SOHR said that at least 147 pro-government fighters and 151 opposition fighters were killed in the battle. [361] By 8 March, Lost Armor's database had posted images of 65 destroyed armored vehicles belonging to the SAA since 14 January 2019. On 29 January 2020, the Syrian Army encircled the Turkish observation post at Rashidin in the western outsrikts of Aleppo after pushing back rebel forces from the area. [323][326][322] Turkish sources reported that three more villages were retaken by the opposition in Idlib, making a total of 12 in the Turkish-backed offensive. [79][80] On 27 February, after intermittent deadly clashes between Turkish and Syrian forces, Turkey formally intervened in the offensive and announced the beginning of Operation Spring Shield with the aim of pushing Syrian government forces back to pre-offensive frontlines. Turkey said there were no ceasefire violations, although Russia reported several cases of militant gunfire in Idlib, Aleppo and Latakia governorates. NW Washington, D.C. 20057, Turkish Ministry of Defense released a montage of drone-strike footage, conventional air power for interdiction operations, Assad’s forces were only able to down five Turkish UAVs, With a rifle in one hand and a smart phone in the other, angry mobs outside the Russian consulate in Istanbul. It should be noted that though from late 2018 mid-March 2020 the fighting in Idlib was the most intense – various Rebel factions and remnants of ISIS are still waging low intensity guerrilla warfare in many of other, ostensibly pacified, areas. [204] Some of the displaced people have escaped to Syrian Democratic Forces controlled Manbij. – Enab Baladi", "Syrian army enters key Idlib town Saraqeb", "Israel 'hits Iran-backed fighters in Syria, "Breaking: Syrian Army crosses Aleppo-Damascus Highway after capturing new areas", "Syria Hears the Death Rattle of the Arab Spring as Assad and Putin Forces Advance", "Syrian Army Secures ICARDA Center and Two Towns Along M5 Highway", "Regime rapid advancement in rural Aleppo: only two km separate Syrian regime from controlling the strategic M5 • The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights", "Syrian shellfire kills Turkish soldiers in Idlib", "Rocket attack on Taftanaz military airport leaves ten people dead among Turkish troops and proxies factions", "Turkey says it hit 115 Syrian government targets, destroyed 101 after attacks on soldiers", "Syrian Army captures militant stronghold in southwest Aleppo", "Turkey says 51 Syrian soldiers killed as rebels hit back in Idlib", "Syria Relief Healthworker Killed In Airstrike - Syrian Arab Republic", "Eight health facilities affected by conflict in NW Syria in one week - Syrian Arab Republic", "Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mark Lowcock: Briefing to the Security Council on the humanitarian situation in Northwest Syria, 19 February 2020 - Syrian Arab Republic", "Syrian government retakes strategic highway as helicopter shot down", "Government troops seize highway in northwest Syria as Turkey-Russia talks end inconclusively", "Syrian regime forces carrying backpacks with UNICEF logo", "Exclusive: Syrian forces deliberately shot elderly women", "Syrian army makes gains in Idlib, opposition blames Turkey", "The highway that determines the future for Syria and its citizens", "AP Explains: Why Syria's M5 is Assad's highway to victory", "700,000 displaced by Idlib fighting as Syria-Turkey tensions rise", "Idlib's humanitarian crisis: Plight of Syrian children left suffering and dying during attacks", "Children dying from the cold in northwest Syria, says IRC - Syrian Arab Republic", "Erdoğan threatens Assad with retaliation if more troops harmed", "Vital Idlib aid deliveries resume after 'heavy bombing' - WFP", "People in Idlib race to flee airstrikes as safe area shrinks in Syria", "Syria government forces chip away at rebel enclave", "Syrian Army captures new ground in southwest Aleppo after failed jihadist offensive", "Syrian Army presses forward in west Aleppo as they approach key base", "SDF denies supporting Syrian government offensive against rebels in northwest Syria", "Idlib: The Syrian province where war crimes are being committed and the world is doing nothing to help", "Su-34 Nga lập kỳ tích chặn đứng quân Thổ - QĐ Syria bất ngờ mở hướng tiến công mới, phiến quân trở tay không kịp", "Assad vows to defeat rebels, as forces capture new ground", "Syrian forces seize most of Aleppo province, on eve of Turkey-Russia talks", "Syrian Army officially takes control of Greater Aleppo area as all