality are two different things. Street levelers dodges blows all of the time, dude. So your argument is null and void. MCU: Thor and Captain Marvel vs the Avengers. While Carol doesn't have feats as much as Thor, it appears her resistance against physical attacks is above Thor, being not affected by Thanos' headbutt is an example. That's without mentioning the world engine while weakened, Nam-Ek punch and punching Doomsday miles in space while weakened, or consistently creating shockwaves with strikes unlike Hulk. Re: Infinity War Thor vs. Uh yeah, we do. Skill: Visually quite high. You mean replicate Superman's failure to tag the Flash? Endgame Captain Marvel. share. Both of these, are in a different league speed wise. Even you can't miss it. So he did catch and tag him in the end, you're patently false. He didn't no sell it. @jaakor: Proof? No it doesnt. Once she's in binary nothing hurts her that we see. We see it. Lime you haven't watched the move yourself... No reason for a lock unless the mods deem it's too early. So what we have here is another situation where the DCEU characters blitz the MCU characters and basically fodderize them with their superior combat speed and attacks. You use the term powerful. When? Ie, combat speed. @ipvman: It's speed he uses in combat. Thor’s lightning is just as … Supermans combat speed, although not as good as Barrys, was still way way faster than the rest of the leagues. Now someone tie me up before I mess the place with exitement. CM is indeed more powerful than Thor is without Stormbreaker. @bayman007: Then you miss understand what is happening in that fight sequence. It was quick and he had the element of surprise. She looked impressive, but the practicality of her feats is another matter. What? The leviathan couldn't take down a parking garage. That is if they don't have a durability comparable to Steppenwolf, who no sold the sword. Battle. While Carol … Thor also deflects Chitauri blasts, casually. And even more so than Thors. Team 1 mega stomp Thor can solo they both lightning are magic it will kill superman. As far as your description goes, it doesn't seem the same as combat speed when compared to Supermans. It's the very same kind of speed as Carol's. best. Captain Marvel (MCU) vs. Zod (MoS) All users, both new and returning, are expected to follow THE CBR COMMUNITY STANDARDS & RULES . He has a lot better striking feats than anyone in the MCU. We've alrdy seen strange struggle against ebony maw, who also uses telekenisis. So no, Batman having no travel powers like flight or enhanced running, he couldn't. The movie premieres on the 7th really. I just saw you over at the CM vs Hulk thread saying Hulk 3 shots CM. It will cut Thor's head clean off, or arm. He was able to fight off Ultron. When Thor went full berserk, we all saw how powerful and lethal he could be. Of course he is - he is an Asgardian himself. I’m assuming that you mean only thanos has the power stone and thor has stormbreaker here. If she's just blowing up space-ships, well that doesn't say much, and this fight is still competitive. Yes. because reading isn't the same as seeing. Not the deep ressources kind or person, are you? The problem here is that you consider WW's sword attack as some kind of one-shot, end-of-any-fight attacks whereas I consider it as a simple cutting attack not unlike no-name Asgardians can deliver. Another thing: Machine guns, furthermore those of WWI, have a slower fire rate and bullet velocity.

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