Julian Borger. According to Lassardy, these relations have been wildly beneficial to the Latin American countries. Flag of Brazil (Available at Wikimedia Commons)  Media in category "Relations of Brazil and Iran" The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.   While economic cooperation is useful among Iran and Latin American countries, it does call into question how far these relationships go. Téhéran soutient le conseil de gouvernement d'intérim en Irak mais soutient fortement un transfert prompt et complet de l'autorité au peuple irakien. [13], In February 2010, after speculation that Brazil could be involved in direct bilateral talks to provide Iran with high-grade uranium, Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim said, “at no time in conversations held with Iran was enrichment of Iranian ministerial discussed.”[14] Shortly thereafter, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva announced that the global community, in its quest for peace, should avoid isolating Iran over its controversial nuclear program: “Peace in the world does not mean isolating someone,” Lula said at a press conference during a summit of Latin American and Caribbean leaders. Diplomatic relations were established on 1 May 1990. Le Brésil et l'Iran ont développé leurs relations politiques au cours des dernières années, sur la base d’une coopération économique et d’échanges commerciaux toujours plus importants. On November 10, 2018, a Brazilian senator told the Parliament Speaker of Iran that Brazil, with the support of Russia, India, China, and South Africa, “would stand with Iran in the face of U.S. Sanctions” (Aman 2018). [61], During July 2009 public hearings on Iran held by the Brazilian Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense, Political Undersecretary of the Ministry on External Relations Roberto Jaguaribe emphasized the strategic importance of Iran-Brazil relations. Even though right-wing President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, has aligned himself with Trump and the United States, Brazil still acts as the leading trading partner of Iran in Latin America, with Uruguay and Argentina following behind (Lissardy 2020). The U.S. has constantly been fearful of other nations’ influence in the region, including that of the Soviet Union in Cuba. However, with the upcoming 2020 U.S. presidential election this year, U.S.- Brazil relations could shift, consequently affecting the economic relationship between Brazil and Iran. According to one trader interviewed by O Estado de Sao Paulo, "nobody knows exactly how much beef and other Brazilian products are sold to Iran via Dubai. (Lissardy 2020). [66] After their meeting, Ahmadinejad and Lula da Silva spoke to reporters underlining that the prospects of relations between Iran and Brazil are quite bright in various fields and they emphasized that the existing potentials need to be exploited to further expand relations and cooperation between Iran and Brazil. Even though right-wing President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, has aligned himself with Trump and the United States, Brazil still acts as the leading trading partner of Iran in Latin America, with Uruguay and Argentina following behind (Lissardy 2020). Iran’s economic relationships with countries in Latin America will prove to be another test of what the U.S. is comfortable with in the western hemisphere. Jaguaribe warned against the political isolation of Iran which, according to him, “serves only to radicalize positions." However, Bolsonaro has not given into this quite yet, stating Tuesday that economic relations between Brazil and Iran will continue (Lissardy 2020). Although the Brazilian government did not immediately announce the issuing of a letter of congratulations to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad following his re-election in June 2009, Brazilian President Lula da Silva did felicitate his Iranian counterpart following the latter’s inauguration in August 2009. In 1996, Brunei upgraded its embassy to full Ambassadorial level. These agreements promote joint exercises and facilitate the sharing of sophisticated capabilities and technologies. [59] Although Ahmadinejad promised to visit Brasilia in May 2009 along with a delegation of over 100 people including many representatives of Iranian private industry, he canceled the visit a day before it was scheduled to begin. Iran first established its embassy in BSB in 1994. The United States and Brazil are strengthening cooperation on defense issues, including research and development, technology security, and the acquisition and development of products and services. Lula da Silva responded by apparently criticizing Israel’s refusal to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, stating that "Brazil would like all countries to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty" and would like to see the Middle East “free of nuclear weapons.”