militants withdraw west", "Assad pledges to continue onslaught that has displaced 900,000", "Assad says Syrian regime will see victory 'sooner or later' as hospitals and refugee camp targeted", "Syria's military hails advance against rebels in 'record time, "Breaking: 2 Hospitals Bombed in Aleppo, Syria Including Maternity Hospital, Last in Western Aleppo - Syrian Arab Republic", "Air strikes hit hospitals, camps in northwest Syria, Turkey demands pull-back", "Erdogan threatens 'imminent' Turkish operation in Syria", "Syrian regime shelled an IDPs camp near Deir Hassan village in Idlib, on February 19", Turkish forces and opposition factions storm Al-Nayrab amid fierce battles with regime forces, "Two Turkish soldiers killed as Syrian rebels stage assault on Idlib's Neirab", Fierce battles continue in Al-Nayrab and Turkish forces shell Saraqeb and surrounding villages intensively, "Turkey launches 'limited' operation to retake Idlib towns", Turkish-backed militants attempt to shoot down Russian aircraft over Idlib: video, Turkish soldiers killed in Syria amid threats of escalation, Clashes in Syria's Idlib kill 27 fighters: monitor, Rusya'dan İdlib açıklaması: Ankara'yla temas kurduk, Türkiye Suriye ordusuna yönelik topçu ateşini durduruldu, Son dakika haberleri... İdlib'den acı haber! [406], Schools have also been targeted. [115] The Deputy Defense Minister of the Syrian Interim Government said that HTS had blocked reinforcements sent by the SNA from areas in northern Aleppo such as Afrin and further alleged that the only SNA factions allowed into Idlib by HTS were the Levant Front, Ahrar al-Sharqiya and the Lions of the East Army. [138] Al-Masdar News reported that the Syrian Army had secured Ma'arrat al-Nu'man's flanks and further captured the town of al-Harradah. [208] Meanwhile, Turkish media reported that a 100-vehicle convoy of reinforcements, including troops, tanks and other military vehicles and equipment, had been deployed to the Idlib area. [172][better source needed] Army units stormed and captured the towns of Barqum, al-Zarbah and al-Salehiyah along the M5. [171][170], On 13 February, heavy bombardment and ground clashes forced the World Food Programme to pause their on-going relief efforts in Idlib, with Atareb especially severely affected. [220][221][222] After heavy fighting,[219] the rebels managed to briefly seize Nayrab. [142], On 30 January, the Syrian army reached the outskirts of the opposition stronghold of Saraqib, north of Ma'arrat al-Nu'man, after capturing the towns of Kafr Battikh, Tell Mardikh, Jobas, Qomhane, Hatamiyeh and Tell Dibs, pushing the front line to just three kilometers away from Saraqib's city center. The coalition also released video footage of mortar attacks against the government. [citation needed] The 25th Special Forces Division also captured the towns of Karrathin, al-Dahiriyah and al-Thuriyah as well as the Ebla University complex on the administrative border between southeast Idlib and southwest Aleppo by the end of the day. [29], By 22 December, government forces spearheaded by the 5th Corps and the 25th Special Mission Forces Division had made notable advances in the southeastern Idlib countryside, battling rebel units in the area and reportedly capturing over 15 towns and villages within a 48-hour period. [citation needed], On 16 January, the Syrian army captured three towns in southeast Idlib after troops stormed the towns of Talkhatra, Abu Jurayf and Khirbat Dawud in the morning. [81], On 5 March 2020, a meeting took place between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Russian President Vladimir Putin in which they agreed on a ceasefire beginning on 6 March that established a six-kilometer secure corridor along the M4 Highway. [364][370][371], On 8 March, after heavy shelling in violation of the ceasefire, Syrian Army forces captured the villages of Ma'arat Muqas and al-Burayi, near Kafr Nabl, in an uncontested attack, but later retreated—apparently under pressure from Russia. [103], According to a Russian major-general, a ceasefire was agreed with Turkey, which supported many of the rebel factions in the area, between late December 2019 and early January 2020; the ceasefire was introduced in the Idlib de-escalation zone on 9 January 2020. Syria Russia IranAllied militias: PMF-affiliated militias Liwa Fatemiyoun[1] Liwa Zainebiyoun[1], Syrian National Army Turkey (from 3 February), Abu Mohammad al-Julani[30](Hayat Tahrir al-Sham leader) Abu Ubeidah al-Kansafra †(Hayat Tahrir al-Sham commander)[31][better source needed] The army attempted to capture the village after they seized several hills to its northeast. People walk by a damaged building on which illustrations of the novel coronavirus have been spray painted in Idlib, Syria, on April 18, 2020. 