The so-called Gog-Magog war in Ezek 38-39 results in the attackers being defeated by the intervention of the God of Israel, rather than by the armies of Israel (Ezek 39.3). Palestinian nationalism only emerged in the mid-twentieth century, partly in response to the emergence of Zionism. Under the 1995 Oslo II Accord, Israel continues to supply agreed water amounts to Palestinian areas. The Hebrew word ‘Yehudi’ (Jew) originated from the name Judah (2 Kings 16.6). He implied that Israel will be the vortex of the nations at the end of this age and the sign of His soon return. Are boycotts effective anyway? Today, Israel has been restored as a nation and is blessed with progress, protection, resources and intelligence. “I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone … though all nations of the earth are gathered against it” (Zech 12.3), This latter war appears to be unique in that it is not primarily man against man, but man against God; it is commonly known as Armageddon (Rev 16.16, 19.19). However, it is important to note that centuries ago the two countries enjoyed a cordial relationship. Jerusalem was first divided through the 1948-49 Arab invasion of Israel, but at no time was East Jerusalem under legal ownership by an Arab entity. Sadly, not all partake of this eternal blessing and fellowship with God. %PDF-1.5 More …, The Knesset, Jerusalem. It is up to the Palestinians to maintain water networks, utilize wastewater, improve existing supplies and drill new wells. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. The center branch represents Divine light (understanding) from God and the six branches represent human efforts to spread this light to the Gentiles (Isa 42.6). Some 80% of today’s Jews in Israel follow the Jewish scriptures in the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) in some way, ranging from fundamentalism to loose Jewish practice. There is a caveat here: this amazing transition to immortality is conditional, as explained below. Traditionally, the UK government has had good relations with Israel, including good intelligence cooperation, and has been viewed as one of the world’s friendliest countries to Israel, link. When was this to happen? Rashid Khalidi, Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness (New York: Columbia University Press, 1997), pp. The root cause of such conflicts is the relationship of Israel to Jesus (Yeshua): the dragon (Satan) … persecuted the woman (Israel) who gave birth to the male child (Jesus) (Rev 12.13). Ancient Israel’s eastern border ‘went down along the Jordan, ending at the Salt Sea’ (Num 34.12). 4 0 obj There will be no more night. In 1967 a seven days war erupted between Palestine and Israel lasting for six days whereby Israel was able to capture Sinai and Gaza from Egypt. The Hebrew term ‘Aliyah’ describes the relatively recent massive influx of Jews to their ancestral land, Israel. It is interesting that NASA scientists predict that, eventually, the sun will expand to become a red giant and burn up the solar system, including earth, link. endobj More …. Image: James Emery, Douglasville, USA [CC BY 2.0], Wikimedia. Outside the city are the dogs—the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idol worshipers, and all who love to live a lie. But those who boycott Israel should heed the biblical warning: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse” (Gen 12.3). All of Jerusalem was mandated to be part of the Jewish homeland under the 1922 League of Nations ‘Mandate for Palestine’ and so Israel’s sovereignty over all of Jerusalem is well-founded. 1 0 obj And (perhaps between these wars) Israel also goes through a time of distress or ‘tribulation’ referred to in Dan 12.1 and Mat 24.15-25. You can find out more about cookies at our Privacy Policy. New Jersey: Bedford/St. For what is mortal must be changed into what is immortal; what will die must be changed into what cannot die. Martin’s, 2007. The result of such unbiblical teaching is that the institutionalized church takes the world’s view and essentially rejects modern-day Israel, and so pays little attention to end-time prophecy about Israel. Paul is saying that both creation and man himself groan due to imperfection and mortality. ‘Palestine was ethnologically a chaos of all the possible human combinations’ [Richard Hartmann, historian], and so it did not share a common Arab identity. When Jesus spoke of the appearance of new shoots on the fig tree signalling that summer is near, He was really saying that His return and the coming of the fullness of the Kingdom of God is near – even ‘at the doors’. But man will not spend eternity on this earth! The (so-called) Palestinians want to establish a Palestinian state on some (and preferably all) of the land called Israel. In fact, the number of Jews in Israel today has increased by over 