Commonly referred to as Mr. Gates (brilliant right? In the fourth scenario, minor boost, we see that this is not always the case. Whether Facebook recognizes the new URL as the same content, and thus carries over the URL scores, depends on whether the canonical URL is designated as specified in the guidelines for webmasters (Facebook, 2016). Furthermore, by monitoring these scores over time as time series data, we can get a good indication of the life cycle of news items on social media. This case study extends this literature into social media. Figure 1. The positive, significant effect of the independent variable Facebook publication indicates that one of the triggers for a wave is when a news item is published on the newspaper’s own Facebook page. Third, if the page views of news items on the website are also obtained, which requires collaboration with newspapers, the effect of engagement on readership could also be analyzed. Create a free website or blog at Regarding the counting of URL scores, the query string is simply ignored, meaning that all scores are attributed to the original URL. ( Log Out /  In this study, we investigate how much of an impact these social media editors really have, focusing on the impact of newspapers’ public pages on Facebook. When using these data, it is important to take two considerations into account regarding how Facebook deals with different URLs that point toward the same article. We first looked into the behavior of URL redirection or URL forwarding. A person who has a direct social network tie to the original poster can see this post and can interact with the post (e.g. Now they are no longer the audience or consumers, they are prosumers. Measuring these allows us to identify the mechanism by which the distribution of information in the real world is transformed into the distribution of information in media; we can identify the gatekeeping function. The third scenario, initiate diffusion, shows how an article that initially received little attention is launched by the Facebook publication. This also implies that a large portion of the engagement for newspaper items has to be attributed to alternative channels. Since newspapers would want to carry over engagement scores, they tend to follow these guidelines, and the newspapers in our study do provide the required open graph meta information tags. Gatekeeping is “controlling access to goods, services, or information, usually applied by individuals or groups in hierarchical organizations. Given the huge amount of events that occur each day, and the virtually countless number of ways to describe them, why do certain news messages spread like wildfire while other are left untold? The internet and social media are both forms of dialogic media that allows the audience to participate in the conversation. Although the use of aggregate engagement scores is only a proxy for news diffusion, it is arguably the closest we can get to measuring it without violating the privacy of individual users. These people are known as gate keepers. In our case, we estimate the counterfactual of the Facebook publication by using information about the time series from observations without or before the Facebook publication. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. Change ). In a world where “fake news” often competes with “real news,” gatekeeping can be programmed to tell the differences between the two types of content so that only the preferred data points are consumed by each individual. Note that while it is possible to use shorter cycles for more accurate observations, these settings were used taking the strain on our server into account. In addition to the observed values, we present the fitted values for our model, as addressed shortly. By monitoring these statistics over time, we can use time series analysis to investigate whether and when news items diffuse rapidly on social media and whether this can be predicted by certain events. In our interpretation, this is clearly seen in the boost diffusion, initiate diffusion, and minor boost scenarios. This indicates that popular news outlets could be less dependent on their own social media editing activities for their success on social media. Second, we cannot account for a possible correlation between the newspaper’s selection of items and the inherent shareworthiness of these items. A particularly strong form of interdependence occurs when gatekeepers operate within the same channels. When websites report engagement for their content, the sum of these scores is often used, which is how older versions of the Facebook Graph API report it. Examples of gatekeepers in the media … Based on personal or social influences they let the information to the group. Facebook does not reveal its formula for how the different indicators are balanced. For each news item, we then monitored the Facebook engagement scores by querying the Facebook Graph API with their canonical URL, for every 30 minutes since the publication time until up to 3 days. On the other hand, the newspaper’s news items are also shared and engaged with independently from them, which shows that they are indeed not gatekeepers in the traditional sense, where they control discrete gates and decide which items are in or out. Overall, these results reveal a duality in the gatekeeping influence of the newspapers’ Facebook pages. Bass (1969) argued, for instance, that when we study the gatekeeping process by investigating individual news outlets, we tend to underestimate the gatekeeping role of news agencies on which these news outlets often rely for much information. However, the engagement score for a URL can only be obtained for the current moment in time, meaning that to measure engagement over time the data have to be collected in real-time. The independent variables are the time since publication, the autoregression, and a dummy variable that indicates whether the article has been published on the newspaper’s Facebook page. the process of selection of information according to importance and relevance. The email address and/or password entered does not match our records, please check and try again. Bridget Goedke Around 38 hours later, the newspaper did publish the article on Facebook—possibly trying to boost it—but it did not get any traction. Finally, there is the complicated scenario in which a website changes the actual URL and redirects the old URL to the new one. ), he (she) has to decide what kind of news items will be published and what should not. Given the limitation that data on individual user engagement with news items are generally not available due to privacy considerations, we leveraged the use of aggregated engagement statistics. Although in this scenario we have little information about how popular the article would have been without the Facebook publication, the sudden burst of engagement would have been unlikely without the involvement of a powerful gatekeeper. This information can be in form of news, film, graphics art and photographs e.t.c. friends or followers on Facebook, followers on Twitter). Third, there are cases where the news item was posted on Facebook with some delay, after it received almost no engagement, in which case it could still initiate a wave of engagement. The big tick marks on the x-axis indicate the time at which the newspaper published the article on Facebook. Through this process, many people have to decide whether or … In a strict following of this definition, it can be argued that there will not be any gatekeepers in the digital age because the redundancy of channels “undermines the idea that there are discrete gates through which political information passes: if there are no gates, there can be no gatekeepers” (Williams and Carpini, 2000: 61).

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