17. [citation needed] Pro-government forces later captured the town of Tell Hadiyah in the area while, on the Idlib front, continued their northern advance along the M5, capturing the town of Talhiyah. [174][175][170] The attack destroyed military hardware and supplies including trucks, APCs and a main battle tank. [166] By 7 February, after two days of siege, government forces took most of the city, opening the road towards the city of Idlib. The three towns were secured following several hours of clashes that killed 22 militants, including 16 jihadists, according to SOHR. [301] Pro-opposition sources said Turkish-backed rebels captured a further seven towns on the Zawiya mountain front[302] while Turkish media reported that nine villages were recaptured by the Syrian National Army in the first 24 hours of the new phase of the operation, naming Anqawi, al-Qahira, Al-Manara and Tal Zajran villages in the Hama countryside and Al-Halluba, Qoqfin, Kafr Avid, Sfuhan and Fattara in southern Idlib, destroying at least three SAA tanks and killing at least 46 government soldiers. [94], On 30 November, HTS and other rebel groups reportedly captured several villages near the Abu al-Duhur Military Airbase, according to pro-government sources. Nine years into one of the most brutal civil wars in living memory, Idlib province stands as the last rebel-held territory in Syria. [252][253][254][255], On 26 February, Syrian government forces were reported to have captured 33 towns and villages in Idlib and Hama in the previous 60 hours, while a SOHR report said that a Turkish military column on the Bara–Kansafra road was targeted by government rockets, leaving a vehicle destroyed. The ministry and Syrian state media added that the militants also used attack drones and car bombs and that the assault pushed the SAA out of two settlements in Idlib. [404] Some 70 hospitals were bombed out of action. [90][91] The next day, a second advance was attempted by government forces targeting the village of al-Farjah, which Syrian state media reported as being under the control of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). The battle for Idlib ignited in December of 2019, when the long-held understanding between Moscow and Ankara over the province began to unravel. HTS denied the claims. [271] Turkish drone and artillery strikes on Syrian army positions in the east and south of the governorate were reported to have targeted helicopters, tanks, armoured vehicles, howitzers, ammunition trucks and ammunition depots. [210][211] Syrian state media also shared images of Aleppo residents apparently celebrating the recent advances, which reportedly pushed rebel mortar teams out of adequate firing range of the city for the first time in years and, along with the capture of the M5, was set to facilitate future civilian movement between northern and southern Syria up to pre-war levels. Battle for control of strategic highway kills dozens of pro-government fighters, Syrian troops and rebels, monitor says. [305][283][306][60] In response, Syria said it had shot down three Turkish drones. [118], By the end of the month, hundreds of SNA fighters (two brigades) were transferred to Idlib as a result of an agreement with HTS, which had previously blocked the entry of SNA combatants. [408], Military operation of the Syrian civil war, Collapse of Islamic State in Syria (April – Nov. 2017), Syrian War spillover and international incidents, Foreign involvement in the Syrian Civil War, Army captures the M5 highway and continued Turkish clashes, Rebel counteroffensive toward Saraqib begins, Al-Ghab plain-Zawiya mountains assault, rebels recapture Saraqib, No-fly zone in Idlib and battle for Saraqib, Aftermath and Russian–Turkish joint patrols, Turkish losses presented do not include early claims of 50–100 dead in the February 2020. [260][261] The counterattack also lifted the encirclement of the four Turkish observation posts established around the city's perimeter. 