[8], In late November 2009, the IAEA issued a rebuke to Iran for building a second enrichment plan in secret. Tehran, March 29, IRNA - Head of Iran's Health Ministry Public Relations Office Kianoush Jahanpour said on Monday that Iran and China would cooperate on healthcare, including fighting the COVID-19, based on the cooperation document signed. Sugar and beef are two of the most significant commodities travelling from Brazil to Iran in this fashion. Iran has created firm relations with Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, and Bolivia. Iran’s envoy to Brasilia and speaker of the lower house of the National Congress of Brazil weighed plans to promote and diversify the economic relations between the two countries. [58], [Click here for more information on Brazil’s business relationship with Iran], Brazil and Iran have enjoyed increasingly close political relations over the years, growing with the volume of bilateral trade and economic cooperation. Although Iran and Brazil’s economic relationship does give Iran a foot in the western hemisphere, it doesn’t seem that Iran will be able to have much of a political effect during Bolsonaro’s administration. In addition, relations between Iran and Venezuela are a mixed bag of actual achievement and diplomatic rhetoric. Iran and Brazil have also been in conflict this past year after Brazil refused to refuel two Iranian ships due to U.S. sanctions. Brazil and Iran Relations Brazilian president elect Dilma Roussef has come out and stated that brazil will only have peaceful relations with all middle eastern states. [3] In recent years, Brazil has continued to engage in normal state relations with Iran despite sanctions against the Iranian nuclear program; Brasilia’s stated position is that the International Atomic Energy Agency, not the UN Security Council or independent powers, should resolve the dispute over the program. The increase in economic ties comes in contrast to the U.S. approach to Iran, in which the U.S. has increased economic sanctions on Iran as a way to penalize the country for its continued interest in nuclear proliferation. Mia intends to graduate Spring 2020 and pursue a career in foreign affairs. [56], In April 2010, the president of Brazilian oil giant, Petrobras, announced that in spite of the current lack of investments in Iran, they plan to keep their offices there. In an interview with the Brazilian paper Folha de Sao Paulo, Ali Akbar Javanfekr, who has worked as … She has said that war will never be the answer for Brazil. The Israeli Foreign Ministry estimated that trade between Brazil and Iran was about $1 billion annually at the time estimated. Considering the relations with Iran as an important issue for Brazil, the Brazilian envoy told Hossein Amir-Abdollahian that his country welcomes expanding relations and cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran. Hope for LGBTQ+ Representation: Claudia López Hernández, Latinx and Queer in America: Violence, Resistance, and Community, From Trauma to Triumph: Black Motherhood in the Americas, Presidential Candidates Face Run-off Elections in Peru, Performance: Travestismos y Política en las Crónicas de Pedro Lemebel, The Military Clergy during the Late Twentieth-Century Dictatorships in Argentina and Chile. The Embassy of Brunei Darussalam was set up in Tehran at Charge d'Affaires level in 1993. According to Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Iran has become an important partner of Brazil in the past years. So I want to be sure [President Silva] has the same understanding that we do as to how this matter is going to unfold.”[20], After their meeting, Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim stated in Clinton’s presence that Brazil does not support Iran sanctions at this time, saying “we still have some possibility of coming to an agreement… but that may require a lot of flexibility on both sides. [23] Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim and his German counterpart Guido Westerwelle said after talks here they agreed it was crucial to allow the creation of a new nuclear power, but clashed on the issue of sanctions. Lula Khamenei Teerã 2010.jpg. [24], Also in March, Senior British Foreign Office Official Nicholas Hopton gave a ‘very direct message’ pressuring Brazil to drop its support of Iran and back sanctions against Tehran in the UN Security Council vote. These left-leaning governments were favorable politically to Iran, in which they had similar governing ideas and agreed on anti-American sentiments. Brazil exports around $2 billion to Iran a year, mostly commodities like corn, meat and sugar. [11] Brazilian IAEA Ambassador Antonio Guerreiro explained the abstention, saying “the resolution clears the way for sanctions and sanctions will only lead to a hardening of the Iranian position.”[12] Ahmadinejad responded to the results of the IAEA resolution vote saying that any sanctions would have a minimal effect and that the world powers would not think about launching an attack on Iran. Since establishing diplomatic relations with Iran in 1903, bilateral relations between Brazil and Iran have been strengthening. The Brazilian Ambassador to the UAE also revealed to Brazil’s newspaper, O Estado de Sao Paulo, that he had provided Iranian businessmen in the UAE with visas to travel to Brazil. [27] Da Silva stated that there is an “affinity between Brazil’s opposition to new sanctions on Iran” and the positions taken by China and Indian concerning this issue. This is the unstable background against which relations between Brazil and Russia are developing. Iranian Ambassador to Brazil Mohsen Shaterzadeh reacted to the visit by stating that "[a]t the moment, the Israeli regime is known as a racist government that has the blood of Palestinians on its hands. But questions are being raised about this relationship after the victory of President-elect Jair Bolsonaro. However, Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay are examples of where the Pink tide has left, especially in the case of Brazil, where U.S. relations have again flourished. Furthermore, Iran’s relations with Latin America have acted as another source of fear for the United States. Brazil and Iran have enjoyed increasingly close political relations over the years, growing with the volume of