7,000 percent in just 100 years! God says He will fulfill this amazing promise “to the thirsty”. As the 1988 Hamas Charter states, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it”. This is a mystery accepted by faith. Events such as the Zionism movement and the Holocaust. So Jesus gives a final warning: Revelation 22.18,19 As Israel proves that twitter can be a tool of the state just as easily as it can be a tool of rebels and revolutionaries, the question once again rises as to how on earth a permanent solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict might come about. So who are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? As history shows, the people of Israel strayed from their promise on Mount Sinai. The Gentile world and the Arab nations also refer to this land as Palestine. No Palestinian Land or Country: Although referred to a ‘Palestine’ from Roman times, the biblical land of Canaan (today’s Holy Land) was not a ‘country’ and had no frontiers, only administrative boundaries [Prof. Bernard Lewis]. According to the 1922 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, the Jews could settle anywhere between the Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea, see map. This conflict was known as the Arab-Israeli conflict. In 1915 there were just 83,000 Jews but this increased to over 6.2 million Jews in 2015. about the conflict between Palestine and Israel. According to a recent Stanley Greenberg poll, only 34% of Palestinians accept two states for two peoples as the solution. 1949: At this time around 700,000 Arabs fled to neighbouring Arab countries, whilst over 800,000 Jews were forced to leave Muslim countries after their property was confiscated. MapMaster assumed (based on copyright claims). The OT refers to this time as ‘Jacob’s distress’: “Alas, for that day is great, there is none like it; and it is the time of Jacob’s distress, but he will be saved from it” (Jer 30.7), Many Israeli’s suffer, but a remnant (one-third) survives (Zech 13.9). It is probably a blessing from God since they are His chosen people. The Golan Heights must be involved. But there is hope. 1948-49: After the 1948 declaration of the State of Israel, Arab nations invaded Israel. Palestine does not exist at all God indeed intervenes in world affairs! The accords also pledged Israel to expand Palestinian self-government in the West Bank and Gaza. It seems that, for believers, time has gone full circle to what God planned in the beginning. Palestinian and Jewish Refugees: Since the two-state solution was rejected, immediately after the Declaration of the State in 1948 the Arab nations (notably the Egyptian and Syrian armies) invaded Israel. Importantly, it is this return of God’s people that will eventually bring the nations to know God (Ezek 36.23). You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. What were they born for? They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. Fundamentalist Christians believe that modern Israel, and not the church, will be central in world affairs at the close of this age. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is essentially a modern conflict originating in the 20th century. Palestinian refugees, 1948. These wars will directly glorify the God of Israel as He openly defeats the attacking forces. Israel is governed by a western-style multiparty parliamentary system. Divestment is where investors refrain from investing in Israeli companies or in companies that trade with Israel, and consumers boycott Israeli products, especially products from Israeli settlements in so-called “Occupied Palestinian Territory”. She has to preach the good news (the Gospel). They aim for a single state – a Palestinian state. In 1915 there were just 83,000 Jews in Palestine (modern Israel) but this increased to over 6 million Jews by 2015, corresponding to an amazing 7400% increase! On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. Nations will willingly go up to Jerusalem to worship the LORD and listen to His teaching (Mic 4.2 Isa 66.23). Jerusalem was to be ‘internationalized’. He said that mortal man was meant to become immortal (that is the plan of his Maker) and then live with His Maker eternally. This is the fundamental reason why religious Jews claim that the Land of Canaan (modern Israel) is their land, covenanted to them by God. Today, Israel’s legal borders are still defined by Article 80 of the UN Charter and span from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea. In the Old Testament, you will see the name Israel mentioned severally. What is not so widely known is that this war also displaced Jewish inhabitants of East Jerusalem link, and between 1948 and 1951, over 800,000 Jews were effectively forced out of Arab countries by oppression and persecution.

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