2 şehit, 5 yaralı, Turkey Claims 'More Than 50' Syrian Forces Killed After Two Turkish Soldiers Killed in Airstrike, Breaking: Russia destroys 10 Turkish-backed militant vehicles in northern Syria, "Turkey suffers casualties as Syrian government continues advance on Idlib", Nearly 45 regime and Turkish soldiers and rebels killed in shelling and violent battles on Al-Nayrab frontline, east of Idlib, Turkey Asks U.S. for Patriot Missiles to Deter Russia in Syria, Turkey asks US for Patriot missiles as two Turkish soldiers killed in Idlib airstrike, В Турции опровергли сообщения о просьбе к США поставить ЗРК Patriot, "Turkey, Russia discussing use of Syrian air space in Idlib: minister", "Syrian regime bombed several vital facilities in Hazarin village in Idlib, on February 20", "Syrian regime bombed a mosque in Ma'aret Harma village in Idlib, on February 20", Regime artillery fire injures many Turkish soldiers in Jabal Al-Zawiya forcing Turkish troops to retreat, Syrian Army seizes 3 more towns in southeast Idlib as jihadists retreat west, Jihadist defenses collapse in southern Idlib as Syrian Army advances across Jabal Al-Zawiya, Regime and Russian jets target Turkish post south of Idlib, killing and injuring ten soldiers, Several Turkish soldiers allegedly killed in new Syrian-Russian air attack in Idlib, Turkish troops respond to regime aerial bombardment on Turkish post in Kansafra, while Russian raids kill five civilians in Jabal Al-Zawiya, Turkish-backed militants retake key town in eastern Idlib after costly battle, "Factions control Neirab town, nine members of the regime forces were killed in Turkish ground shelling on rural Idlib, and 37 dead of the regime forces and the factions in Neirab town", "Moderate opposition takes key village in northern Syria", "Kafranbel: Iconic revolutionary town falls to the Assad regime", Over 15 areas fall to regime forces in south Idlib countryside in less than 36 hours, and 16 regime soldiers, rebels and jihaids killed in Al-Nayrab battles, Backed by intensive Turkish firepower, rebels advance from Al-Nayrab and capture new area west of saraqeb, Syrian regime jets target Turkish troops at Taftanaz military airport northeast of Idlib, and rocket attacks on Idilb leave four people dead, Agency: the Syrian army shot down a Turkish plane marching over Idlib … video, "February 25, 2020, 25 civilians killed in Syria", "Syria: footage shows rescue mission after airstrikes target schools in Idlib – video", 'WE ARE OVERWHELMED': DOCTORS IN SYRIA'S IDLIB ARE 'POWERLESS' IN THE FACE OF RUSSIAN-BACKED OFFENSIVE, MSF SAYS, "Syria: Indiscriminate attacks on civilians must stop", "Fresh Syria strikes 'target schools and hospitals, Regime forces target Turkish military column in Jabal Al-Zawiyah destroying at least one vehicle, Two Turkish troops killed as state media intensifies attack on Russia, "Syrian regime bombed a hospital in Idlib city, on February 26", "Toll of civilian victims killed by Syrian- Russian alliance in northwest Syria during 44 days", "Turkish-backed Syrian opposition forces claim gains in Idlib", "Turkish forces and proxy factions capture Saraqeb city, cutting off Damascus-Aleppo international highway", "Turkish forces break siege imposed on military posts in Saraqeb, while regime forces advance further into Sahl Al-Ghab", "Syrian rebels retake key town in Idlib from Assad forces", Regime forces advance further in Sahl Al-Ghab and ten villages separate them from having full control over Hama province, and rebels carry out new offensive far east of Idlib backed by Turkish firepower, "Deciphering Turkey's darkest night in Syria", Turkish soldiers die from airstrikes in Idlib, Dozens of Turkish soldiers killed in strike in Idlib in Syria, "At least 33 Turkish soldiers killed in an air attack by Syrian regime, Turkish governor says", "Attack in Syria's Idlib killed 33 Turkish soldiers: Hatay governor", Erdoğan is reaping what he sowed: Turkey is on the brink of disaster in Syria, "Alarm after Syrian attack kills Turkish soldiers", At least 34 Turkish soldiers killed during airstrikes in Idlib, "Erdoğan is reaping what he sowed: Turkey is on the brink of disaster in Syria", "Dozens of Turkish soldiers killed in strike in Idlib in Syria", "The Strike: Did Russia Knowingly Target Turkish Troops? [114] Pro-government media reported that HTS withdrew from its defensive positions in and around Ma’arat Al-Nu’man as well as other defensive positions in the southern Idlib countryside, handing control over to Ansar al-Tawhid, part of the Rouse the Believers Operations Room. [120] Turkey's defense ministry announced that the ceasefire would take effect on 12 January and said that Syrian and Russian land and air attacks would halt at one minute past midnight. This is a quick update on the recent developments in Idlib and Aleppo and the offensive of the Syrian Army against the Islamist terrorists there.

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