bilateral trade and economic cooperation. Mia Bristol is a fourth year undergraduate student at the University of Pittsburgh pursing a double major in Political Science and Spanish with a Certificate in Latin American Studies. ", "La gran paradoja de las relaciones de Irán con América Latina", "U.S. CAMPAIGN AGAINST IRAN IN LATIN AMERICA COMES TO BRAZIL", "Trump Administration Turns To South America For Help With Anti-Iran Coalition Facebook Twitter Flipboard Email", "Can Brazil’s Relationship With Iran Survive a New Administration?". Ahmadinejad announced he will also visit Brazil immediately after Peres’ visit. Economy. Bolsonaro’s Brazil last year had a surplus of more than $2 billion USD in the exchange with Iran, one of its main destinations for agricultural exports and animal protein in the world. [70] Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ramin Mehmanparast responded by saying that the comments infringed on accepted diplomatic norms.[71]. And Bolsonaro refuses to “tax the sun.” (This newsletter is for premium subscribers only. [37] The two countries have since continued to cooperate in the energy sector through government-owned companies and high-level state-to-state discussion. [64], In November 2009, Israeli President Shimon Peres visited Brazil in hopes of strengthening the Israel-Brazil relationship with specific regard to their worries of Iran’s influence in the region. [25] Hopton argued that “this is a crucial moment for Brazil to stand up and be counted and show that it is ready to take on the responsibilities of a Security Council member and to take the difficult decision to support sanctions.”[26], In April 2010, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva met with Chinese and Indian leaders on the sidelines of a BRIC summit; that is a summit involving the group of related economies found in Brazil, Russia, Indian and China. [60]  In addition to rhetorical support for Iran’s nuclear program despite growing international criticism of the program, Brazilian officials have also overlooked the steady flow of Brazilian goods into Iran that violate trade sanctions enacted by the UN Security Council. [33], Brazil and Iran began expanding their bilateral economic relations in the early 1990s. Is Colombia’s Mentality Towards Immigration Really Changing? The increase in economic ties comes in contrast to the U.S. approach to Iran, in which the U.S. has increased economic sanctions on Iran as a way to penalize the country for its continued interest in nuclear proliferation. “. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described this agreement as a “strong draft” of a resolution. Brazil Calls Relations with Iran Important. Zelada stressed that the decision to leave was not motivated by political pressures, saying “it’s a strictly technical evaluation.”[53], In December 2009, International Monetary Fund (IMF) data analyzed by the Latin Business Chronicle confirmed that Iran-Latin American trade soared 209% in 2008, totaling in $2.9 billion. "[44], In late May 2009, Israeli news website Ynet obtained a detailed dossier drafted by the Israeli Foreign Ministry on Iran’s activities in South America. [55] Neither Brazil nor Iran has published statistics on their bilateral trade, however. The political undersecretary also spoke of the June 2009 re-election of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, stating that a “genuine election was held in Iran; it was not a make-believe affair designed to comply with the formalities of a democracy.”[62, In July 2009, Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Lieberman visited Brazil in what was viewed as an attempt to counter Iranian influence in the region. [30], In May 2010, the P5+1, that is Russia, Germany, Britain, France, China, and the U.S., reached a new agreement regarding sanctions against Iran. [46] The Foreign Ministry report claimed that particularly “since Ahmadinejad’s rise to power, Tehran has been promoting an aggressive policy aimed at bolstering its ties with Latin American countries with the declared goal of ‘bringing America to its knees.’”[47] The Ministry also detailed the economic ties between Tehran and South America. “. Iran has created firm relations with Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, and Bolivia. Image Brazil-Iran-relations hosted in ImgBB. During summer 2019, Mia completed research on the use and accessibility of contraception in the University setting in Manizales, Colombia through the Seminar and Field Trip by the Center for Latin American Studies. However, Bolsonaro’s political relationship with Iran has been less amicable. In a meeting…. "[1] Despite these congratulatory remarks from the Brazilian president, some Brazilian officials had earlier welcomed the street protests that followed the election. Brazil seeks to widen ties with Iran. The United States has justified intervention in Latin America under the idea that outside influence is dangerous and unwelcome. The trade and economic partnership between Iran and Brazil has expanded in recent years and was slated to grow even further after the completion of the Iran nuclear dealin 2015. Iran’s particularly close economic ties with countries like Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay has prompted different reactions among Latin American leaders towards the recent escalation. "[43] Speaking at the same May 2009 meeting, Nahavandian highlighted measures that could potentially “play [a] favorable role in expansion of relations,” including the “formation of joint maritime companies as well as establishment of a direct airline from Sao Paulo to Tehran. Plus, how Brazil’s relationship with Iran is developing after the Middle Eastern country attacked U.S. bases in Iraq. Brazil, Iran: A Troublesome Relationship for the U.S. Getting Keen on Iran From Stratfor Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva has been getting cozy with Iran as of late. The seemingly fractured economic relationship between Iran and Brazil has also been reflected by other Latin American states, including Argentina, that have decided to side with the United States. Trade relations remained at marginal rates throughout the 1990s, but commercial activity never ceased entirely, and by 2008 bilateral trade had soared to USD 1.2 billion, dramatically overshadowing the 2007 figure of USD 30 million. [34] Despite the vast reserves of oil and natural gas that both countries possess, cooperation in the 1990s did not extend far into the energy sector, though the two began discussing such cooperation early in their relationship. A year ago, a Brazilian ship, the Living,  carried 66,000 tons of sugar into Chabahar” (Aman 2018). [32] The Turkey-Brazil proposal would allow Iran to enrich uranium at a considerably high level of purity, that is, higher than levels permitted by international law. Iran has acted as a significant trading partner and consumer of Brazilian agricultural products. In October 2009, Israeli Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger told Brazilian Senate President (and former President) Jose Sarney, that for Israel, “it was a very sorry situation that Brazil was willing to receive someone who publicly states that he wants to destroy our country.”[65] Later that month, when Ahmadinejad arrived in Brazil at the start of his South American tour intended to increase ties with friendly governments in the face of increasing international pressure against the Iranian nuclear program, thousands of protestors took to the streets in Sao Paulo and Rid de Janeiro to denounce Ahmadinejad'’s record on human rights and his position towards Israel. [41] Ahmadinejad accepted and promised to bring a large delegation of private Iranian businessmen and economic advisors. Beyond regular trade links, the two began trading foodstuffs and discussed cooperating in joint infrastructure developments. [4] In September 2007, Brazil’s President Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva said that “Iran has the right to proceed with peaceful nuclear research and should not be punished just because of Western suspicions it wants to make an atomic bomb.…So far, Iran has committed no crime regarding the U.N. guidelines on nuclear weapons." Israel-Brazil relations. Since he ignores the humanitarian damage caused by war, Bolsonaro should take into account trade relations between Brazil and Iran, with which we have a surplus of more than $2bn a year. Speaking at a press conference with President Lula da Silva and Celso Amorim, Lieberman insisted that Brazil use its influence to curb Iran’s nuclear program. Economic relations expansion discussed between Iran, Brazil. The day before his departure amid the presidential election preparations, Ahmadinejad cancelled without providing any details to his Brazilian hosts, however. [9] Brazil, along with 5 other countries, abstained from voting, however. [40], Economic cooperation has helped pave the way for the developing diplomatic relations between the two countries. In response, Venezuela has recently come to Iran’s defense in the recent attacks from the U.S. while other Latin American countries are split or siding with the U.S. in the case of Brazil. He said he was working to forge a very close relationship with the United States, which is in Brazil’s national interest. Continue November 23, 2013. [42], During a May 2009 meeting with Chairman of Iran's Chamber of Commerce, Industries, and Mines Mohammad Nahavandian and Iran's Ambassador to Brazil Mohsen Shaterzadeh, Brazilian Minister of External Relations Celso Luiz Nunes Amorim described Iran as being the “new geographic partner in our country's policy.” Amorim credited the expansion of ties between Brazil and Iran as being the product of President Lula da Silva’s efforts, claiming that the Brazilian president “has defined a new geography in an effort to diversify Brazil's economic and trade ties. [35] In 2003, the National Iranian Oil Company granted Brazil’s Petrobras rights to explore Iran’s vast offshore oil reserves in the Persian Gulf. Although Iran is economically significant to Brazil, Bolsonaro’s administration has revealed that ties with Iran are likely to diminish. Today, we talk about how big Brazilian companies could miss out on Brazil’s recovery due to their high debts. Tehran buys one third of all Brazil’s corn exports. Brazil is Iran’s seventh-largest trade partner and by far its most important economic […] "[63] Head of the Iran-Brazil Parliamentary Friendship Group Hamid Reza Haji Babaei highlighted the strength of bilateral ties in August 2009, describing what he viewed as the significant role that the two countries’ relationship plays in the world. Iranian Ambassador to Brazil Hossein Qaribi and President of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil Rodrigo Maia have called for the expansion of relations between the two nations in all fields. In doing this, the U.S. also united North and South America under new anti-colonial, revolutionary, democratic values. On March 3, 2010, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Brasilia for talks aimed at convincing senior Brazilian officials to back new punitive measures against Iran’s suspicious nuclear program.

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